29.0k Supermini555 Comments

  • Electrode Ground Forces LT An-Namr MkIV 8.4 years ago

    The smaller hatch on the turret is the cupola @Pilotmario
    This is my first tank with actual working suspension, that's why it is lower than usual, it is less bumpy when you're driving around Typhoon Circuit
    No, It wont, 125mm Graphene = 5000mm Steel, although it's light, the armour is excellent, it has enough torque to pull itself out if a tree falls on it @PINK

  • Electrode Ground Forces LT An-Namr MkIV 8.4 years ago

    If you look under the wheels, it has suspension @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Electrode Ground Forces LT An-Namr MkIV 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Pilotmario

  • Proposal for C&C RP Reform 8.4 years ago

    Probably... @GoldenEagle

  • PDI F-7E Pit Viper 8.4 years ago

    Permission to borrow these wings? @Pilotmario

  • Electrode Ground Forces Al-Asad MkIV MBT 8.4 years ago

    Whoops, that is a little oversight to the design of the tank... Even though the turret ring is jammed, the gun can still move, and this weakspot is only shown when the gun is facing forwards
    Mind you, this tank is one powerful tank, more powerful and more practical than the others. This is going to be the final design of the chassis as it is the best chassis of the Al-Asad line and will be upgraded in terms of armour, firepower, turret design and Power @Pilotmario

  • Electrode Ground Forces Al-Asad MkIV MBT 8.4 years ago

    I know about momentum, the higher the mass, the higher the velocity, therefore the higher the momentum.
    Heavier bullets, despite having excellent momentum, they're a pain to load due to it's immense weight, therefore we use both types of shells, light shells for close ranges, heavier shells for long ranges @Pilotmario

  • Electrode Ground Forces Al-Asad MkIV MBT 8.4 years ago

    Well, if you say that the APFSDS is a far more effective ammunition, therefore the coilgun will gain a max penetration per round of 15 000mm
    Due to the composition of the bullet, which uses Graphyne as it's core, it is extremely light, yet can deal an insane amount of penetration @Pilotmario @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Electrode Ground Forces Al-Asad MkIV MBT 8.4 years ago

    Graphyne, not Carbyne
    The 160mm doesn't fire automatically, it fires one at a time, perfect for Close Quarters
    The APCRs used can enhance the ability of the CoilGun by allowing it to penetrate through 12 000mm of steel, while it's HEP counterpart is meant to penetrate through 5 000mm of steel, then blow a scab off the interior of the tank. At longer ranges, the rapid fire is less effective, therefore firing a shot every few seconds for maximum accuracy. The gun has a dispersion of 0.13m after 10km, making it extremely accurate with it's shots, although the aiming time is 4s, coupled with rapid fire, it will miss some of the shots, therefore shooting every few seconds @Pilotmario

  • Electrode Ground Forces Al-Asad MkIV MBT 8.4 years ago


  • Intihari Al-Layl 8.4 years ago

    Whoops, I meant 7.92mm cannons @TemDesBur

  • Awwam Interceptor MK2 8.4 years ago

    So, what is Wing-1?@Pilotmario

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: 'The Best' List 8.4 years ago

    Seems like we've forgotten to make ourselves a SuperWeapon, or do we?

    Manufacturing costs of some of our products are quite cheap due to Electrode Corps creating the hull and armour out of 3-D Printed Carbyne, making it much easier to produce and doesn't rely on heavy support on the tanks [Weight Support] , like the monocoque frame and the welded frame.

