We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
@fallout4king You can ignore them up to a point, but he was encouraging people to violate the site rules. You can't ignore that. What you're saying is the equivalent of telling a shop keeper to just ignore the hundreds of people stealing his products... Despite the fact it's illegal.
Only a few individuals (probably in the region of 50 at absolute most) actually made things dedicated to the anti jelly movement. Like I stated before the site moderators handled them in the same way as the jelly planes. It's probably worth noting that the Jelly haters would not have progressed if the site wasn't flooded with literally hundreds of copied aircraft.
The community may not have helped themselves, but they were not the heart of the problem and as they say, the first step to solving a problem is to recognise there's one in the first place. Jelly, didn't and thus the problem was never going to be solved. Even now, we frequently have to remove jelly planes, while I haven't encountered jelly hate for the best part of a couple of months now.
@fallout4king Apologies for interpreting your comment your comment wrongly. However, the context in which you sated that, does not match the meaning you wished to get across.
Yes there is a fine line between copying and outright stealing. As stated before, a younger sibling copies in order to learn, that's natural and it's often in a practical environment where they actually have to physically do something in order to mimic someone's actions. The only place where that would fit in on this site, is if you were to look at someone's upload and build it from scratch. But people don't do that on this site, all they do is download it and re upload it.
While I agree that the community shouldn't retaliate, we as mods have little control over those people, other than removing their aircraft which is what we do.
"He's just a youtuber". That's exactly the problem. He is in a position of power. People look up to him like sheep and do what he says. So when he tells them to flood the site with jelly planes, like sheep, they do it. At this point simply "ignoring" is no longer an option, because the uploads are all over the site. Herd mentality is the problem, not the community. The community is defending it's values, while the Jelly fans are attacking them. Obviously, as a Jelly fan, you're going to have a strong bias towards him, so I appreciate it's probably hard for you to understand why the community is annoyed, but even Jelly fans that are veteran members of the community agree that he has taken things too far. The community, as stated before has tried to reach out to him and settle it in a civilised manner, but he refuses to cooperate, which not only agitates the community, but also make it harder to simply ignore the problem. Besides, problems don't just go away if you ignore them... That kind of logic just digs you a nice hole you'll never get out from.
@fallout4king "oh but I don't see how that's bad it's like free publicity"
Yes you did say it was like "free publicity". Also, there's a fine line between a young sibling that doesn't know any better and is practically LEARNING and a complete stranger over 13 years of age that's copying and pasting someone else's work. There is literally no situation on this site where your kind of logic applies.
@fallout4king The community isn't fond of him because he's repeatedly insulted members of the community (like calling them "liars" when he can't fly them properly). He also encouraged (as mentioned before) people to copy other people's planes and despite numerous pleas to enlighten his audience to stop doing it because it was against the site rules, he just continued to encourage people.
Stealing planes is not free publicity. Especially when said "jelly" planes would by-pass the successor system, thus meaning no credit is at all given to them. Now, you wouldn't pirate this game would you? You'd be essentially copying over someone else's game file and using it for your own stuff. That's illegal and copying. In this case it isn't illegal, however it is violating the site rules, so think of them as "laws".
As for why your aircraft was removed by me. You used a jelly related title for the aircraft, which is against the rules of the site. The rule was enforced because most of the planes sporting such titles were copied from other people's stuff. Gradually, people began to hate and complain about such things, so a site rule was enforced. Not necessarily the fault of the community, but rather the Jelly youtuber himself.
@SteadfastContracting No problem! I launched one of the infernos. It seems the target lock has shrunk with the cockpit, but if you go into slow motion mode, it makes life a bit easier. Shot one destroyer, there was a lot of smoke but it didn't sink.
The aircraft tilts to one side while flying, might be the torque from the engines. But, I love how you can take off and land in this thing despite it lacking an undercarriage!
Regarding snowstone, it's not invincible. If you find the launcher blind spots and use infernos, it can be done.
@KingDeadshot If you feel like anything I've said is wrong, then correct me. I'm just listing my thoughts and feelings regarding what you've said.
