@Delphinus This the is typical filename used at least for OSX "0a2f5468-00c3-4505-92b2-55be00aef637.xml" so that I dont think will work... The aircraft are saved by name and sorted alphabetically, its just the naming of the sub-assemblies seems to be the issue perhaps.
@TheLatentImage Ahh, that could be the fuel. I'm using the mega fuel with no weight. And when it spawns the fuel normally disappears. So, a work-around is to add a fuel tank(s), but before the detacher. In this update, as you probably know, if you detach the fuel then its gone...
@DragonKing Yes, the problem is airinlets. I beleive because the engines are connected to a rotator (many) the air inlets have to be placed directly on the engine and doing that one looses the looks. I'm still trying to get a work-around eg. I have tried editiing the connections list in the xml file with no success. Ideally yes, I would prefer to use the mock engines, but for this I had to come up with a work-around. So to answer your question - they just need air and they will work fine.
@TheSteampunker These values are the ones you need to change: rootLeadingOffset="1" rootTrailingOffset="0.25" tipLeadingOffset="0.5" tipTrailingOffset="0.25" tipPosition="0,1.5,0" hingeDistance="0.3"
Perservere guys, we all started out at some time. Check out some of my ealier jets and the 0 votes I got... Just have fun, invest the time in ideas and see what happens...
@AeroEngineering Me too, the most fun part to make!
@Delphinus Wayfarer, Anjunabeats, Vol. 10
Thanks guys!
@AndrewGarrison @nathanmikeska @TheLatentImage
Thanks @TheLatentImage
@TheLatentImage Did you get it working, or same?
@Planetinker Thanks
@Delphinus This the is typical filename used at least for OSX "0a2f5468-00c3-4505-92b2-55be00aef637.xml" so that I dont think will work... The aircraft are saved by name and sorted alphabetically, its just the naming of the sub-assemblies seems to be the issue perhaps.
@Challenger Thats a cool idea...
@Viper28 A good work around... hmm...
@Planetinker Yup, that would work. I used 'flexible rope' in mine, but I think the detachers would be better... Just nees to be big.
Looks great, and love the way you have done the horizontal axis movement, well though up!!! Bombs are great too!
Brilliant, very stable and fast! And looks cool.
I cant not upvote this! Do you mind if I use it in a video?
Very interesting results!
@Rohan Oh no!
Nice, it actualy feels like how one can imagine it would...
@Rohan Already...
@TheLatentImage Ahh, that could be the fuel. I'm using the mega fuel with no weight. And when it spawns the fuel normally disappears. So, a work-around is to add a fuel tank(s), but before the detacher. In this update, as you probably know, if you detach the fuel then its gone...
@FlOu @RAF1 @ifqigamers1 @Cedy117 Thank you
@DragonKing Yes, the problem is airinlets. I beleive because the engines are connected to a rotator (many) the air inlets have to be placed directly on the engine and doing that one looses the looks. I'm still trying to get a work-around eg. I have tried editiing the connections list in the xml file with no success. Ideally yes, I would prefer to use the mock engines, but for this I had to come up with a work-around. So to answer your question - they just need air and they will work fine.
@Stampede Not Russian, but these just look so cool.
@Johawks1976 It doesnt explode a lot for me on OSX or IOS so maybe its you hardware on your end.
@Johawks1976 You'll need some skill to gly this one if you want to push the limits.
There are two VTOL engines, one is linked to Activation 2, the other is always on @Cjredwards
Wow, super and the bomb release is perfect!
Nice, I like the flaps...
Very cool!
Wow, very challenging. You might need to use thrust vectoring in some form to get it to fly I reckon.
Very cool and flys great!
@IMDABEST Thrust vectoring :) I was waiting for that comment! :)
This flys really well already, what would you like me to do? Do you need some mods?
Very cool!
@TheLatentImage @servergta @RAF1 @Wakescar @Spikerya @lowobservable Thank you
@TheSteampunker These values are the ones you need to change: rootLeadingOffset="1" rootTrailingOffset="0.25" tipLeadingOffset="0.5" tipTrailingOffset="0.25" tipPosition="0,1.5,0" hingeDistance="0.3"
Try tipposition first and experiment a little.
@TheSteampunker Can you be a bit more specific please?
@Stampede Which one???
Nicely done!
Haven't seen this kind of suspension before, very cool!
Why dont you edit the description @RABpilot
@Delphinus No hahaha :) I do now!
Any idea when do you think? @KevinMurphy
This is pretry special this one...
Thanks @DeezNuts52
I do I do.... Many many hours fixing these kind of things and then only to realise the next day there is another way to do it!!! @Cjredwards
Perservere guys, we all started out at some time. Check out some of my ealier jets and the 0 votes I got... Just have fun, invest the time in ideas and see what happens...
Weapons on the swept wing, wow, good job!
@Planefun Thanks :)