@DwiAngkasaAeronautics as great as this build is, if stealth was your goal, then you already failed by not hiding the engine frontally. Otherwise, great build!
@ExpressBurst34 if this is how good your first build is, I can only imagine how much better you'll get, and how quickly at that. Nice work, you deserve a spotlight!
@Reaper6872 in that case, I'd highly recommend you move your center of mass and center of lift closer if you'd like to make your jet more maneuverable. She does not pull much.
@Noname918181818181818181 and you won't even see it coming.
Strike Version coming soon...
@Zaineman where you at???
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics as great as this build is, if stealth was your goal, then you already failed by not hiding the engine frontally. Otherwise, great build!
@VinFage thanks for your rating! Yeah, don't know why, but the frames per second in game decreased a bit for some reason during the recording process.
@VinFage as an expert video maker yourself, what do you think of this?
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 just wanted to say I'm happy you haven't left permanently, it seems. Glad you appear to be doing better now!
+1@Zaineman you didn't think I'd disappear, did you?
Not like @GuyFolk who hasn't been on in over a year!
If you'd like me to tag you upon this aircraft's release, give me a T!
@rookie123 I can't NOT spotlight this masterpiece. This would be amazing even for a Platinum-ranked player on SP!
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 confirmed it, as in they decided he was guilty of stealing artwork?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 so you're saying WCJuan isn't banned off here?
@Graingy thousands of players in SP. Not like you could really get everyone's personality.
@Fillo5ophy "Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on Simpleplanes?"
"Sir... Spotlighting this Pelican."
+1@Fillo5ophy dang, this is outstanding for a low-level player. Nice work!
@ExpressBurst34 if this is how good your first build is, I can only imagine how much better you'll get, and how quickly at that. Nice work, you deserve a spotlight!
+2@AirNK that said, if I were you, I'd find someone who can take decent pictures for your build, such as @RestlessGalaxies .
+2@RestlessGalaxies I know. I thought I'd at least make the podium. Maybe I was too arrogant...
@MosquitowithaMachineGun FA-7X-D Super Zenith: "My, what a big radar signature you have! Would be a shame if my ARGAAMs were to... TRACK IT!"
+1As much as I dislike a certain country that might be making this, your build is awesome!
+4@Reaper6872 in that case, I'd highly recommend you move your center of mass and center of lift closer if you'd like to make your jet more maneuverable. She does not pull much.
@Reaper6872 you should probably find someone to take better pics, though. I'd recommend @RestlessGalaxies .
That actually looks really nice for a low rank such as yourself. Nice work!
@RX9115S I'd spotlight, but I'm only 1 point away from being higher than you on the ranks. And more now that I upvoted your build.
+1@WinsWings pretty sure the F-100 Super Sabre is also 2nd gen.
+1@SonsoftheMoth That is about as 2nd Gen as an F-16. Your plane looks way too advanced to even be considered 3rd Gen, let alone 2nd!