Regarding being messed up, I know what it's like to be messed up in the head. I've been like that for a while, seen a counsellor about certain things which I'd rather not disclose, but the trick (if you can call it that) is to read through what you've typed up. Ask yourself; is what I've typed selfish or petty? Does it disregard other users? Can people take this the wrong way? etc. Now, you're never going to get it right 100% of the time especially with the last one. People take things the wrong way all the time, after all, everyone's different.
@KingDeadshot Your first comments say:
"It's a slow time in the community, Ive gotten 10- upvotes on a car I spent a week on, it's probably because a lot of people is dealing with real life and can't be on very much which is why it's slow @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
"Yep, I normally say upvotes and points don't matter but this is ridicules @MechWARRIOR57"
"Im not sure what annoys me more, the fact people are upvoting crud like that, people only really care about the tops few users and don't give us as much respect, or that I work for a week on a car/plane and it only gets 5-9 upvotes on average @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
All of the above "first comments" suggest that not only you care too much about upvotes but, also that you also believe that the community owes you some kind of respect and it's not just this post where I've seen you mention respect. You frequently get well over 5 upvotes for each of your uploads. Meanwhile I've seen so many builds of comparable nature to yours which are lucky to even get one upvote. Moreover, you're of a platinum status and thus have herd mentality on your side, since people generally follow and upvote platinum builders. I don't know about you, but I'd consider that lucky.
I'm sure you'll agree that it's somewhat hypocritical to say "upvotes and points don't matter" but then go onto complain about how your uploads only receive "5-9" upvotes.
Now I'm not going to lie. Upvotes can matter. They give a very vague idea on what the community likes and doesn't like, but like I stated before, people really underestimate the value of comments and your posts prove that. Nowhere in any of the above have you stated that your posts lack comments about what people think about your uploads, good or bad.
Now I'm by no means having a dig at you as a person. I've noticed you've tagged mods in comments of builds that have been copied, etc, which obviously does make this community a better place, which is obviously the outcome you want, so at heart you seem to have good intentions. However, when you post controversial stuff regarding upvotes and respect, it slightly poisons the community and makes others feel that they too are entitled to respect and lots of upvotes, even when they really aren't. This is made worse by the herd mentality that follows with you being a platinum member. People see a veteran user is posting controversial stuff, so they too think it must be acceptable to do so too.
I'm don't normally like going into topics like this, but upvotes really don't matter. I'm not sure why people make a big fuss about them. It's just the opinion of someone. If someone likes something what's wrong with it? Similarly, if someone doesn't like something, what's wrong with that?
Sometimes you just have to accept either one of the following:
- You haven't uploaded at peak times
- You're not a recognised user
- Your expectations are too high
Now, none of the above is a particularly good position to be in, but all of those problems can be remedied with time. Also pretty much all the mods collectively agree that upvotes determine nothing. Comments make the difference, comments are what matter. They're the key to improving your build quality as the community can get behind and tell you what's good and bad about your designs.
Needless to say, it's somewhat disappointing to see people getting worked up over something so petty, to the point where even some people leave. Yet nobody mentions the lack of comments on builds. Now I'm not saying to go and type up a post of how people aren't commenting you your planes, but it would be a hell of a lot better than complaining about not getting enough upvote button clicks.
Besides, with regard to the original post the ratio of uploads to downloads is significantly higher on the F-22. That should theoretically be something to be proud of. But somehow it isn't.
@MediocrePlanes Please give credit to the original person who said someone was "trigger happy". For a full overview of the rules, please click the following link
Mine is "Happy flying". I seem to recall one other user started using that phrase at pretty much the exact same time as I did. They couldn't have copied me because I wasn't very well known at the time, so the chances of them seeing my stuff was really slim and I certainly didn't copy them. So I'm just going to say that it was a rare coincidence and that great minds think alike!
We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
You can't mod parts/sub assemblies on IOS as you can't gain access to the system files. As for Mac stuff. I have no idea, although as stated before, it might be to do with the fact it wasn't purchased on steam.
@Brields95 I'm going to change up the terrain a bit and see if I can come up with something a little bigger and better (the small islands have a denser amount of polygons and thus take up more resources). A proper road will be close to impossible although I might be able to do a small flat track of one description or another.
