4,222 Somberbask Comments

  • Something i Just Dont Get 8.3 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral lol

  • M34 LAW 8.3 years ago

    Kinda curious where you got your info though...?

  • M34 LAW 8.3 years ago

    Bro... Its an m72... Light antitank weapon
    Single use and meant for absolute emergencies for a small squad...

  • Something i Just Dont Get 8.3 years ago

    I feel like its because when im spoken to in a harsh accent and I don't understand then I don't want to speak in my accent (a wee bit Irish) and not be understood, and when I speak in a different language, I really hope I'm understood BC if I'm speaking a different language, then I've left america and am probably on my way to being beheaded by some jackwipe in a turban screaming allah. No offence.

  • An interesting obsession. 8.3 years ago

    @Johndfg same

  • Early Bets #1 8.3 years ago

    @haecqal I absolutely agree!

  • Website Updates 8.3 years ago

    Uhhhh. I just started really trying to upload my planes that I have saved.... I havent really done that a lot, so maybe a credit system could work? If I upload 5 today maybe only one tomorrow? Or 6 today and none tommorrow? Just a thought.

  • The Update....... 8.3 years ago

    @SteadfastContracting if you have a missile locked on, use the orbit view to find which direction its coming from and angle your plane toward it, that way the missile will almost always miss

  • Gun and Smoke mod 8.3 years ago


  • SU-85 8.3 years ago

    @BobWalrus lol

  • glitch car 8.4 years ago

    Or you tried to mirror an infinite fuel block

  • glitch car 8.4 years ago

    You tried to use an infinite fuel block and pulled it apart when you tried to move it, either that or your game broke... XD

  • Kicking Fish 2.2 8.4 years ago

    I think I'll upvote for only the amount of effort it took to do that... XD

  • Three part challenge 8.4 years ago

    Apparently I'm not the only one anymore! Woo!

  • Damn ... 8.4 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld north of krakabloa

  • Damn ... 8.4 years ago

    @TehDuck little more private & personal

  • Damn ... 8.4 years ago

    BTW you can Kik me @ somberbask

  • Damn ... 8.4 years ago

    @TehDuck its not really much worse than before... Although, I did notice that forum posts and aircraft posts have dropped significantly

  • Damn ... 8.4 years ago

    What's wrong though?

  • Any challenge requests? 8.4 years ago

    I have the newest version of my three part challenge up... Nobody's joined yet...

  • BurritoAviation Axe-243 8.4 years ago

    Its so smooth.... That's awesome!

  • Somua-A13 8.4 years ago

    Holy crap.... That's kinda amazing bro.

  • WWII experimental jet 8.4 years ago


  • WWII mega fortress transport bomber 8.4 years ago

    Yup, all of them starting with "WWII" are, which will probably be for the next few days, the mod 2 is up also BC I thought it was only 3per day but idk anymore so I'm just trying to upload whatever I can

  • Where are the new Islands? 8.4 years ago

    North of krackabloa for snowstone

  • Some ideas I had for 1.5 8.4 years ago

    An optional cannon reticle on all forward facing cameras, so I can build a turret and actually see where I'm aiming!

  • fix da undo 8.4 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf same

  • AF-38 Ground Attack Fighter 8.4 years ago

    Once tournaments get going again you should get some racing planes up and get some points, its I think 50 pts per win.

  • Has anyone noticed how players have their own "specialties?" What is yours? 8.4 years ago

    Yeah... I'm good at making things that probably shouldn't fly but do... Sorta... :D

  • Simpleplanes YouTube activity has died. 8.4 years ago

    Weasel needs to cheq the new updates.... Kinda waiting for him to do something.....

  • Basic frame for my big project 8.4 years ago

    Cant wait to see!

  • Basic frame for my big project 8.4 years ago

    @Djjam that's gunna be a hard build, the Porsche is super smooth, make sure you check the rear corners

  • Basic frame for my big project 8.4 years ago

    Looks like a lambroghini....

  • Should I DO IT? 8.4 years ago

    @JDM I'm up in Washington tho, and I'm a broke college student.

  • Should I DO IT? 8.4 years ago

    @JDM so hard to find in america tho...

  • Should I DO IT? 8.4 years ago

    @JDM yus!

  • Where are the new islands 8.4 years ago

    North of krackabloa and toward the USS tiny on mobile

  • THREE PART CHALLENGE MK2 8.4 years ago

    @Tully2001 woo thx, i have no idea how to do that so. :/

  • arcues back story 8.4 years ago

    @JDM lol

  • HMS Repulse 8.4 years ago

    @aseder lol

  • HMS Repulse 8.4 years ago

    It won't even download, it just crashes. XD

  • my first up load 8.4 years ago

    Woo! Welcome to the crazy world of uploading and human interaction! :D

  • My first plane 8.4 years ago

    I've had a few successes with nudging on mobile, but its never very good. I thought I was succeding the original but anyway I put up a plane that's a little more stable with a few oddball design tips that I hope will help.

  • what you can do with nudgeing 8.4 years ago

    I've had a few successes with nudging on mobile, but its never very good. I thought I was succeding the original but anyway I put up a plane that's a little more stable with a few oddball design tips that I hope will help.

  • Love this community! 8.4 years ago


  • An-70 (Antonov) 8.4 years ago

    @Johndfg NP, always good to help the community. Nice plane tho.

  • Thanks to SomberBask! 8.4 years ago

    Sorry, I didn't realize you couldn't see it...

  • Thanks to SomberBask! 8.4 years ago


  • Thanks to SomberBask! 8.4 years ago

    Its now a sub plane of yours!