    In our electronics, we use Carbyne, a Carbon in our wiring, although it may be stiff, but it's very useful in our microchips and allows minimal resistance, roughly 0.00000000001% resistance, making it easier for it to charge up those cannons faster, particularly Coilguns and PlasmaCannons @Pilotmario

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: The Raseiniai of South America & The Chechen Crisis 8.4 years ago

    During the Conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (pbuh) went to the Makkan Captives and asked a particular question (sorry, can't remember the question). The captives replied that he will do good as he is trustworthy. Then the Prophet announced that all of the captive Makkans free. This shows the personality of the Prophet, who is forgiving.
    Another example is that which Yusuf forgave his other brothers (not including Bunyamin) for the sins committed to him (throwing Yusuf down the well, Bunyamin had no part in this wicked deed). This shows that the Prophets are forgiving @Pilotmario

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: The Raseiniai of South America & The Chechen Crisis 8.4 years ago

    Wait, scrolling down your comments, you DID say you have a chinese literature book meant for war tactics, The Art of War by Sun Tzu... In my History Book, it mentioned that particular book in the Chinese Dynasty. I know what it's talking about, but unfortunately I don't have said book, the only book I've seen of The Art of War is with my principal, who is also my History Teacher @Pilotmario

  • new car builds 8.4 years ago

    Um, a go kart?

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: The Raseiniai of South America & The Chechen Crisis 8.4 years ago

    ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: The Raseiniai of South America & The Chechen Crisis 8.4 years ago

    Wait, you took Canada? When and Proof? @Pilotmario

  • Minute Timer v1.0 8.4 years ago

    Yes! @AstleyIndustries

  • Aircraft Testing/Manuevrability DONE 8.4 years ago

    Will test it @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Al-Asad Armoured Combat Car 8.4 years ago

    Yes you can, sorry for not noticing your request @Thomas243

  • CG1 GT Coupe 8.4 years ago


    Look at the curves and design! Flawless!

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    Not literally disbanded Awwam, It's still a Nation, only divided among the members @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    We already split up Awwam into Sects, I as SEA (Not including the Philipines), RMark1 supposedly Aussie, exosuit as Canada, MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation as Arabia and Persia, still have some countries left over like NZ @Pilotmario

  • Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: The Raseiniai of South America & The Chechen Crisis 8.4 years ago

    Well, there're still EM Batteries @Pilotmario

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    Hope all of this will clear up all the issues within the RP itself @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Pilotmario @GoldenEagle

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    Noticed that, but the Aussies used to be Englishmen and Aborigines, trust me, I've went there before, in 2006 @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    I just want peace in the RP, but petty politics like this can actually ruin the fun in RPs, Supposedly that everyone wants to have fun and relieve stress from their daily lives, look at me, I'm still in school (Still learning, not literally in school) and everyone also want to have a fun experience in the RP.
    BTW, I'm still not leaving the RP, but may start to make a peace movement for war to stop (Not the Hippies) @Pilotmario @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    Wait... So you two are confused at what I'm trying to say?
    What I'm trying to say that you two have valid points but what's wrong if the English Law is implemented in Western Countries owned by Awwam?
    As far as I can see, we need to stop with these petty arguments as they will just bring war and destruction to both sides
    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation :
    Compromise isn't really a bad thing in any way, IMO, however you should treat your allies with respect although their Ideas may differ. Leaders must be excellent at compromising with their co workers if they have different views
    @Pilotmario :
    Starting a Rebellion is wrong, however you're avenging an ally of your enemy who is treated wrongly, and that is Justice in my eyes. A true leader would help anyone, even an enemy face justice against an unjust ruler
    Reminds me of Tariq Ibn Ziyad's Conquest

  • Light Tank M8A1 General Burns 8.4 years ago

    Hmm... Desicions...
    @Pilotmario :
    1. Mistreatment of a member who just want another law to go with the Syaria Law (English Law for Non-Muslims)
    2. Launching attacks just for vengeance for the mistreated

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation :
    1. Reasoning as Syariah Law is the best law;
    Cutting the hand that steals is only applied if:
    He is sane
    He has enough income to support himself and family
    If there's enough proof that he steals
    Cutting one's hand is an effective way to refrain others from stealing
    2. Percievement of the accused is trying to defect by including English Law alongside Syariah Law

    See for yourselves which side I'm on...

