[Dashing through the snow
In my rusty Chevrolet
Down the road I go
Sliding all the way
I need new piston rings
I need some new snow tires
My car is held together
By a piece of chicken wire
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet
I went to the IGA
To get some Christmas cheer
I just passed up my left front tire
And it's getting hard to steer
Skidding down the highway
Right past the Negaunee cops
I had to drag my swampers
Just to get the car to stop
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet
Bouncing through the snowdrifts
In a big blue cloud of smoke
People laugh as I drive by
I wonder what's the joke
I got to get to Shop-Ko
To pick up the lay-away
'Cause Santa Claus is coming soon
In his big old rusty sleigh
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeZ0BUc3kMw)
@Boeing727200F because they want to tell you you can get it with 0% apr for the entirety of the lone (spoiler alert GIs actually get screwed into the high percentage apr's
It was a recruitment event. Be very mindful of these and don't fall for them.
Imo it's unethical for recruiters to go to schools, because highschoolers are very VERY gullible, and recruiters will say what ever they can to get you to join. They can lie if they have too.
@overlord5453 Why? considering I've been here since the start and that was 10 years ago and i was right out of highschool? You should go see the Realflight forums. their all old and retired. and what about the Devs?
@YarisSedan Two ways.
1, they spoof your account with a 2nd one that they can access, but makes the site thinks is yours, similar too phone number spoofing. Have you ever got a spam call from a number that's one digit off from a family member? well it's like that. they can even spoof the number completely so that you get a call from your mom on your end, but it's actually a spam caller. Happened to me once actually. Well websites work just like that, so what's to stop them?
2. They shoot you a simple virus on either your phone or computer that sets up a time bomb post that uploads to the site the moment you log in. it would have posted to whatever social media you accessed on your browser. Androids are notorious for this because it's such a simple program it evades security scans.
If you're on iphone, this couldn't happen though.
when i was in highschool and had an android i had to be careful not to access anything through a browser.
@YarisSedan I have a feeling this was done outside of your account. I don't think a password change will help... I think they can do this without even logging in.
the B-54 was a testbed for a new kinda engine with this really obscure theory that if you slapped a turbo onto every pistons exhaust, putting them in line with each other and running the inducted air into a compressor instead of the intake to the piston engine, you could create a turbine basically being turned by a piston engine.
This thrust, however was less than what was coming off the 4300 hp propeller engine, rendering it inert, and it drank gas like crazy. additionally, cooling this new engine was a Total Fn Nightmare. and a month later, the turboshaft engine was born.
@overlord5453 have you tried putting beacon inside a clear fuselage? I've done it and it works. Remember all a beacon is is an led. It kinda needs the rest of the light to work.
As much as I kinda want to do this, I cannot because I have sworn neutrality in all RP
I like it
@Alexitomujajaja No hablabla en espanol
@32 they care if you're using alt accounts tu avoid blocks, which Aerosultan just admitted to doing
I actually think you shouldn't ve able to forum post until you're silver or above.
I agree with all of the above and I think forum posts need to be limited just like craft posts.
@Convex high density of flights for the holidays means increase in incidents. We also hear about them alot more now from tiktok
There was another one this morning.
yes to all especially fuel tanks
Merry Christler
Yes too all and i want a 1:1 Aircraft carrier
@EmpireofWrightIsles The Waffen SS was Hitlers Secret Service. The Guistapo was his I.C.E.
Update your game? Shouldn't be hard. Unless you're a pirate
@EmpireofWrightIsles nope, nope, and nope. This symbol was proprietary to the Waffen SS and Guistapo
@MOGETA4BattleBots @EmpireofWrightIsles No it's not...
