26.3k Skua Comments

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.9 years ago

    @FatNinja it shouldn't, no. I had a quick look at your planes, though; you've already got some wing loadings that are easily low enough to top-notch manoeuvrability. This one in particular has the potential to handle fantastically. Moving the CoM back a bit does this. Note that I haven't spent the time to balance this one properly, so it noses down a bit, but it should definitely demonstrate to handling potential in that plane.

  • Speed Resistance Challenge entry - Fulmar 8.9 years ago


    Ehh I disappear from Hangouts occasionally, I'm sure nobody will mind too much. It's not like they don't know to find me here if they want.

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.9 years ago

    @FatNinja use less weight and/or more wing area

  • User tag test 8.9 years ago

    @humangrenade not that I know of. Why do you ask?

  • Speed Resistance Challenge entry - Fulmar 8.9 years ago

    @Mod you're an idiot hahaha. Sorry I haven't been on Hangouts or Steam lately, I've just needed a little time to be antisocial and avoid people. I'll be back soon

  • Scorpion II - VT 8.9 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr I don't have one, unfortunately I haven't had a whole lot of time for SP this week

  • Scorpion II - VT 8.9 years ago

    @DeezDucks I can do something like that. I'm busy just now but I'll get back to you on it soon!

  • Scorpion II - VT 8.9 years ago

    @DeezDucks what sort of thing did you have in mind?

  • Foldout missiles 8.9 years ago

    @Flightsonic ah right, cool

  • User tag test 8.9 years ago

    @KingDeadshot @Jetspeed1001 @JacobHardy64 @TehDuck

  • Foldout missiles 8.9 years ago

    @Flightsonic I just asked you to take a screenshot so we could see, because when I look, Salvador's profile just shows the regular image for a user that doesn't have a gravatar

  • Something is messed up with Salvador's Gravatar... 8.9 years ago

    Can you screenshot that for us? I just see the regular image for when the user doesn't have a gravatar

  • Sa.19 Skeiron 8.9 years ago

    @Kimo well I have to keep an eye on things, after all! That design looks interesting, I shall try to finish my current project as quickly as I can so that I can help

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld sorted

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld what's the favour?

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld those changed over shortly after I joined the site, I think, so I wouldn't have seen it much. I guess the bug came from the switch

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @ShatteredAviation yep!

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @ShatteredAviation yeah, it still tells me next to my name at the top right of the screen. You can also work out roughly how many points the mods and devs have by looking at where they are on the Users page

  • enola gay española 8.9 years ago

    @Luxray eso está bien, usted no ha hecho nada malo. No puedo hablar español, así que tengo que usar un traductor demasiado

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @ShatteredAviation yeah, sorry about that, we're basically just regular users besides the whole rulekeeping thing

  • BAe Hawk - Red Arrows colours 8.9 years ago

    @Kimo they kind of are, but if I finish up the current projects I have, I might be able to help. I love your builds anyway, so working with you on something would be cool. What did you have in mind?

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr it was actually Latent that removed it, but my post was just confirming that it was an alt

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    @ShatteredAviation I don't actually have any particular special influence with the devs, I just help keep an eye on things here

  • Wierd Noticifactions 8.9 years ago

    Upvotes have done that for as long as I can remember. It's weird

  • jellinater 8.9 years ago

    Please do not name planes after YouTubers. This is considered spam and is against the rules. This post has been removed, but it can go back up if you sort the name and reply to me.

  • rocket powered car for jelllllllllly 8.9 years ago

    As I mentioned on the other car I removed, please do not name things after YouTubers.

  • jelllllllllllllly 8.9 years ago

    This post has been removed for breaking two rules: first of all, naming planes after YouTubers is not allowed. Secondly, reposting the same thing multiple times is spam. Please don't do either of these things.

  • enola gay española 8.9 years ago

    @Warbrine all it says is "Spanish Enola Gay". Enola Gay is the name of the B-29 that dropped the first nuclear weapon

  • Folder pw 8.9 years ago

    @trainsboyhen please make more significant changes than just adding two guns if you're going to upload an edit. This isn't enough to describe as an "improvement".

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.9 years ago

    @Flightsonic yeah, that should work fine. Up to 30 or 40 can still work pretty nicely

  • WHY DOES IT GO SIDE WAYS 8.9 years ago

    @Phantion no, when you go to share the aircraft, there's an option to make it either public or unlisted. Unlisted means that people can only see it if they have a link to it; it won't show up on the new page or on your profile, and it can't get comments or votes

  • Pigpen 8.9 years ago

    inb4 this gets reported as a copy

  • New images, and I need help with unity! 8.9 years ago

    Unity can be kinda funny when saving the mods, it's worth just trying to save it again and using the new file.

  • WHY DOES IT GO SIDE WAYS 8.9 years ago

    Upload an unlisted version so we can take a look?

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.9 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr @Engineer69 come on guys, both of you are just trying to advertise your planes. Please don't do that.

  • BLUE LIGHTNING 8.9 years ago

    @ledog123 Don't swear on the site, please. Censoring one letter really doesn't help. Your comment has been removed.

  • Miles 123456 8.9 years ago

    @Jetspeed1001 the user in question got temp banned for their persistent copying

  • XML modder needed! 8.9 years ago

    @ValtsuAircraftIndustries @goboygo1 not to mention that it's only 229kb, it's absolutely tiny

  • D-103-A02 Delphinus-III by Delphinus 8.9 years ago

    @MediocrePlanes this user has done this a few times before, temp ban ahoy

  • What do you think about requirement for "mobile friendly" of my case? 8.9 years ago

    @Farhad don't post links for pirating this game on this site. If somebody wants the game, they can pay the devs the price they deserve for making it. Your comment has been removed.

  • cekirge 8.9 years ago

    @halayci42 you were warned.

  • Shitty but flys 8.9 years ago

    Please don't swear on the site, we have quite a lot of younger users here. This post can go back up if you edit the title and description, then reply to me

  • Hey skua? 8.9 years ago

    Here you go. Add that text to your locations in settings.xml

  • Copy or original 8.9 years ago

    @Warbrine @PINK guys, this user doesn't seem to have done anything wrong at all. The design is more complex than you would normally expect from a new user, but well within the bounds of plausibility. The similarity in construction suggests to me that they were inspired by the Hellkeska. Unless you have some actual evidence, nothing should be done here

  • ! Why does this work 8.9 years ago

    Please don't upload the work of other users. This has been removed.

  • Literally infinite fuel-for a about a year in real life-maybe 8.9 years ago

    @MinecraftConnor1217 this is over and dealt with, please leave it be.

    @bjac0 that's a completely disproportionate response, calm yourself down.

  • Copy or original 8.9 years ago

    @Warbrine @PINK what makes this suspicious?

  • BAe Hawk - Red Arrows colours 8.9 years ago

    @Farhad ehh, it doesn't really matter where you put it, honestly. I like placing it on the block just above the engine, personally, but it looks pretty good with one on each wingtip too

  • BAe Hawk - Red Arrows colours 8.9 years ago

    @Farhad right... I deliberately left the mod part off of the part so that everyone could download it, rather than only people with the mod. The plane will work fine on Android though, so if you have the mod, you can just stick the smoke emitter on the plane wherever you want. It doesn't need any other changes to work