  • Ongoing project 8.4 years ago

    Love the design!

  • Ottoman Crescent and Star/New Awwam Insignia 8.4 years ago

    Since you three keep on talking and arguing about the laws of Awwam, I'm proposing for a law reformation
    1. Arabic is the main language, English is Second
    2. Islam is the Religion of the Nation, although other religions can be practised
    3. There are two types of courts, Syaria law everywhere, English Law in England, Aussie and NZ
    4. All Awwamis must treat each other with respect, despite some differences
    5. Non - Muslims must pay Jizyah once a year depending on their salary, they also must pay tax
    6. Muslims must pay Zakat Fitrah [for those capable] and pay their Zakat in terms of property, [Jewelery, Livestock, Earnings, etc]
    *basically, these two are similar in many ways
    7. Punishments are as follows: [As long as they meet the 18 years age requirement and are sane]
    Syariah Law: Refer This,This and This
    English Law: Follow as usual
    8. A person is considered as poor if he can't afford to raise his family and require assistance in doing certain stuff
    9. Religion mustn't be part of politics, but can be used to spread peace instead due to religion and politics don't really mix together.
    10. Citizens of conquered states [Prisoners of War] may ransom themselves or teach 10 children until they're smart or may be pardoned by the Caliphate. If none of the above, they will become slaves instead
    11. Slaves can buy themselves free by means of keeping money or other people buy them, then set them free

    Hope you can compromise with each other and stop with arguing with each other @Pilotmario @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @RMark1

  • Bandit F-8C Super Cobra 8.4 years ago

    Hmm, what's it's turning speed, my upcoming fighter can do 360 turns in 2s, but unfortunately due to it's design, it can't carry loads due to drag slowing the fighter down drastically @Pilotmario
    Even it it could, the power output isn't strong enough to push more load with it

  • Svadilfari Class Destroyer Flotila Leader 8.4 years ago

    2338 PARTS!
    RIP Mobile [and probably OSX]
    Still, very awesome looking ship / Destroyer

  • I'm giving up 8.4 years ago

    Mega projects like this may take a while to complete. Even it's out of scale like you said, it still looks pretty good ;)
    Best thing to do, just slowly add on to it, improve on the design 👍 @GT3TobyRS

  • The "Latent" Camaro By MKI 8.4 years ago

    Now THAT is Real Suspension!

  • agir tanki MkI Gergedan 8.4 years ago

    A bit slow, but the skyline is a bit on the low side, if you want to use my subaru as a base, that is much easier to shape as the skyline has similar shape @Thomas243

  • Map 8.4 years ago


  • Ottoman Crescent and Star/New Awwam Insignia 8.4 years ago

    Good thing I was researching the Ummayyad Caliphate as part of my exhibition a few weeks ago @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Map 8.4 years ago

    Thanks to you too! @RhysBrown

  • Map 8.4 years ago

    Well, I had been in an Alt WWII RP, a CnC RP and now? Alt WWI RP... @RhysBrown

  • Map 8.4 years ago

    What theme? If WWI, Use This
    If WWII, Use This
    If AFV, Use This or That @RhysBrown

  • Ottoman Crescent and Star/New Awwam Insignia 8.4 years ago

    Basically, the Spanish people want Islam's help to defeat the wretched King @Pilotmario

  • Ottoman Crescent and Star/New Awwam Insignia 8.4 years ago

    Regarding the Spain issue, Here's proof that Islam didn't come to Spain Forcefully [I was reading the previous comments] Read the History @Pilotmario

  • I found a bug... A weird one... 8.4 years ago

    Umm, it seems like that the inf fuel is the cause of it... @Tully2001

  • I found a bug... A weird one... 8.4 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus @joeysellers

  • I found a bug... A weird one... 8.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison @PhillipTarpley @NathanMikeska

  • FL-20B Shava 8.4 years ago

    I know, that's why we have 9 mile range missiles, but if your missiles can go further, I don't know