No aircraft had this symbol on it maguy
[Dashing through the snow
In my rusty Chevrolet
Down the road I go
Sliding all the way
I need new piston rings
I need some new snow tires
My car is held together
By a piece of chicken wire
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet
I went to the IGA
To get some Christmas cheer
I just passed up my left front tire
And it's getting hard to steer
Skidding down the highway
Right past the Negaunee cops
I had to drag my swampers
Just to get the car to stop
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet
Bouncing through the snowdrifts
In a big blue cloud of smoke
People laugh as I drive by
I wonder what's the joke
I got to get to Shop-Ko
To pick up the lay-away
'Cause Santa Claus is coming soon
In his big old rusty sleigh
Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke
The door just blew away
I light a match to see the dash
And then I start to pray
The frame is bent, the muffler went
The radio, it's okay
Oh, what fun it is to drive
This rusty Chevrolet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeZ0BUc3kMw)
...Huh! Interesting!
@Boeing727200F because they want to tell you you can get it with 0% apr for the entirety of the lone (spoiler alert GIs actually get screwed into the high percentage apr's
Apr is interest.
(Breadslice[Idiot (you)]Breadslice)
Sorry but you walked right into that one
It was a recruitment event. Be very mindful of these and don't fall for them.
Imo it's unethical for recruiters to go to schools, because highschoolers are very VERY gullible, and recruiters will say what ever they can to get you to join. They can lie if they have too.
@overlord5453 How old do you think alot of us are? not kids i'll tell ya that!
@overlord5453 Why? considering I've been here since the start and that was 10 years ago and i was right out of highschool? You should go see the Realflight forums. their all old and retired. and what about the Devs?
@overlord5453 30 in 2 months.
@YarisSedan yeah i thought you have an iPhone because the screen shot looks identical to my wifes iPhone lol
@YarisSedan Two ways.
1, they spoof your account with a 2nd one that they can access, but makes the site thinks is yours, similar too phone number spoofing. Have you ever got a spam call from a number that's one digit off from a family member? well it's like that. they can even spoof the number completely so that you get a call from your mom on your end, but it's actually a spam caller. Happened to me once actually. Well websites work just like that, so what's to stop them?
2. They shoot you a simple virus on either your phone or computer that sets up a time bomb post that uploads to the site the moment you log in. it would have posted to whatever social media you accessed on your browser. Androids are notorious for this because it's such a simple program it evades security scans.
If you're on iphone, this couldn't happen though.
when i was in highschool and had an android i had to be careful not to access anything through a browser.
looks like your on iphone though
@YarisSedan I have a feeling this was done outside of your account. I don't think a password change will help... I think they can do this without even logging in.
No and here's why.
the B-54 was a testbed for a new kinda engine with this really obscure theory that if you slapped a turbo onto every pistons exhaust, putting them in line with each other and running the inducted air into a compressor instead of the intake to the piston engine, you could create a turbine basically being turned by a piston engine.
This thrust, however was less than what was coming off the 4300 hp propeller engine, rendering it inert, and it drank gas like crazy. additionally, cooling this new engine was a Total Fn Nightmare. and a month later, the turboshaft engine was born.
we could never recreate that in Simpleplanes.
It's already been used in our community. It didn't go over well.
@SPsidearm It has one but i do need to revisit it.
when someone curates your post before you can add the hotlinks
Well did they attack there electrical grid first? You gotta knock out those wind mills!
VVV also how many active followers you have.
wheres the cockpit part?
@BaconEggs Damn
@overlord5453 have you tried putting beacon inside a clear fuselage? I've done it and it works. Remember all a beacon is is an led. It kinda needs the rest of the light to work.
Do you think you can make a mod that makes the Krakabloa convoy spawn 100% of the time?
@ComradeSandman Ugh. the blight of the age.
Update them
You should keep working on this. It has potential.
@ComradeSandman hey howabout you start building planes?
@YarisSedan yep. and THAT's why I support trans rights.
@YarisSedan Ryan FR Fireball
@YarisSedan look up the Ryan Fireball
It's panel was probably taken from either an F-16 or T-38. It was a very small jet.
Pretty sure I've pissed off the entire community a couple of times due to my bluntness.
Me: oh someone's doing ANOTHER f9f.
Me: Ooohhhhhh!?
Ssshhhh! Tis a secwet!
I'm gonna shoot your own answer back at you... not enough mods.