@XA2XCK2 99% of the comments say otherwise. But if it really sounds terrible, try doing a flyby (the sound glitches when first load a level, this fixes it).
The mesh and any special behaviours that I want to be on a part are saved together with the mod as separate gameobjects. At runtime these gameobjects are loaded with the ResourceLoader and parented to the corresponding part's root object. Any special components on these gameobjects are initialized and referenced by a custom part modifier behaviour. It may sound complicated but the concept is very simple :). @MOPCKOEDNISHE
Good post. Another example would be the F-20 Tigershark, which was made specifically for "ease of use". In the end, the plane was doomed not by lack of performance or convenience, but a changing environment that ultimately favored the F-16's slightly superior performance.
Was thinking of a good gravity joke bUt I drOpPed iT
+2This didn't age well
+2Looks like a TSAD build
+2The terrain is very well done.
+2@XA2XCK2 99% of the comments say otherwise. But if it really sounds terrible, try doing a flyby (the sound glitches when first load a level, this fixes it).
+2The mesh and any special behaviours that I want to be on a part are saved together with the mod as separate gameobjects. At runtime these gameobjects are loaded with the ResourceLoader and parented to the corresponding part's root object. Any special components on these gameobjects are initialized and referenced by a custom part modifier behaviour. It may sound complicated but the concept is very simple :). @MOPCKOEDNISHE
+2@FastDan Why not?
+2g e r m a n t o r n a d o
+1Only real ones will understand
+1On the ground
+1these are the things we lost in the sand
+1rip to all souls onboard
+1she ded
+1dude u got me very curious
+1this thing in war thunder b r u h
+1I just wanna be in the 50's because of Convair B-36 peacemaker
+1ehh I was expecting an actual transition to the SP world with real scaling but this is cool too
+1Those are some THICC engines
+1@edensk Yea same. I'm more a fan of the late-war fighters with clean lines. I'm actually planning on modeling the Tempest V after this one.
+1guys mobile users are just like PC users just a tad bit inferior on all fronts
+1Good post. Another example would be the F-20 Tigershark, which was made specifically for "ease of use". In the end, the plane was doomed not by lack of performance or convenience, but a changing environment that ultimately favored the F-16's slightly superior performance.
+1@PoyuToyu An ICBM has been launched and assigned to your position
+1The crusade has begun
+1No offense but I think the entire community knew this 3 years back already
+1i miss my simpleplanes girlfriend randomusername
+1Whomst awakened the hooded one
+1so basicly, he make plaens, but then the people say the plane bad, so he not happ now
+1@SpenzeroInternational ahh yes, and you're not poop-rank anymore
+1congratulations on gray
+1This is cool
+1@WiiMini hey thats me
+1The livery looks absolutely phenomenal
+1Someone should make a museum mod with all those "old" planes in it
+1His profile picture does sum up his attitude quite well
+1Ahh yes, wing guns
+1And do I hear a Porsche 917K?
+1@banbantheman my day is immeasurable and my disappointment is ruined.
+1can confirm
+1We are doomed
+1@Foxbat25 I have a feeling the moths are not gonna like this one
+1cancel jundroo
+1Shrage Musik: American Edition
+1@Aldriech Not yet. I thought that only worked with blenders and rocking chairs.
+1@Viridi Thank you :)
+1its actually pretty neat, wish more users did this