As for the enemy base thing, I touched on it a little with "Flanker Airport" just to see if people liked the concept, although nobody really touched on it when they commented. However, since you've brought it up I think I might include it.
It's been suggested that I should contact the devs about putting this map into the game, but, like before, I don't think it's good enough to be of such a status. I use a different bridge destroying script, which might be awkward to implement (especially if the devs want to keep things universal), there's also the texture sizes and stuff too and I'd rather not bother the devs about such things. There's also the fact that there's probably better maps out there and it would be doing them an injustice.
@PolandballDoge I could probably add USS tiny docked. I've noticed a few people saying that the downside to the map is the constant onslaught of AA tanks, so I was thinking about making a dedicated "war zone" where I'd put about 7 of them in one place.
@PolandballDoge it's doable, but nothing would happen as USS beast is just an object and can't sink. However destroyers colliding would be interesting.
@PolandballDoge I made an ES-50 which houses extra weapons, and it does a fantastic job of killing them off. It has Falcon guns on it, so when you fire at the ships, they spin out of control, so they can't get a lock on you.
@PolandballDoge very true, but this was built to be slower than the PAK FA and YF-23 (which are believed to be faster than the F-22). However, the model should be roughly to scale as it was made with reference to blueprints. Although, the actual size is too small.
@TheLatentImage Thank you! Blue and white is obviously the Squirrel Industry standard. First came about when I was messing about with cars in GTA 5 and found that the white and blue colour scheme went well, so I adopted it for this.
The piston thing was inspired by my family's VW campervan. To get to reverse you have to push the gear stick down to get it into reverse, which contrasted with our Ford where you have to lift part of the stick up. Glad you enjoyed it though and thanks for the feedback!
@OuterCrayfish3 To be honest, Latent was pretty clear in what he said and gave you a number of chances, arguably you had 3 strikes and had it been me that got to this post first, you would have likely had a longer ban to worry about. Class yourself as lucky. It's your word against Latent's and it's in our best interests to keep this site friendly, so we can't afford to take any chances with you. Whether you're innocent or guilty, the evidence laid out in front of us is suspicious, so we won't take any chances.
We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
@DESTROX25 Hitler was not a nice guy. He was responsible for the deaths of about 6 million Jewish people, was a racist and a very large nationalist. Misunderstood or not, he's got the blood of millions of others on his hands.
I'm aware some people say he was a vegetarian and cared about animals. But then I'm pretty sure that's not only a hypocritical statement, but I'm also not entirely sure I've met anyone that doesn't care about animals. So off the bat that's already a flawed point.
@Thegamingraptorreal your comment has been removed due to the fact you used language NSFW. If you continue to break the rules, further action will be taken.
I have looked through your creations and can't find a viable replacement. Not only that, but please do show which car this was copied from and I will remove it, mainly because this car predates your account by 5 months, so if anything, the only possible outcome is that you copied from this upload.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@Benny3053 when you're in the main menu, there should be a mod tab, when you click on that, there should be another tab with "squirrel industries map mkI" on it. If you click on that there should be an enable option.
@Kitsune the hang-glider itself is made up of structural panels and wing parts. I can't get this to actually work like a proper hang-glider (I think the centre of lift is too high up), but feel free to have a go at your own. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did!!
@Eckosong Blue and white? XD
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.
We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
@Eckosong Maybe a flying wing of one description or another?
@fallout4king You can ignore them up to a point, but he was encouraging people to violate the site rules. You can't ignore that. What you're saying is the equivalent of telling a shop keeper to just ignore the hundreds of people stealing his products... Despite the fact it's illegal.
Only a few individuals (probably in the region of 50 at absolute most) actually made things dedicated to the anti jelly movement. Like I stated before the site moderators handled them in the same way as the jelly planes. It's probably worth noting that the Jelly haters would not have progressed if the site wasn't flooded with literally hundreds of copied aircraft.
The community may not have helped themselves, but they were not the heart of the problem and as they say, the first step to solving a problem is to recognise there's one in the first place. Jelly, didn't and thus the problem was never going to be solved. Even now, we frequently have to remove jelly planes, while I haven't encountered jelly hate for the best part of a couple of months now.
