@RamboJutter infact, because of the shape of the floats, meant to be fluiddynamic, a shape that directly translates to air, they've less drag then fixed gear craft of the era
Did you know that the very first planes to break 300 mph were seaplanes? This is because at the time, retractable landing gear wasn't as developed as it was in the 40s. Most aircraft, especially racers that needed to save weight, had fixed landing gear. However, to reach 300 mph, planes required tremendous power and torque, often driving countrarotating propellers.
With it's floats and gull wing, this plane probably would have been very fast.
@G2 they knew about it well before we did. But we should also be concerned about Juno because it uses the same engine. I'm thinking they're already looking into unreal engine or going in the direction Realflight went which is using a native engine. Unfortunately that would mean a massive and I mean MASSIVE price hike for a new game.
Are you stupid?
@Aano78 you may want to read the manual
Fourty onest upvote
You haven't uploaded anything.
There is no "my first plane" in the highest rated section.
Yeah one of my neighbors is shooting off fireworks in celebration. Why that is I have no idea
@Majakalona huh? I try not to change the weight on pieces if I can on my 1.1 builds because we couldn't do that back then.
Because it is pleb
@Freerider2142 oh so it means we can drift now
@AndrewGarrison it looks like you guys aren't done
@DatMaluchGuy19 sounds about right
I'm having the same problem but with part scale
@HuskyDynamics01 you might want to drop me a follow.
@Graingy we lost some pretty significant stock planes in between 1.1 and 1.2, but we gained more.
Are you serious?
@Majakalona google the Sikorsky Ilya Muromets
It's 200 parts and 7 wings to be an AI friendly plane
@RamboJutter infact, because of the shape of the floats, meant to be fluiddynamic, a shape that directly translates to air, they've less drag then fixed gear craft of the era
Did you know that the very first planes to break 300 mph were seaplanes? This is because at the time, retractable landing gear wasn't as developed as it was in the 40s. Most aircraft, especially racers that needed to save weight, had fixed landing gear. However, to reach 300 mph, planes required tremendous power and torque, often driving countrarotating propellers.
With it's floats and gull wing, this plane probably would have been very fast.
@OrionIndustries if I find it I will. It was posted as an entree to the German camouflage challenge
So are we not getting glass solid/hollow nose cone? Because I feel like at this point it's stupid that those haven't been added
@G2 exactly and with Flyout and ksp2 in the same game devision as Sp it might be necessary
@Majakalona this plane is from before 1.3.
The tutorial plane was changed from this to a twin prop in 1.2 and again to something similar to a mosquito in 1.3
@G2 they knew about it well before we did. But we should also be concerned about Juno because it uses the same engine. I'm thinking they're already looking into unreal engine or going in the direction Realflight went which is using a native engine. Unfortunately that would mean a massive and I mean MASSIVE price hike for a new game.
There's a reason they said they're not developing SP
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes I've actually talked with him on discord and he's pretty chill
@BaconEggs this
@Gestour huh?
With that being said
@Vchart who the hell.stil uses GEFS?
@An94Simper I think to answer your question we have to look at the berameters in Unity. For that we will have to follow the modding guide.
@Majakalona nope! all legacy parts! however my next project is a cessna 414
This is b8
@Vincent @Mr.silverwolf
Make America GHate Again
I don't think there is an actual measurement
Is it 1:1 scale?
@FishbedFive nope as I'm kinda piggybacking off the gigachad idea
@FishbedFive Is shaking his head at what I'm currently doing on Simpleplanes
Pose control is confusing.
I do not approve of this variation as it is unchanged. At least repaint it. I've already reported it.
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 it appears the autocredit hasn't kicked in yet
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 yep
@BaconAircraft can you fix the autocredit? supposed to be https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/B9KM23/Vertigo
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes true
@WNP78 Busy with alot of stuff? That sounds like good news
@AngularMomentum JFC >-D
@Randomplayer it was autotagged correctly.
This is recent. Perhaps I can have a mod look into it.
@ZeroWithSlashedO there was noone on board the balloon
@Kazin yep that's him.