Always loved the tricycle Landing Gear. Hence a lot of my aircraft have that design for wheels. Update freely always remember who designed this one first. Never take credit unless you modify it.
@BSEW100 most planes I build can't really compare in look to your original design. I just wanted something that flew without adding weapons. to be fair this does not look like all the other planes I have seen. I also added some cockpit features. in case you saw them or not.
@XanderMakesStuff check out the F2I Banshee now with guns, I hope this helps.
@SchweizerLuftCorporation sure go ahead
It looks like the cloud cutter but it was blue with yellow accents
@Somedumbguy thanks, I wanted to try to create soething with the wings sept all the way back like the eurofighter.
Modify to your hearts content
Any modifications are alright as and any assistance byanyone with more ship knowledge is appreciated.
Modify to your hearts content.
It's fast as fluff boi
@SimonGlaser I'm not German
Original Tomcat aspect was based on the F-14 but the phoenix idea was mine I wanted to see if it would work.
As long as simpleplanes doesn't end up like war wings I'll happily tell/share this game.
+1If anyone has ideas on how to improve this bad boy please let me know.
Anyone can modify freely any of my creations.
Please do not be afraid to give me feedback on this creation.
SimpleCraft just saying
@hpgbproductions thanks alternating 0,0.5,0.5,0 an 0.5,0,0,0.5 made alternately blinking lights as in one on the other off repeating
Anyone know how to get 2 lights to blink in sync as in one one the other off and so on?
I have 3 so far
+1I recommend downloading both rockets and trying them yourself.
Anyone can take this one and modify it how they like
@NavalGunnery you can take this one one and modify to your hearts content.
@MARCOMP47 if you can help me modify this that would be much appreciated.
@ProGabriel001 thanks if you want to modify/make your own successor you can
@BSEW100 try lowering pistons to 50%, back wheels copied to front, with a hinge for turning. Much more stable not as fast.
+1Tried to make my own icbm truck like russia has. @MarcoMP47, I give you permission to change and make your own/modify at your discretion.
@BSEW100 if you want to make a predecessor of this you can
Make sure to mirror before flying forgot to do that sorry.
@MarcoMP47 if you want to modify this one you can.
Correction not E-3 the E-2 hawkeye.
Anyway to speed up torpedoes?
+12Got it
+1Checkout my F-19 Phoenix Tomcat m1. I don't know how to post to these challenges.
Later versions to be determined.
Mainly inspired by the B-52 Strato-Fortress still in action to this day.
Sawtooth wings were an Idea I had one day. Wanted to test it before designing a whole plane around it.
Yeah even creating our own trains would really be a nice introduction.
Hud and maybe even more electric parts like that from simplerockets2. For even more customization.
+2Add engine modifications to simpleplanes from simplerockets2. And even more power from the car engine or even a more powerful car engine.
+1Add to the game. That way you could tell one or more engines to shut down under certain conditions.
Always loved the tricycle Landing Gear. Hence a lot of my aircraft have that design for wheels. Update freely always remember who designed this one first. Never take credit unless you modify it.
Pronounced Ant-Varp Tvista as if German Designed.
First attempt at the P-61
BSEW100 I hope this is a better cover of your plane. Can go well over 1000 mph.
@BSEW100 most planes I build can't really compare in look to your original design. I just wanted something that flew without adding weapons. to be fair this does not look like all the other planes I have seen. I also added some cockpit features. in case you saw them or not.
Paint is indicative of American colors Red, White, and blue.