Legally, Jundroo is not allowed to knowingly collect data from people under the age of 13 due to child data protection laws. So if we're made aware that someone is under 13, we are obligated to terminate their account. Sadly this is entirely out of our control.
You still can't download mods on the mobile version of SR2. Planets and solar systems in SR2 are made via XML editing (though an in-game planet editor is currently in the works) and are not mods, same as how you can edit the XML of crafts on the Android version of SP, but this is obviously much more complex.
@Karzigg It's.. more complicated than that. As seen in the clarified edit of this post, it wasn't about an Afghanistan joke as originally presumed. He said some pretty bad things that, if by some chance managed to make its way into public view, could get Jundroo into a lot of trouble with the public due to someone representing them saying such things. Evidently, Andrew didn't want to take any chances.
While I personally do not see the point of putting an anime girl into the thumbnail of, say, an F-15 build; there is nothing in our rules preventing people from doing so, as long as the build as it appears in-game is clearly visible in the thumbnail. Please do not harass people that do this as it just creates a needlessly hostile environment.
Additionally, I would like to confirm that using a 3D rendering of your craft in the thumbnail instead of an in-game screenshot is not allowed and if you are caught doing that your build will be removed and you may be issued a strike. Same goes for editing the screenshot to add things like exhaust that are not present in the actual build. An exception to these rules is challenge thumbnails.
@AN2Felllla Please don't do that, just make original crafts or re-make your SP stuff from scratch. This is a cool tool, but it should not be used for abusive purposes.
@Bummer Please, enough with the provocative comments. We will deal with problematic comments ourselves; your behaviour is only making yourself and the other trans members of the community look bad.
It always bothered me a bit when people say stuff like this. What you've said covers a very wide range of genres and songs, and you haven't elaborated on what exactly you mean. I can say X old rock song is a better song than Y modern pop song, but that wouldn't be a good comparison at all because they're two completely different genres. There are good and bad songs from every time period. If you're not willing to look for the songs from the current era that you would actually like and only look at the stuff you don't like, then of course you're gonna think that old music is just somehow better by default.
Some optional features in the designer to make it more "modern" like the SR2 designer is something I'd like to see. I understand not everyone would want an updated designer as they are used to how it's been for the past several years, but SP's designer for someone who hasn't played SP much is quite clearly mechanically inferior in most ways to SR2's and more needlessly difficult to use, so optional settings to make it more like SR2 would be nice.
@SledDriver Don't criticize other people for being arrogant if you yourself fall under that. Now, you're a decent builder -- I'll give you that. However, you seem to be unable to handle criticism or even questions about a build. You (for lack of better word) seem to antagonize people if they say something even slightly negative about a build of yours, which is definitely not okay. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you respond to basic criticism the way you do, no one will like you.
They are currently prioritizing SimpleRockets 2's next few updates to get that game into 1.0. It is unlikely that they currently have any major focus on SimplePlanes right now.
@Tookan SimpleRockets 2 is newer and much easier for them to develop. They've said it before: SimplePlanes is getting old and hard to work with, working from home is a challenge, and they have to get SimpleRockets 2 out of early access. Would you rather they stop working on SR2 to update an aging game that's hard to update or would you rather they get it out of early access and potentially make a SimplePlanes 2 at some point?
Strikes are less of a rule and more like guidelines for us moderators to use when deciding what to do with someone. You can't see it, but there are some people with more than 3 strikes that are still here, and some with fewer than 3 that aren't.
It's in the site TOS, which by signing up you indicate that you agree to. It's not our fault you might not have actually read through it. We have this requirement because the law demands it.
Not a bad idea, but seeing as so many people seem to have also not read the terms of service and privacy policy despite agreeing to them, I don't have faith in that working so much.
Using an alt to evade a ban is grounds for a permanent ban on the alt and possibly extension of the ban on your main account, regardless of what site the ban occured on.
@Renamed71220 Your bio was removed due to the rather political nature of it and irrelevance to the site/SimplePlanes. I've re-approved it so feel free to write a new one. As for the username, you renamed yourself to "AndrewGarisom", which is close enough to AndrewGarrison that it would classify as impersonation, which, as stated in the website Terms Of Use, is forbidden. We're undecided as of right now whether or not we'll make you wait the 30 days to change it back.
