0 Sonnyboy1205 Comments

  • Satellite launch v1.0 7.0 years ago

    The life raft kept falling off when I deployed the parachutes. Why is this?

  • ADFX-02 Morgan -Pixy- 4.3 years ago

    This plane’s quite amazing. How did you make the auto aim TLS? Didn’t know something like that was possible

  • Laser Guided Missiles 5.8 years ago

    @14ROVI The laser does not even work for me, and the missile won't follow.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 5.8 years ago

    @HellFireKoder https://pastebin.com/XQhZfa36 Is there anything wrong with my connection or is the server just down?

  • Satellite launch v1.0 7.0 years ago

    Anyway, thanks for looking in to this!

  • Ocean Floor Explorer 7.0 years ago

    Nice, man! Wish I could see what the explorer was doing under the ocean though.

  • Satellite launch v1.0 7.0 years ago

    Container sry

  • Satellite launch v1.0 7.0 years ago

    Also, I mean that when I deployed the chutes, the life raft contained was ripped off.

  • Satellite launch v1.0 7.0 years ago

    I might have been going too fast when I deployed, around 2000 mph I think