30 SpaceNerd04 Comments

  • Good-bye Simpleplanes...... 6.0 years ago

    @Liyicheng I gotchu fam, check my post for it, sorry I couldnt finish the second cockpit but I'm playing on a samsung s7 active so it was already laggy as heck with how many parts it came with

  • A-10A Thunderbolt II 'Warthog' 6.0 years ago

    This plane is terrible, you focused on style more than functionality

  • A-10A Thunderbolt II 'Warthog' 6.0 years ago

    @agnanSatrio np glad to help, I was scared youd take that as cancerous criticism

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane so u gonna fly all the entries and judge like that?

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane so are we gonna base the winner on just upvotes ir the accual quality of the plane?

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.0 years ago

    I already used the hollow fuselage for my entry@Stonewarrior272

  • North American B-25J Mitchell 5.2 years ago

    @spacenutcj that's how bombers are supposed to fly, stable as possible, if it were unstable like a fighter then the frame would snap under the pressure irl

  • Jet Engine 5.7 years ago

    So glad that we have the jets from simple rockets 2, I have been wanting this so bad ever since they put it in sr2, kinda wierd that they put the best plane engines in a rocket game before a plane game but whatever XD

  • AFA-25A 6.0 years ago

    @Subnerdica it's what the military should've made instead of the f-35

  • F-15V++ 6.0 years ago

    You are a god of you made this on your android phone in early 2018, the s8 was new and it still ran large planes like it was the first computer running minecraft(at least in my experience) I cant even imagine you doing your stuff from years before that even without the s8, keep up your godly work

  • Akagi Carrier Designer 6.0 years ago

    Can someone pls give instructions on how to install, I moved the file to mods but it didnt work @Tully2001 @Cadin

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.0 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane is it alright if I replace my submission of my RIF-45 to my RIF-46?