@FalHartIndustries Nooooo, absolutely not !^^
Tbh I was bored af (and maybe a bit emotional) and I wanted a way to say thanks to yall for all the positive stuff cos it does truly means a lot to me.
Like ik this is only a game but idk when i see cool people I have to tank them.
@ThomasRoderick I still have it ^^ sadly it does not fly well at all and despite all my efforts to make it fly while keeping this design I can't :( so i kinda gave up on it
@GeneralCorpInc 1st Thank you very much ! :D
2nd well I'm saying it's simple bcs it's nothing fancy, when I see the insane stuff that people do this is pretty mid imo xd
But thanks honestly !
Oh and for the 288 sure I'll upload it ^^ I just need to make the cockpit and it should be ready ^^
@GuardianAerospace XTPSA Goes NYYYOOOMMMMMMM
+2Idk why but for me it keep spinning on when trying to take off :'
+2Anyway really cool build !
@PrussianAirlines tbh I'm kinda mentaly dead atm, I really wanna come back but my brain ain't braining :' thanks for checking on me tho :)
+1@GeneralCorpInc oh daccord, j'ai essayé de faire un hélicoptère supersonic mais j'ai pas réussit à cause de ça xd faut que je retravaille le concept
+1Trop classe !!!
+1@FalHartIndustries Nooooo, absolutely not !^^
Tbh I was bored af (and maybe a bit emotional) and I wanted a way to say thanks to yall for all the positive stuff cos it does truly means a lot to me.
Like ik this is only a game but idk when i see cool people I have to tank them.
+1@PrussianAirlines LMAOO x)))
+1@GeneralCorpInc Merci ! Vraiment ça fait plaisir (et ça me motive à continuer ^^)
+1car be like :
+1@ThomasRoderick I still have it ^^ sadly it does not fly well at all and despite all my efforts to make it fly while keeping this design I can't :( so i kinda gave up on it
+1@fleia262 thanks ^^
+1I love to share details about my creations it make them more "real" and I put a lot of love into them ^^
Peak Aerodynamic
+1I'll have to dogfight this plane with my Reverse Plane !
+1@GeneralCorpInc le fameux Rafage2000 x)
+1L'intérieur est vraiment stylé ! Hâte de voir le résultat final ^^
+1Nooo rest in peace little shrimp :(
+1@GeneralCorpInc lol sérieux x)? J'aurais imaginé qu'on était plus que ça x)
+1@GeneralCorpInc Oui. X)
+1@GeneralCorpInc 1st Thank you very much ! :D
2nd well I'm saying it's simple bcs it's nothing fancy, when I see the insane stuff that people do this is pretty mid imo xd
But thanks honestly !
Oh and for the 288 sure I'll upload it ^^ I just need to make the cockpit and it should be ready ^^
+1@LunarEclipseSP omg thanks :D
+1@PrussianAirlines when brain working cos without brain I can't build/ get ideas for plen :(
@KPLBall dw about it I'll get better eventually ^^
Thanks for the upvote too !
@Firecharge123 u can copy the code if you want and use it on your planes ^^
@Firecharge123 thanks !
Looks amazing !
@hpgbproductions It's working thanks a lot !
@hpgbproductions thank you ! I'm going to try that, I'm terrible a funky trees and variable setters but I'll give it a try.
@Eggplant dw,thanks a lot tho^^
@GeneralCorpInc I like it ^^ might keep that name
@GeneralCorpInc Merci ^^
@GeneralCorpInc tes hélices casse pas à cette vitesse là ??
VTOL but better damn
@Plenlover62 💀💀💀💀
@Trainzo Thanks !^^
@42 indeed but sadly not as loud :'
It has extremely good maneuverability and speed but truly you should had armor to it ^^ I shot it down with basic wing guns.
Oh and liftScale at 1.2 and drag down the vtol bar almost halfway if you want to fly perfectly straight ^^
@whaleman55555 I found a solution !
Try putting the main wings X angle at 345 and for better flight perf semi symmetrical wings !
@whaleman55555 I'm really trying to find a fix but I'm really not sure what's wrong
@whaleman55555 from the way it moves I think it has something to do with the rotators, I'm not sure why tho.
@whaleman55555 tag me when you post the result I wanna see that ^^
@whaleman55555 bird engineering x) honestly your build is amazing ^^
@dabestsock I might make one
@fleia262 thanks ^^
@Trainzo thank you !
i Love Ornithopters
Amazing !
@GeneralCorpInc c'est ouf wtf x) ravis d'être le premier alors x)
@screechy @Trainzo thanks !
@Christiant2 thanks !! :D