Here is the page where you can found replica of real airplanes, military aircraft and business jets build by us (SUBJet). Check it out if you like our work
I really enjoy your work on this airplane! Of course that is your best one. Personnaly, I have a great flight whit it. Hope the next ones will agree whit me
@Quebecor The airplane is really easy to control. But sometimes, when I retract the landing gear, it have a possibility that the aircraft turn whitout reason. It's a known problem or not?
@BaconEggs What I mean by unlisted is that you have to rechearch on Google for find the airplaine cause the site doesn't give it directly anymore. And for someone than he don't know your username, he/she can't found also your account and also all of your post. And also when I downloaded this plane, it was writed that the aircraft was unlisted. So I just reupload the aircraft (sorry, i'm not speaking good english)
Can you send me the V90 engine? I want to test it on the Mamba
+1Does the RM-16 is the contraction of the RM-6 and RM-10?
+2Tags :
Definitly your best car! Excellent work buddy
+1Umm...what's up with the door?
Real pleasure to build it just like in good old QuebecorGroup time
+1experience is pushed to the extreme. nice work
+2Your best car ever made
finally you baaack!
+1Daaaamn I tought you were not in SimplePlanes anymore. Glad to see you restart airliners construction and you painted a nice livery btw.
+1Thats a real god car we got here 😎
+1Hey dude! I really appreciate your work on my buddy's car. Can you do the same but with one of my cars and other comming soon?
+1Really nice dude :)
I have no words to describe this masterpiece 😱 Nice work Buddy :)
Yeah man that's what I call a supercar
Hell Yeah bro! This car is awesome :) +1 upvote!
Nice Livery :)
+1I would like to see it in real life
+1I swear I never see a car with more of genius :)
+1Wow! This car is so awesome! Also, glad to come back me too on SP ;)
+1Thank you for all your support
That was a great idea for making revive an old plane guys :)
+1Here is the page where you can found replica of real airplanes, military aircraft and business jets build by us (SUBJet). Check it out if you like our work
I really enjoy your work on this airplane! Of course that is your best one. Personnaly, I have a great flight whit it. Hope the next ones will agree whit me
@Quebecor The airplane is really easy to control. But sometimes, when I retract the landing gear, it have a possibility that the aircraft turn whitout reason. It's a known problem or not?
@BaconEggs What I mean by unlisted is that you have to rechearch on Google for find the airplaine cause the site doesn't give it directly anymore. And for someone than he don't know your username, he/she can't found also your account and also all of your post. And also when I downloaded this plane, it was writed that the aircraft was unlisted. So I just reupload the aircraft (sorry, i'm not speaking good english)
If you want, I Have a Other version whit new wings
This is a corriged version of the 747-8i
@WolfeYankee Cause Two version of 737 MAX 10 be in test phase.
@WolfeYankee Thanks I Will becarful more next time and What I Can upgrade on this plane?
For the next version, tell me what I should do for upgrading 250 MAX
@KekoaDoyel Doenst Have
When is Android Version?