@Eckosong I thought I recognised your profile picture. I'm fine though, yourself?
@fallout4king Apologies for interpreting your comment your comment wrongly. However, the context in which you sated that, does not match the meaning you wished to get across.
Yes there is a fine line between copying and outright stealing. As stated before, a younger sibling copies in order to learn, that's natural and it's often in a practical environment where they actually have to physically do something in order to mimic someone's actions. The only place where that would fit in on this site, is if you were to look at someone's upload and build it from scratch. But people don't do that on this site, all they do is download it and re upload it.
While I agree that the community shouldn't retaliate, we as mods have little control over those people, other than removing their aircraft which is what we do.
"He's just a youtuber". That's exactly the problem. He is in a position of power. People look up to him like sheep and do what he says. So when he tells them to flood the site with jelly planes, like sheep, they do it. At this point simply "ignoring" is no longer an option, because the uploads are all over the site. Herd mentality is the problem, not the community. The community is defending it's values, while the Jelly fans are attacking them. Obviously, as a Jelly fan, you're going to have a strong bias towards him, so I appreciate it's probably hard for you to understand why the community is annoyed, but even Jelly fans that are veteran members of the community agree that he has taken things too far. The community, as stated before has tried to reach out to him and settle it in a civilised manner, but he refuses to cooperate, which not only agitates the community, but also make it harder to simply ignore the problem. Besides, problems don't just go away if you ignore them... That kind of logic just digs you a nice hole you'll never get out from.
@fallout4king "oh but I don't see how that's bad it's like free publicity"
Yes you did say it was like "free publicity". Also, there's a fine line between a young sibling that doesn't know any better and is practically LEARNING and a complete stranger over 13 years of age that's copying and pasting someone else's work. There is literally no situation on this site where your kind of logic applies.
@fallout4king The community isn't fond of him because he's repeatedly insulted members of the community (like calling them "liars" when he can't fly them properly). He also encouraged (as mentioned before) people to copy other people's planes and despite numerous pleas to enlighten his audience to stop doing it because it was against the site rules, he just continued to encourage people.
Stealing planes is not free publicity. Especially when said "jelly" planes would by-pass the successor system, thus meaning no credit is at all given to them. Now, you wouldn't pirate this game would you? You'd be essentially copying over someone else's game file and using it for your own stuff. That's illegal and copying. In this case it isn't illegal, however it is violating the site rules, so think of them as "laws".
As for why your aircraft was removed by me. You used a jelly related title for the aircraft, which is against the rules of the site. The rule was enforced because most of the planes sporting such titles were copied from other people's stuff. Gradually, people began to hate and complain about such things, so a site rule was enforced. Not necessarily the fault of the community, but rather the Jelly youtuber himself.
@SteadfastContracting No problem! I launched one of the infernos. It seems the target lock has shrunk with the cockpit, but if you go into slow motion mode, it makes life a bit easier. Shot one destroyer, there was a lot of smoke but it didn't sink.
The aircraft tilts to one side while flying, might be the torque from the engines. But, I love how you can take off and land in this thing despite it lacking an undercarriage!
Regarding snowstone, it's not invincible. If you find the launcher blind spots and use infernos, it can be done.
Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here
@KingDeadshot If you feel like anything I've said is wrong, then correct me. I'm just listing my thoughts and feelings regarding what you've said.
Regarding being messed up, I know what it's like to be messed up in the head. I've been like that for a while, seen a counsellor about certain things which I'd rather not disclose, but the trick (if you can call it that) is to read through what you've typed up. Ask yourself; is what I've typed selfish or petty? Does it disregard other users? Can people take this the wrong way? etc. Now, you're never going to get it right 100% of the time especially with the last one. People take things the wrong way all the time, after all, everyone's different.
