26.3k Skua Comments

  • BAe Hawk - Red Arrows colours 8.8 years ago

    @poenix the file path is c:\Users\[you]\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns. Note that AppData is a hidden folder by default, so you may need to enable those. I suspect that may be the one that's causing you trouble. Once you get to AircraftDesigns, you'll see an xml file for each of your saved planes. You can open these in a any text editor (I use Notepad++) and change values there.

  • X Wing 8.8 years ago

    @cjrenagade300 the part about copying still applies.

  • BUGGI 8.8 years ago

    @poophead5 what modifications did you make?

  • Jet blasterv.6 8.8 years ago

    Since you have continued stealing other people's work after several warnings, you will receive a temporary ban.

  • A question to you guys! 8.8 years ago

    @TehNewDucky none of that bitterness, please. It's over now.

  • A question to you guys! 8.8 years ago

    @TehDuck thank you

  • A question to you guys! 8.8 years ago

    @TehDuck @TehNewDucky right, as far as I can tell, you've been as bad as each other. I can see why TND's name would give the wrong impression, but it has been in use long before TND made an account for SP. As such, I think it's fine for TND to keep his account name. Now can we put this behind us?

  • A question to you guys! 8.8 years ago

    @TehDuck @TehNewDucky right, both of you please just stop fighting for a moment while I go read back and see what happened

  • Warthog Halo (missle) 8.8 years ago

    @Wullae why so aggressive? Mattmck gave advice, and Ronus was fine with it

  • DEVS!!!!!! 8.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 if you really want to do that, change your engine's input to another control. VTOL is probably a good one.

  • 6000mph 8.8 years ago

    @Manatee @General360 guys, I think that since this actually flies (I assume, I haven't tested it) then it's enough of a change.

  • ultimate ((jjeellyy)) plane 8.8 years ago

    Please don't name things after YouTubers, this is considered spam. I have removed this post, but I'll put it back up for you if you rename it and reply to me.

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted no problem. I hope you're feeling a bit better.

  • exploration 2000 8.8 years ago

    Careful not to post things repeatedly

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted ask him when you next see him, maybe

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted the best thing to do with an apology is to say what needs said and then leave it at that. You've said what you need to, anything further isn't getting anyone anywhere.

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted I don't know, I'm only going off of what they said to me in another post. It's a new account, though, so they may have only just started playing

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted no, IndianaBones knows you in real life. S/he seemed concerned for you

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @JDM so I see. Thanks.

  • maybe I should just kill myself 8.8 years ago

    @IknowImNotWanted I can only suggest that you find a helpline for your area and call it

  • IL-2 Sturmovik 8.8 years ago

    @SimplePlanesRUSH what happens when you try to?

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones well a) we can't really know if it was his friend or if that was just his excuse, and b) it keeps happening, so he's obviously not doing much to stop his friend from doing this.

  • The j plane 8.8 years ago

    Please don't name things after YouTubers, or upload things that you didn't make.

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones what JDM said. Literally over 300 posts before we got there to stop it

  • Scorpion II - VT 8.8 years ago

    @Jetspeed1001 cheers, I'll take a look

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones well that stuff is connected to the account. Anything he had saved on the game should still be there, though. And yeah, it would be nice if it had just never happened

  • Question for skua 8.8 years ago

    @GrimMantis I guess it still works without the capital. Which is nice to know, actually, because I've been meaning to find out

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones I'm sure he'll get better. At the end of the day, it is only a game. He can still play the game, too, he just can't use an account on the site.

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones well the devs are the only ones that can do an IP ban, generally upon the request of one or more moderators.

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones the explanation I got form him was that it was his friend on his tablet. We can't really have it happening so many times, though.

  • Question for skua 8.8 years ago

    @Warbrine like making the letters out of fuselages or something? Yeah that's fine

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones it wasn't me that did the IP banning, I only dealt with the account that was doing the spamming at the time. That said, the IP ban decision came about because this has happened several times from that IP.

  • tired of people ripping people off 8.8 years ago

    @Warbrine that would be kinda cool. Maybe something that shows the proportion of parts done by each user involved.

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @JDM he was responsible for a large amount of racist spam

  • Should we name the auto-mod? 8.8 years ago

    While RocketLL is technically right, I'm gonna suggest Arnie

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones alright, cool

  • front scorpion may 8.8 years ago

    Please don't post things that you didn't make. Editing planes is fine, but you must make significant changes and improvements to justify uploading them.

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @IndianaBones yes. I assume you have some connection?

  • Hello 8.8 years ago

    @H2O2tlo SimpleTechAndResearch will still be able to see your comments.

  • Curtis P-36 Mohawk (WHIT MODED GUNS!) 8.8 years ago

    @tinozvokt you really need to make more changes than that to justify uploading somebody else's plane. Cedy117 put a lot of work in to these planes (and I did a good bit on them too), just adding a couple of guns doesn't really bring anything to the design.

  • Question 8.8 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr I actually need to work them out again, I think the islands were shuffled about

  • go 8.8 years ago

    You've had this exact plane removed before. Since you ignored me and did the same thing again, you will be receiving a temporary ban.

  • KWEBB NUKE {for kwebblekop [press one to lanch the NUKE] 8.8 years ago

    Please don't name things after YouTubers, this is considered spam. I have removed this post, but I'll put it back up for you if you rename it and reply to me.

  • tired of people ripping people off 8.8 years ago

    @Dredex we take that pretty seriously, so report or tag it if you see it

  • Bob the Mech 8.8 years ago

    @djbanana nah I'll ban repeat offenders, but only if they're been warned at least once. If someone posts a whole load of copies without getting caught, I won't instantly ban them, I'll remind them to stop doing that. If they keep doing it after that, that's when the bans come in.

  • Bob the Mech 8.8 years ago

    @Wullae the legs are from SpiritusRaptor, right? Even if you didn't make the two halves, putting them together is a pretty major change, so I think we can keep it about. Obviously it can't be a successor to both designs, so maybe add a link in the description to the SR build that you got the legs from, just out of courtesy.

  • go 8.8 years ago

    @RichardRuthless please don't upload things that you didn't make. Edits are fine, but you must make substantial changes and improvements to justify it.

  • go 8.8 years ago

    @UltimatePilot @foxythegamer12 nah, this will be removed. What was the one that you reported before?

  • destroy the freight 8.8 years ago

    Please don't upload things that you didn't make. Edits are fine, but you must make substantial changes and improvements to justify it.

  • J-20 8.8 years ago

    Please don't upload things that you didn't make. Edits are fine, but you must make substantial changes and improvements to justify it.