I would like to state for the record that this is a rather sensitive moment and it should be treated as such. I understand you all are shocked by this, and rightfully so, but I expect you all to conduct yourselves respectfully here, otherwise you may receive a strike on your account.
I would also like to say that most of you do not know the full extent of either side here. It is worse than was described, but due to various reasons further detail cannot be explained in public. Keep that in mind before making comments for or against anyone involved.
I don't come here very often but my main issue with this game's community is that people can't seem to get along. It always seems like there's some kind of drama happening 24/7. I get that this tends to happen with larger communities, but still.
A) Suggestions generally go on the Uservoice
B) While they likely read the suggestions on the forums and Uservoice, they don't have time to respond to any, nor are they under any obligation to respond
C) SimplePlanes just isn't going to get any more major updates. It's too difficult to update at this point, and their focus currently is SimpleRockets 2.
I want the people that WiiMini has chosen not to give the full story (which appears to be most people if not everyone), to know that he was banned for not only accumulating five strikes, but doing so in the span of less than a year. Stating that it was simply "a misleading thumbnail" is false — that was the reason for the fifth strike, not for the ban itself.
Also, @Sm10684 @asteroidbook345 @Simps do not encourage the use of alternate accounts to evade bans/otherwise break the rules. I've issued all three of you a strike for doing so.
@SledDriver You respond to criticism with logical, well-reasoned, well-articulated responses? Maybe so, but only if they upvote the build, of course.
And about the leaving you alone thing: I have as much of a right to comment on your builds as you do. If I want to criticize it, I can -- just the same as you can anyone else's build. That said, I usually only comment on your stuff if I feel it is necessary. I'll even get my own bit of advice in here: Try building something from scratch without your script once in a while. Over time, it becomes less impressive, so people need to be reminded of what you're actually capable of without a script.
Just to make this clear, reporting these is highly encouraged. I'm unsure if this applies to comments, but if three different users report a post it gets automatically removed for a moderator to review.
@Ren @Default4 Ignoring your exceedingly rude behaviour for a second; we do not intend to have double-standards in the mod team, and I understand that this may appear to be contrary to that.
However, as has been stated already by multiple people in this comments section (including the "only good mod [we] ever had"), merely mentioning a Discord server in proper context (e.g results of a challenge hosted by a Discord server) is not something that we consider advertising, and to my knowledge never has been. It becomes problematic once you provide links to the server, or incentive to join the server, even if it's subtle. I understand that this system is frustrating for some, but without it we would be going back to every other forum post being a server advertisement and that's frankly just not good.
Before this inevitably turns into a cesspool of toxicity and I have to remove it, I'll go ahead and answer the question as best I can.
You see, it dates back to the Chinese Civil War, which began around 1927. It consisted of two parties: The Republic of China, which at the time had control over mainland China, and the Chinese Communist Party. This civil war lasted until 1949, with the CCP winning and taking control over mainland China. This forced the RoC to retreat to an island called Taiwan. After this, there was much debate over which of those two was the legitimate Chinese government, as both were claiming to be the real China. I think that is still somewhat of an issue in the modern day, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, nowadays the main issue is Taiwan's sovreignty, which most people in mainland China do not recognize, as to my knowledge they have been heavily pushing for a reunification instead.
This has been heavily simplified, both to keep it relatively short and so that I get less stuff wrong, but I hope this provides a bit of context.
@thefalkenreich My good friend, I am fully aware of that. However, SledDriver's version suffered from a crippling flaw known as "backwards landing gear". This build here fixes that and Othawne spent countless hours doing so.
Legally, Jundroo is not allowed to knowingly collect data from people under the age of 13 due to child data protection laws. So if we're made aware that someone is under 13, we are obligated to terminate their account. Sadly this is entirely out of our control.
+26@Tully2001 Your post has been removed because it appears to have violated the website rules. You can read them here
+26Joking about this is probably not the best idea considering we legally can't have people that are under 13 on here
+24@SledDriver Since when do you need to upvote something to comment on it?
+22You still can't download mods on the mobile version of SR2. Planets and solar systems in SR2 are made via XML editing (though an in-game planet editor is currently in the works) and are not mods, same as how you can edit the XML of crafts on the Android version of SP, but this is obviously much more complex.
+21Welcome! Please supply duck pictures at your earliest convenience. This is not optional.