@KingDeadshot Your first comments say:
"It's a slow time in the community, Ive gotten 10- upvotes on a car I spent a week on, it's probably because a lot of people is dealing with real life and can't be on very much which is why it's slow @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
"Yep, I normally say upvotes and points don't matter but this is ridicules @MechWARRIOR57"
"Im not sure what annoys me more, the fact people are upvoting crud like that, people only really care about the tops few users and don't give us as much respect, or that I work for a week on a car/plane and it only gets 5-9 upvotes on average @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
All of the above "first comments" suggest that not only you care too much about upvotes but, also that you also believe that the community owes you some kind of respect and it's not just this post where I've seen you mention respect. You frequently get well over 5 upvotes for each of your uploads. Meanwhile I've seen so many builds of comparable nature to yours which are lucky to even get one upvote. Moreover, you're of a platinum status and thus have herd mentality on your side, since people generally follow and upvote platinum builders. I don't know about you, but I'd consider that lucky.
I'm sure you'll agree that it's somewhat hypocritical to say "upvotes and points don't matter" but then go onto complain about how your uploads only receive "5-9" upvotes.
Now I'm not going to lie. Upvotes can matter. They give a very vague idea on what the community likes and doesn't like, but like I stated before, people really underestimate the value of comments and your posts prove that. Nowhere in any of the above have you stated that your posts lack comments about what people think about your uploads, good or bad.
Now I'm by no means having a dig at you as a person. I've noticed you've tagged mods in comments of builds that have been copied, etc, which obviously does make this community a better place, which is obviously the outcome you want, so at heart you seem to have good intentions. However, when you post controversial stuff regarding upvotes and respect, it slightly poisons the community and makes others feel that they too are entitled to respect and lots of upvotes, even when they really aren't. This is made worse by the herd mentality that follows with you being a platinum member. People see a veteran user is posting controversial stuff, so they too think it must be acceptable to do so too.
I'm don't normally like going into topics like this, but upvotes really don't matter. I'm not sure why people make a big fuss about them. It's just the opinion of someone. If someone likes something what's wrong with it? Similarly, if someone doesn't like something, what's wrong with that?
Sometimes you just have to accept either one of the following:
- You haven't uploaded at peak times
- You're not a recognised user
- Your expectations are too high
Now, none of the above is a particularly good position to be in, but all of those problems can be remedied with time. Also pretty much all the mods collectively agree that upvotes determine nothing. Comments make the difference, comments are what matter. They're the key to improving your build quality as the community can get behind and tell you what's good and bad about your designs.
Needless to say, it's somewhat disappointing to see people getting worked up over something so petty, to the point where even some people leave. Yet nobody mentions the lack of comments on builds. Now I'm not saying to go and type up a post of how people aren't commenting you your planes, but it would be a hell of a lot better than complaining about not getting enough upvote button clicks.
Besides, with regard to the original post the ratio of uploads to downloads is significantly higher on the F-22. That should theoretically be something to be proud of. But somehow it isn't.
@Himynameiswalrus Gunna delete mine too lol
@MediocrePlanes Please give credit to the original person who said someone was "trigger happy". For a full overview of the rules, please click the following link
Mine is "Happy flying". I seem to recall one other user started using that phrase at pretty much the exact same time as I did. They couldn't have copied me because I wasn't very well known at the time, so the chances of them seeing my stuff was really slim and I certainly didn't copy them. So I'm just going to say that it was a rare coincidence and that great minds think alike!
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.
We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
You can't mod parts/sub assemblies on IOS as you can't gain access to the system files. As for Mac stuff. I have no idea, although as stated before, it might be to do with the fact it wasn't purchased on steam.
@Brields95 I'm going to change up the terrain a bit and see if I can come up with something a little bigger and better (the small islands have a denser amount of polygons and thus take up more resources). A proper road will be close to impossible although I might be able to do a small flat track of one description or another.
As for the enemy base thing, I touched on it a little with "Flanker Airport" just to see if people liked the concept, although nobody really touched on it when they commented. However, since you've brought it up I think I might include it.
It's been suggested that I should contact the devs about putting this map into the game, but, like before, I don't think it's good enough to be of such a status. I use a different bridge destroying script, which might be awkward to implement (especially if the devs want to keep things universal), there's also the texture sizes and stuff too and I'd rather not bother the devs about such things. There's also the fact that there's probably better maps out there and it would be doing them an injustice.
