2,339 Skycapsn Comments

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thank you! It’s very close. Some parts won’t let you totally customize the size perfectly, but it’s close. @Simplemike

  • MV-22B Osprey 2.3 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 yaaaaaaaasss!!!!

  • Aegis Avenger Titan 5.4 years ago

    Oh my gosh, how?! Amazing!

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thank you! @CenturiVonKikie

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Any role players: $73 million per unit, $7 million/server year to license. @Aeromen @SubXtribe @melojam

  • MV-22B Osprey 1.3 years ago

    @MobileBuilder21 thank you!

  • MV-22B Osprey 1.5 years ago

    @armyiran2500 thank you!

  • MV-22B Osprey 4.6 years ago

    Thanks @Zenithic, that means a lot coming from a naval aviator!

  • MV-22B Osprey 4.7 years ago

    @Panthers4741 thanks for the tip!

  • AMV-22B Thumper 4.7 years ago

    Agreed haha. It’s hard to be accurate. Sometimes I just keep the belly gun extended and use the nose of the aircraft to acquire ground targets and use missiles. I like the FLIR and having the main cockpit inside it gives it Some cool abilities, but it also off centers the views so much that it looks weird from the chase or orbit cams when it flies.

  • MV-22B Osprey 4.7 years ago

    @SFNox what is the plane doing that is giving you troubles? If the nacelles are anything other than airplane mode, 8 needs to be active. If it's not, the drag created by the ailerons will roll the aircraft in the opposite direction (adverse yaw, less lift over the slower wing). Just a stab in the dark as to what might be giving you issues.

  • MV-22B Osprey 4.7 years ago

    Thank you all for the feedback!! It’s pretty exciting to see a project get good reception. As far as previous builds alta2809, I had an osprey previous to this but didn’t see a way to overwrite it when uploading an updated model. I wanted to make sure only the best one was available so I took some of the previous versions off. Arentrammel, how would you say the controls are specific?

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    You’re right about the osprey using gyros to provide aircraft state information to the computers so it knows where it is in space and where it’s going and how it’s rotating and such so the computers know what to do to keep it flying (all fly by wire aircraft are like this im pretty sure) but the gyros themselves do not exert any significant rotation or force on the airframe. The gyros in this game seem different in that they themselves exert forces in response to uncommanded aircraft movement and also to control inputs. My goal was to make this without them just to appreciate the different aero/inertial tendencies that the osprey faces in real life (and solves with aerodynamic control inputs). Needless to say, this one is not easy to fly!! @RYAviation

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    Thank you! How do you mean? Like what exactly does the real osprey have in the way of gyros? I know they can exist in cockpit instruments for attitude indicators, but I’ve never heard of there being gyros in planes that exert control moments and forces. Have you? @RYAviation

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    Thanks for the compliment! As far as spirals go, if you’re in airplane mode, be sure to have group 8 deactivated (it’s defaulted to active). Remaining level with minimal roll inputs with nacelles anywhere fwd of 45 is crucial. Once 8 is deactivated, it just used flaperons, elevator, and rudders to control movement and will be way easier to control. I hear you though, it’s not easy to fly with small controls that go full deflection with very little movement! I’m also sure it’s not your phones fault, I’ve just experienced some variance in the physics when comparing IOS to my windows Pc. @HeavyC22

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    Thanks!! I was pretty excited to get this thing functioning without a gyro... kinda felt like I was cheating a little. I can upload one with the gyro again if you want though, that’d be no problem. If you want to tweak it aerodynamically try decreasing the total collective pitch range. It’s sitting at about 15% right now, try 8%. It won’t go as fast and will take more power to hover but the roll control will be more benign. @RYAviation

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    As in, it’s too responsive? Any proverse or adverse yaw when you roll? What platform are you playing on? @HeavyC22

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.1 years ago

    Thanks! Where/when do you have trouble with roll? @HeavyC22

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    You’re not wrong @cedblox332 haha. I’ve still got some kinks to work out as far as CG and tweaks to the gyro. It adverse yaws like crazy when you’re anywhere north of 50kts with the flaps extended and trying to roll/slide.

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thank you! @JED

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    They are quite difficult on this build. Any maneuvering done as a helicopter (specifically roll) requires a lot of rudder coordination. I tried adding collective pitch as a roll control for hovering but it’s way too sensitive and causes an insane proverse yaw in airplane mode. I’m sure the designers of this plane faced similar problems in real life. I can’t imagine this plane would fly in real life without fly by wire! There is a gyro in the mid-wing area above the fuselage. Zoom in so you can see into the mid-wing and edit the gyro. If you up the rotation and stability you will get way better results, it will just auto level all the time which is less realistic in my opinion. It’s a trade off. @Vampface

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Sold. @SubXTribe

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thank you very much!! @Ryn176

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    @Aeromen Sold. Keep your eyes peeled for updates/new variants.

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    I’ll post that here vise discord bc I won’t be RP’ing myself, but that doesn’t mean CAP10 Industries can’t shamelessly deal to both sides and profit billions of RP dollars! Haha enjoy!

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thanks!! @AWESOMENESS360

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Wow! I had no idea that existed here. How does all of that work? (Selling, licensing, accessing the RP function) is there a way to PM on this website?

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Yes? What does that mean in this context? @Aeromen

  • MV-22 Osprey 5.9 years ago

    Thanks! @CRJ900Pilot

  • AV-8B Harrier (USMC) MKI 8.5 years ago

    @Cartera1 thanks a lot!!

  • AV-8B Harrier (USMC) MKI 8.5 years ago

    @Tully2001 thank you! I'm glad you like it!