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Sad @OwO
Can I see @OwO
What places is it @OwO
Give me ur points
My iPad is a computer. We need maywar
I saw it @AWESOMENESS360
Sorry @OwO
I’m gonna read comments @OwO @OwO
Ik your secrets.,... sorry friend @OwO
Bruh @OwO
Can i join @Learpot @Learpot
Show me @Learpot
Nice! @tsampoy @tsampoy
Why @tsampoy
No mobile mods
So sad @WiiMini
I’m here @WiiMini
I dont thinrk u made this
What a way to get points
Who thinks i can u put my hands trough this and grab a tamoto
Raw yam
Show me it @DerpTheSoyacfartala
You have a link? @DerpTheSoyacfartala
What you talking about @DerpTheSoyacfartala
Doot doot here comes the updoot....
This is copy right :~|
@Zaineman your friend list is so long how would someone ever find themselves lol
Yo! I got support! That means a lot because all my old friends left the website!@MRM19 @ToeTips
It is long lol, but that means your popular and get a lot of upvotes
@MrCOPTY that even exists..
Agreed, as a pc player I can see why people want mods but they have to understand it’s impossible even since jundroo can’t change a billion dollar company’s mind (android / apple)
@realSavageMan congratulations on 400k.
Make a upvote button and tell people not to upvote. That = upvotes
Took me 5 years for 10k so your on the same path
T, and you should have 400 for 4 years 🤔
I’m American 100% and I don’t think this is peaceful, it’s loud big and crushes things, like my mom.
@ToeTips one of the most famous funky tree players
@ConvoyPerson especially since she is so nice.
Your name is caper, tattoo it to your arm
@MrCOPTY females are also like airplanes cause they cost a lot.
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+3Sad @OwO
+3Can I see @OwO
+3What places is it @OwO
+3Give me ur points
+3My iPad is a computer. We need maywar
+3I saw it @AWESOMENESS360
+3Sorry @OwO
+3I’m gonna read comments @OwO @OwO
+3Ik your secrets.,... sorry friend @OwO
+3Bruh @OwO
+3Can i join @Learpot @Learpot
+3Show me @Learpot
+3Nice! @tsampoy @tsampoy
+3Why @tsampoy
+3No mobile mods
+3So sad @WiiMini
+3I’m here @WiiMini
+3I dont thinrk u made this
+3What a way to get points
+3Who thinks i can u put my hands trough this and grab a tamoto
+3Raw yam
+3Show me it @DerpTheSoyacfartala
+3You have a link? @DerpTheSoyacfartala
+3What you talking about @DerpTheSoyacfartala
+3Doot doot here comes the updoot....
+3This is copy right :~|
+3@Zaineman your friend list is so long how would someone ever find themselves lol
+2Yo! I got support! That means a lot because all my old friends left the website!@MRM19 @ToeTips
+2It is long lol, but that means your popular and get a lot of upvotes
+2bug there is no huge changes in update
+2@MrCOPTY that even exists..
+2Agreed, as a pc player I can see why people want mods but they have to understand it’s impossible even since jundroo can’t change a billion dollar company’s mind (android / apple)
+2I think they need to set simpleplanes to 50% off everywhere so we get new players.
+2@realSavageMan congratulations on 400k.
+2Make a upvote button and tell people not to upvote. That = upvotes
+2Took me 5 years for 10k so your on the same path
+2T, and you should have 400 for 4 years 🤔
+2I’m American 100% and I don’t think this is peaceful, it’s loud big and crushes things, like my mom.
+2@ToeTips one of the most famous funky tree players
+2@ConvoyPerson especially since she is so nice.
+2Your name is caper, tattoo it to your arm
+2@MrCOPTY females are also like airplanes cause they cost a lot.