Thanks, only in a few places and mainly to try and keep in sync with the music, or creating a visual effext. Also where things are moving way too slow, like the jets on the runway for example. And sorry about the MAZ!!!. @WalrusAircraft
@Meawk You should try it... Just make two separate planes of vehicles, you can have a cockpit in each if you want. Remeber a control surface on one will react the same on the other unless you do some tricky stuff.
The trick is that both aircraft started on the aircraft carrier, but the movie makes it look otherwise... I had to save a location at the back of the carrier where I wanted the helo, and the jet was placed in front...
Yep, the wings need to be exacly the same length, or use the keypad to 'nudge' the forward wing back into position - there will be some overlap, but that won't cause problems.
@Challenger Thanks, yes it might make one a bit sick though :)
You have some good designs here... a thing to remember, place landing gear just behind the CoM so take-offs are easier...
Another amazing creation - so he can't fall over, hmm... nice
So cool!
Just wow!
Totally awsome!
Really nice and so stable!
What a beautiful jet! Now one of my favorites!!!
@Thepos Open weapon bays before launching missiles!
@WalrusAircraft Australian, however Indonesia is home at the moment...
Thanks, only in a few places and mainly to try and keep in sync with the music, or creating a visual effext. Also where things are moving way too slow, like the jets on the runway for example. And sorry about the MAZ!!!. @WalrusAircraft
@Swiftsure Yes...
@Delphinus Thanks
@Xjay_Inc wasd and mouse
@Ngoat @Cedy117 @SyntaxError @AndrewGarrison @OminousGloom @eroEngineering Thanks everyone
@PhilipTarpley Thanks Phillip
Nice, love what you have done with the guns!
@Meawk You should try it... Just make two separate planes of vehicles, you can have a cockpit in each if you want. Remeber a control surface on one will react the same on the other unless you do some tricky stuff.
@Sirstupid Movie magic maybe?
The trick is that both aircraft started on the aircraft carrier, but the movie makes it look otherwise... I had to save a location at the back of the carrier where I wanted the helo, and the jet was placed in front...
@RamboGaming @Swiftsure Thanks
@Meawk Not easy :)
@SyntaxError Thanks :)
@SyntaxError Yes, a little :) Thanks for the pick-up...
@TheLatentImage @Lajl @JShay @Cedy117 @XVIindustries @Stingray @Noman0rumeral Thanks
@Rambo1050 Why a new one? updated or complete redesign?
@RocketLL Sure thing - sorry, I have been away on vacation, now back.
@Commander Thanks!
@TheCaptain594 check the predecessor
@eliteaircraft888 Cool!
Thanks @UnknownNate
Sounds good and worth a try... Thanks @XVIdarkLithium
Yes, strange @Austinowen
Thank you, I think the next kind like this I'll make with the internal missles open to start with @EaglesAbove
Hehehe, all good! @LCNOoSEIV
Having the same issues with air intakes and no real answers as yet... Hmm... @Authros
Theres one already uploaded @LCNOoSEIV
Hahaha, I only just got the message!!! @Austinowen
When its red, but attched, just rotate it 360 degrees @Austinowen
Just wow!
Thanks ;) and I get the pun hahaha @Arcues
Well said!
Sure thing @Stampede
Totally amazing
Tha ks :)@picy
Thanks. It takes a bit of time to work out how to do things but youll get there I'm sure... @Grasshoppa
Yep, the wings need to be exacly the same length, or use the keypad to 'nudge' the forward wing back into position - there will be some overlap, but that won't cause problems.
Thanks. I'm not sure what you mean, can you be a bit more specific about the attachment thingy? @6SPDsoul