@PolandballDoge Radar is way out of my league XD
@PolandballDoge and that my friends is how baby aircraft carriers are made.
Again, it's a possible idea... might add it as an Easter egg!
@PolandballDoge probably. I might have to find a way of stopping it trying to fly.
@PolandballDoge I could probably add USS tiny docked. I've noticed a few people saying that the downside to the map is the constant onslaught of AA tanks, so I was thinking about making a dedicated "war zone" where I'd put about 7 of them in one place.
Was actually thinking about making AA tanks sit on the helipads of destroyers. That would be interesting.
@PolandballDoge yeah, you can lock onto them, shoot them with missiles and they sink.
@PolandballDoge it's not uploaded yet. I have a backlog of about 10 aircraft which I need to upload at some point.
@PolandballDoge it's doable, but nothing would happen as USS beast is just an object and can't sink. However destroyers colliding would be interesting.
@PolandballDoge I made an ES-50 which houses extra weapons, and it does a fantastic job of killing them off. It has Falcon guns on it, so when you fire at the ships, they spin out of control, so they can't get a lock on you.
@PolandballDoge very true, but this was built to be slower than the PAK FA and YF-23 (which are believed to be faster than the F-22). However, the model should be roughly to scale as it was made with reference to blueprints. Although, the actual size is too small.
@PolandballDoge I've used this for attacking sea targets. It does a pretty good job!
@Brields95 glad you like it!! Also, what would you suggest I do for a new map?
@Huhama Yeah, sure. Go for it. As long as it complies with the site rules, I've got no problem with it!
@ccooper Thank you for your comments!
@ccooper Thank you!
@TheLatentImage Thank you! Blue and white is obviously the Squirrel Industry standard. First came about when I was messing about with cars in GTA 5 and found that the white and blue colour scheme went well, so I adopted it for this.
The piston thing was inspired by my family's VW campervan. To get to reverse you have to push the gear stick down to get it into reverse, which contrasted with our Ford where you have to lift part of the stick up. Glad you enjoyed it though and thanks for the feedback!
@Huhama XD
@OuterCrayfish3 To be honest, Latent was pretty clear in what he said and gave you a number of chances, arguably you had 3 strikes and had it been me that got to this post first, you would have likely had a longer ban to worry about. Class yourself as lucky. It's your word against Latent's and it's in our best interests to keep this site friendly, so we can't afford to take any chances with you. Whether you're innocent or guilty, the evidence laid out in front of us is suspicious, so we won't take any chances.
@Benny3053 In which case I can't help.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes for YouTubers.
We recommend tagging the YouTuber using the tag system (click the grey "Edit Tags" button), as it makes it much easier for YouTubers to find your plane!
@DESTROX25 Hitler was not a nice guy. He was responsible for the deaths of about 6 million Jewish people, was a racist and a very large nationalist. Misunderstood or not, he's got the blood of millions of others on his hands.
I'm aware some people say he was a vegetarian and cared about animals. But then I'm pretty sure that's not only a hypocritical statement, but I'm also not entirely sure I've met anyone that doesn't care about animals. So off the bat that's already a flawed point.
@Wildblueyonder578 could you elaborate on which aicraft are copied?
@Benny3053 how did you go about installing the mod (actually list what you did without reference to the original instructions).
@Thegamingraptorreal your comment has been removed due to the fact you used language NSFW. If you continue to break the rules, further action will be taken.
I have looked through your creations and can't find a viable replacement. Not only that, but please do show which car this was copied from and I will remove it, mainly because this car predates your account by 5 months, so if anything, the only possible outcome is that you copied from this upload.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@Benny3053 when you're in the main menu, there should be a mod tab, when you click on that, there should be another tab with "squirrel industries map mkI" on it. If you click on that there should be an enable option.
@Kitsune Thank you! I was in the process of giving this a revamp at some point, I'll have to see if I can find it again!
@Kitsune the hang-glider itself is made up of structural panels and wing parts. I can't get this to actually work like a proper hang-glider (I think the centre of lift is too high up), but feel free to have a go at your own. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did!!
@Kitsune thank you!!!
@CaesiciusPlanes yes, why?
@Kitsune thank you!!!!!