Will in-game and non-modded tracks/treads be a thing with the initial release? That’d be a great addition since it’s supposed to be an overall vehicle sandbox.
Unless your germany you can’t take out a nation in 4 days. It would have to be a super blitzkrieg for that to be even plausible. Halcyon also has a giant military and very high tech so I would say at least wait a day if you can even take on halcyon.
Also armament, the British heavies were classified male or female, male if they had 2 6 pounders in sponsons, and female if they had 2 MGs in sponsons. @JamesBoA
+32Mission complete team we got Andrew to say lol
+12What have I started...
+7I agree. Your harrier is your work and you didn’t copy anything from him.
+6FYI: Your device isn’t getting enough air. Try putting some fans on your potato.
+6Jesus that’s a big ship
+6Will in-game and non-modded tracks/treads be a thing with the initial release? That’d be a great addition since it’s supposed to be an overall vehicle sandbox.
+5Photoshopped ones really annoy me
+5That would make building hulls easier and more realistic.
+4Unless your germany you can’t take out a nation in 4 days. It would have to be a super blitzkrieg for that to be even plausible. Halcyon also has a giant military and very high tech so I would say at least wait a day if you can even take on halcyon.
+4Stalin died in 52
+4That’s an odd looking rocking chair
+3It looks really good and you shouldn’t put yourself down for making it.
+3Let’s hope the 50th is the best
+3Still can’t beat a bob semple
+3Also armament, the British heavies were classified male or female, male if they had 2 6 pounders in sponsons, and female if they had 2 MGs in sponsons. @JamesBoA
+353 my bad
+3Wow such guitar
+3Commit sodoku
+3It’s jesus
+3It’s -50s here tomorrow with windchill...
+3Screw mods I want a multiplayer in game
+3Yeah what super computer is running this
+3A monstrosity @ACEPILOT109
+3Don’t include cargo
+3Wait another few months until it comes out on mobile
+3An alliteration
+2They’re all hellfires
+2After this can you please add micro transactions?
+2Very cool.
+2Funny @CrashFighter05
+2We finally get that master chief face reveal we’ve been wanting for 18 years
+2Very helpful to new players.
+2iOS has never had mods so I don’t find overload necessary.
+2tater nots
+2Also I would say delete this because this is just causing trouble and of course (no political discourse).
+2Yay a SP video with voice.
+2Realistic mig production on this site just like the soviet massproduction
+2Destroying SimpleLandian made tanks. Not nice.
+2We need clouds on base game
+2Only if it’s not hyper iPad @sheepsblood
+2Most sp rp chats die so quick it seems to me
+2It’s says April 2nd
+2Has track mod
+2Ur not the real sovietwomble