+19for the record I have no clue who featured this
+19i'm glad henry stickmin memes are making a comeback but cmon man you can do better than a "" watermark
+18@Karzigg It's.. more complicated than that. As seen in the clarified edit of this post, it wasn't about an Afghanistan joke as originally presumed. He said some pretty bad things that, if by some chance managed to make its way into public view, could get Jundroo into a lot of trouble with the public due to someone representing them saying such things. Evidently, Andrew didn't want to take any chances.
+17@AndrewGarrison You may want to look into removing @HellFireKoder. He appears to be using an absurd amount of power.
+17While I personally do not see the point of putting an anime girl into the thumbnail of, say, an F-15 build; there is nothing in our rules preventing people from doing so, as long as the build as it appears in-game is clearly visible in the thumbnail. Please do not harass people that do this as it just creates a needlessly hostile environment.
Additionally, I would like to confirm that using a 3D rendering of your craft in the thumbnail instead of an in-game screenshot is not allowed and if you are caught doing that your build will be removed and you may be issued a strike. Same goes for editing the screenshot to add things like exhaust that are not present in the actual build. An exception to these rules is challenge thumbnails.
@AN2Felllla Please don't do that, just make original crafts or re-make your SP stuff from scratch. This is a cool tool, but it should not be used for abusive purposes.
+16Becoming a moderator
+15@Bummer Please, enough with the provocative comments. We will deal with problematic comments ourselves; your behaviour is only making yourself and the other trans members of the community look bad.
+14I'm not an employee at Jundroo but I am website staff, so on behalf of all of us: thanks :)
+14It always bothered me a bit when people say stuff like this. What you've said covers a very wide range of genres and songs, and you haven't elaborated on what exactly you mean. I can say X old rock song is a better song than Y modern pop song, but that wouldn't be a good comparison at all because they're two completely different genres. There are good and bad songs from every time period. If you're not willing to look for the songs from the current era that you would actually like and only look at the stuff you don't like, then of course you're gonna think that old music is just somehow better by default.
+14Some optional features in the designer to make it more "modern" like the SR2 designer is something I'd like to see. I understand not everyone would want an updated designer as they are used to how it's been for the past several years, but SP's designer for someone who hasn't played SP much is quite clearly mechanically inferior in most ways to SR2's and more needlessly difficult to use, so optional settings to make it more like SR2 would be nice.
+14Ah yes, SimplePlanes on a gaming console.
+14@Squirrel I hear they also recently hired a dragon. How absurd is that?
+14@ArcturusAerospace bold words for someone within banning distance
+14literally 1984 smh
+13@SledDriver Don't criticize other people for being arrogant if you yourself fall under that. Now, you're a decent builder -- I'll give you that. However, you seem to be unable to handle criticism or even questions about a build. You (for lack of better word) seem to antagonize people if they say something even slightly negative about a build of yours, which is definitely not okay. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you respond to basic criticism the way you do, no one will like you.
+13@SledDriver Please, be nice.
+13They are currently prioritizing SimpleRockets 2's next few updates to get that game into 1.0. It is unlikely that they currently have any major focus on SimplePlanes right now.
+12SR2 VR would be cool as well wink wink nudge nudge
Seriously though, I don't have a VR headset but this looks really cool and I suspected something was up when you made that cockpit tag lol
+12@Tookan SimpleRockets 2 is newer and much easier for them to develop. They've said it before: SimplePlanes is getting old and hard to work with, working from home is a challenge, and they have to get SimpleRockets 2 out of early access. Would you rather they stop working on SR2 to update an aging game that's hard to update or would you rather they get it out of early access and potentially make a SimplePlanes 2 at some point?
+12Using an alt to evade a ban is grounds for a permanent ban on the alt and possibly extension of the ban on your main account, regardless of what site the ban occured on.
+12@Renamed71220 Your bio was removed due to the rather political nature of it and irrelevance to the site/SimplePlanes. I've re-approved it so feel free to write a new one. As for the username, you renamed yourself to "AndrewGarisom", which is close enough to AndrewGarrison that it would classify as impersonation, which, as stated in the website Terms Of Use, is forbidden. We're undecided as of right now whether or not we'll make you wait the 30 days to change it back.
