@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi hello yes i'm still around, potentially more often once SP2 is out. dunno what i did to be your lord but i appreciate it i guess lol
@GhostMach i am a former moderator for this website and a current moderator on its sister site, simplerockets.com. i have had a few months of experience with the automod at this point, so you can trust what i have to say. as stated, you don't have to be concerned about false bans as the automod does not perform moderation actions on its own, it only submits potentially problematic posts for manual review
Juno has a lot to like that makes it almost impossible for me to go back to SimplePlanes. When you get used to the designer, I (and everyone else I've seen who's committed to switching) think it is, in most ways, more powerful and more easy to use than the one in SimplePlanes. There isn't any fuselage slicing, but there's a hidden property called clamping that is almost if not equally as powerful, and you can find a mod that makes it accessible through a UI here. And yes, you can fly around in space with an X-Wing — in sandbox mode, there are cheats in the flight info panel on the right side of the screen when you're in flight, including infinite fuel. Just be aware, orbital mechanics will apply.
Jundroo isn't in any danger from this, especially considering the changes may not even come to pass. If Unity themselves don't end up backtracking on it, then potential lawsuits from huge companies like Microsoft (who would have to foot the bill for Unity games on Game Pass) could force them to backtrack anyway. I wouldn't worry about Jundroo.
Just to make this clear, reporting these is highly encouraged. I'm unsure if this applies to comments, but if three different users report a post it gets automatically removed for a moderator to review.
@Ren @Default4 Ignoring your exceedingly rude behaviour for a second; we do not intend to have double-standards in the mod team, and I understand that this may appear to be contrary to that.
However, as has been stated already by multiple people in this comments section (including the "only good mod [we] ever had"), merely mentioning a Discord server in proper context (e.g results of a challenge hosted by a Discord server) is not something that we consider advertising, and to my knowledge never has been. It becomes problematic once you provide links to the server, or incentive to join the server, even if it's subtle. I understand that this system is frustrating for some, but without it we would be going back to every other forum post being a server advertisement and that's frankly just not good.
@JustLookingForFriends That shouldn't be happening! I don't think it's anything I can fix myself, so could you please send Jundroo an email? They should be able to help you. Sorry about that.
@linxiaofeng2339 The white box in the lower left corner is called a QR code. These take you to a webpage upon being scanned with a mobile device. These can and have been used for malicious purposes, so we'd prefer to stay on the safe side. You're not in trouble or anything, though.
@Bummer Please, enough with the provocative comments. We will deal with problematic comments ourselves; your behaviour is only making yourself and the other trans members of the community look bad.
This post is staying up regardless of how many times it gets reported. Any hateful comments (e.g "target practice" jokes, as there were so many of) will be removed and the poster given a strike. We will not tolerate behaviour like that on this website; please read the rules.
That being said, I will point out that @SnoWFLakE0s has a point. I don't think "Your supposed anti-LGBT claims are unfounded" because they aren't and the comments on this post that I've had to remove prove that, but repeatedly going after people through the site (and specifically calling certain users out) is something we tend to crack down on, regardless of who's doing it and why.
I have edited the description of this post to remove a part that's obviously meant to irritate people, and from this point forward I expect you to stop bringing Discord drama over to the website.
We are aware of some of the behaviour present in multiple unofficial community outlets, including SPBC, and it is something I personally would like to deal with in some way in the future; however it is beyond our direct jurisdiction as website moderators. I see a decent amount of distasteful or downright hateful things being said about certain groups of people, mainly transgender people and furries, and it makes me sad to see that a lot of this is just allowed to slip by. This is a game about building vehicles, people shouldn't ruin it for others just because they're being themselves.
It applies site-wide. Contrary to what's being said by @IceCraftGaming and @7, the current events in Ukraine are not an exception to this. We want this to be a place where most people can discuss aviation.
They are currently prioritizing SimpleRockets 2's next few updates to get that game into 1.0. It is unlikely that they currently have any major focus on SimplePlanes right now.
I have made some changes to the description, as it gives off the impression this is a sympathy/memorial post, which are prohibited by the rules. Additionally, "Glory To Ukraine" has been removed as it is prone to controversy right now that's best avoided.
Since the craft itself is not problematic, you may reupload it with a less politically charged thumbnail (no "Stand For Ukraine" or anything similar) and please make sure not to ask for upvotes. Just make the post be about the aircraft, not the politics of it.
Your post has been removed, please refrain from posting low effort things such as this. If you would like to celebrate your point milestone, please do so with a forum post or a properly functioning craft.
@Rjenteissussy that's a pre-written comment for when a post deemed a copy is removed. You did credit the creator, but the post itself isn't different enough from the original to justify it staying up.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi hello yes i'm still around, potentially more often once SP2 is out. dunno what i did to be your lord but i appreciate it i guess lol
+2@GhostMach i am a former moderator for this website and a current moderator on its sister site, simplerockets.com. i have had a few months of experience with the automod at this point, so you can trust what i have to say. as stated, you don't have to be concerned about false bans as the automod does not perform moderation actions on its own, it only submits potentially problematic posts for manual review
+6@GabrielFangster70 the automod cannot ban people or delete posts, it only reports things to the moderators
+8@Rb2h not really. the automod doesn't remove content on its own, it requires manual action to be taken on the things it reports
+6Juno has a lot to like that makes it almost impossible for me to go back to SimplePlanes. When you get used to the designer, I (and everyone else I've seen who's committed to switching) think it is, in most ways, more powerful and more easy to use than the one in SimplePlanes. There isn't any fuselage slicing, but there's a hidden property called clamping that is almost if not equally as powerful, and you can find a mod that makes it accessible through a UI here. And yes, you can fly around in space with an X-Wing — in sandbox mode, there are cheats in the flight info panel on the right side of the screen when you're in flight, including infinite fuel. Just be aware, orbital mechanics will apply.