+12@ReinMcDeer I really ought to give you a strike for that abomination
+11I would like to state for the record that this is a rather sensitive moment and it should be treated as such. I understand you all are shocked by this, and rightfully so, but I expect you all to conduct yourselves respectfully here, otherwise you may receive a strike on your account.
+11I would also like to say that most of you do not know the full extent of either side here. It is worse than was described, but due to various reasons further detail cannot be explained in public. Keep that in mind before making comments for or against anyone involved.
The weird eyebrows and lack of teeth make this fairly cursed
+11I don't come here very often but my main issue with this game's community is that people can't seem to get along. It always seems like there's some kind of drama happening 24/7. I get that this tends to happen with larger communities, but still.
+11this comment section is why i've nearly lost faith in this community multiple times
+10A) Suggestions generally go on the Uservoice
+10B) While they likely read the suggestions on the forums and Uservoice, they don't have time to respond to any, nor are they under any obligation to respond
C) SimplePlanes just isn't going to get any more major updates. It's too difficult to update at this point, and their focus currently is SimpleRockets 2.
I want the people that WiiMini has chosen not to give the full story (which appears to be most people if not everyone), to know that he was banned for not only accumulating five strikes, but doing so in the span of less than a year. Stating that it was simply "a misleading thumbnail" is false — that was the reason for the fifth strike, not for the ban itself.
Also, @Sm10684 @asteroidbook345 @Simps do not encourage the use of alternate accounts to evade bans/otherwise break the rules. I've issued all three of you a strike for doing so.
@SledDriver You respond to criticism with logical, well-reasoned, well-articulated responses? Maybe so, but only if they upvote the build, of course.
And about the leaving you alone thing: I have as much of a right to comment on your builds as you do. If I want to criticize it, I can -- just the same as you can anyone else's build. That said, I usually only comment on your stuff if I feel it is necessary. I'll even get my own bit of advice in here: Try building something from scratch without your script once in a while. Over time, it becomes less impressive, so people need to be reminded of what you're actually capable of without a script.
I mean to be fair that isn't exactly very difficult to accomplish in most cases
+10Just to make this clear, reporting these is highly encouraged. I'm unsure if this applies to comments, but if three different users report a post it gets automatically removed for a moderator to review.
+9@Ren @Default4 Ignoring your exceedingly rude behaviour for a second; we do not intend to have double-standards in the mod team, and I understand that this may appear to be contrary to that.
However, as has been stated already by multiple people in this comments section (including the "only good mod [we] ever had"), merely mentioning a Discord server in proper context (e.g results of a challenge hosted by a Discord server) is not something that we consider advertising, and to my knowledge never has been. It becomes problematic once you provide links to the server, or incentive to join the server, even if it's subtle. I understand that this system is frustrating for some, but without it we would be going back to every other forum post being a server advertisement and that's frankly just not good.
+9This may be one of the coolest things I've seen done in a VR game
+9Before this inevitably turns into a cesspool of toxicity and I have to remove it, I'll go ahead and answer the question as best I can.
You see, it dates back to the Chinese Civil War, which began around 1927. It consisted of two parties: The Republic of China, which at the time had control over mainland China, and the Chinese Communist Party. This civil war lasted until 1949, with the CCP winning and taking control over mainland China. This forced the RoC to retreat to an island called Taiwan. After this, there was much debate over which of those two was the legitimate Chinese government, as both were claiming to be the real China. I think that is still somewhat of an issue in the modern day, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, nowadays the main issue is Taiwan's sovreignty, which most people in mainland China do not recognize, as to my knowledge they have been heavily pushing for a reunification instead.
This has been heavily simplified, both to keep it relatively short and so that I get less stuff wrong, but I hope this provides a bit of context.
+9Michael Collins, too. If somehow any of you are unaware, Michael Collins was the command module pilot of Apollo 11. May he rest in peace.
+9@Noname918181 Hah, imagine having a ceiling. Mine is a hole.
+9@Gestour I can confirm that this is true.
+9@Renamed71220 hey what about me
+9@asteroidbook345 No, it was the auto-mod. It had too many reports. I re-approved it, however, as it does not violate any rules.
+9@thefalkenreich My good friend, I am fully aware of that. However, SledDriver's version suffered from a crippling flaw known as "backwards landing gear". This build here fixes that and Othawne spent countless hours doing so.
+9@GabrielFangster70 the automod cannot ban people or delete posts, it only reports things to the moderators