+1Jundroo isn't in any danger from this, especially considering the changes may not even come to pass. If Unity themselves don't end up backtracking on it, then potential lawsuits from huge companies like Microsoft (who would have to foot the bill for Unity games on Game Pass) could force them to backtrack anyway. I wouldn't worry about Jundroo.
+3do vista next
@temporaryplanetester possibly
+3Just to make this clear, reporting these is highly encouraged. I'm unsure if this applies to comments, but if three different users report a post it gets automatically removed for a moderator to review.
+9@Mostly as always
+1@Ren @Default4 Ignoring your exceedingly rude behaviour for a second; we do not intend to have double-standards in the mod team, and I understand that this may appear to be contrary to that.
However, as has been stated already by multiple people in this comments section (including the "only good mod [we] ever had"), merely mentioning a Discord server in proper context (e.g results of a challenge hosted by a Discord server) is not something that we consider advertising, and to my knowledge never has been. It becomes problematic once you provide links to the server, or incentive to join the server, even if it's subtle. I understand that this system is frustrating for some, but without it we would be going back to every other forum post being a server advertisement and that's frankly just not good.
+9welcome to the cult
+6@JustLookingForFriends That shouldn't be happening! I don't think it's anything I can fix myself, so could you please send Jundroo an email? They should be able to help you. Sorry about that.
+4@JedediahTheDrooman That's long before my time, and when it was uploaded it was considered a unique thing to do
This is quite a bit off-topic for this website, sorry. It has been removed.
@linxiaofeng2339 The white box in the lower left corner is called a QR code. These take you to a webpage upon being scanned with a mobile device. These can and have been used for malicious purposes, so we'd prefer to stay on the safe side. You're not in trouble or anything, though.
@X99STRIKER It was pretty long and felt spammy and off-topic. I've gone ahead and emptied it and reapproved it, so you can make a new bio.
+1@Bummer Please, enough with the provocative comments. We will deal with problematic comments ourselves; your behaviour is only making yourself and the other trans members of the community look bad.
+14Temporarily banned. He'll be back in a couple of weeks.
+5@F1849 No, it didn't, it just said something provocative.
+2This post is staying up regardless of how many times it gets reported. Any hateful comments (e.g "target practice" jokes, as there were so many of) will be removed and the poster given a strike. We will not tolerate behaviour like that on this website; please read the rules.
That being said, I will point out that @SnoWFLakE0s has a point. I don't think "Your supposed anti-LGBT claims are unfounded" because they aren't and the comments on this post that I've had to remove prove that, but repeatedly going after people through the site (and specifically calling certain users out) is something we tend to crack down on, regardless of who's doing it and why.
I have edited the description of this post to remove a part that's obviously meant to irritate people, and from this point forward I expect you to stop bringing Discord drama over to the website.
@Bummer Of course, but a new user showing up with something like this deserves some attention. It is, after all, what the feature system is meant for.
+4I believe this warrants being featured due to being such a high quality build for someone so new to the site. Nice work, keep it up.
+4As creative a post as this is, I have to remove it as random QR codes can pose somewhat of a security risk I'd rather not take. Hope you understand.
We are aware of some of the behaviour present in multiple unofficial community outlets, including SPBC, and it is something I personally would like to deal with in some way in the future; however it is beyond our direct jurisdiction as website moderators. I see a decent amount of distasteful or downright hateful things being said about certain groups of people, mainly transgender people and furries, and it makes me sad to see that a lot of this is just allowed to slip by. This is a game about building vehicles, people shouldn't ruin it for others just because they're being themselves.
+4It was removed due to being a very low-quality post.
@Rjenteissussy post a link to it please
+1It applies site-wide. Contrary to what's being said by @IceCraftGaming and @7, the current events in Ukraine are not an exception to this. We want this to be a place where most people can discuss aviation.
+4They are currently prioritizing SimpleRockets 2's next few updates to get that game into 1.0. It is unlikely that they currently have any major focus on SimplePlanes right now.
+12Removed because you don't need to apologize to anybody. You can find the rules at the bottom of the webpage, or you can click this link :)
@ColonelCanada Please do not advertise your posts in comment sections.
@OnlyRealCarrot @PlaneFlightX Nothing I can do, sorry.
+1I have made some changes to the description, as it gives off the impression this is a sympathy/memorial post, which are prohibited by the rules. Additionally, "Glory To Ukraine" has been removed as it is prone to controversy right now that's best avoided.
+1Since the craft itself is not problematic, you may reupload it with a less politically charged thumbnail (no "Stand For Ukraine" or anything similar) and please make sure not to ask for upvotes. Just make the post be about the aircraft, not the politics of it.
Your post has been removed, please ensure your posts have a bit more effort put into them.
Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here
Your post has been removed, please refrain from posting low effort things such as this. If you would like to celebrate your point milestone, please do so with a forum post or a properly functioning craft.
+1Post removed, please keep posts somewhat on-topic with the subject matter of the site, and most importantly please try not to make low effort posts.
Your post has been removed as it has failed to adhere to our rules, specifically in regards to credit and auto-credit.
@Changjiang that's just a pre-written comment for posts that are deemed copies, it doesn't mean you didn't credit the original post
@Rjenteissussy that's a pre-written comment for when a post deemed a copy is removed. You did credit the creator, but the post itself isn't different enough from the original to justify it staying up.
+4Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
+1Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Your post has been removed as it doesn't meet our standards for the quality of posts on this site.
Your post has been removed as it doesn't meet the quality standards we have for posts on this site.