Can you find out the relationship between current and voltage of R1(the fixed value resistance) by changing the resistance of R2?
Can you work out the resistance value of R1, the voltage of the battery pack and the resistance changing range of R2? How did you make it ? Share your answer in your comment!
@Boeing737800ali thx
@EVickeboi rotators and small rotators will rotate the part around the part’s central axis
@klm747klm747 thx
@klm747klm747 pls take more screenshots because I definitely can’t fly it ...
@DanP535 Ok
@Xuwenze 到时候我会重做359,可以试试
@TheMrPilotMan i am working on a Su-33 now. It will be better😄
@Xuwenze 可以,等暑假吧😄
aren't [doge]
@pingxiangsmzy 你也是😄
@pingxiangsmzy 我也不熟练,但是这个很有用😄
@ZhuYanYaoxiaozhu10187 是的😄
@ZhuYanYaoxiaozhu10187 好啊😄
@ShootsPlanes ok😄
@Spenzerointernational it is ARJ21
@pingxiangsmzy 。。。
Floppy rotators in SP seems to be zero friction
@Imtiaak btw I am on 1.10.101
@WSI @Imtiaak That was a mistake in uploading
@pingxiangsmzy 是的😄
@pingxiangsmzy 你被你关注的人spotlight了就是这样的
@wfy312 所以最好开高物理【doge】(我会试试的) 对了,浮力忘加了。。。
Oh those engines are to powerful, so download this
@pingxiangsmzy 还有,要用电脑钉钉
@pingxiangsmzy 图片名称没啥用,随便输点什么就行了
@pingxiangsmzy 我用电脑把图片发到钉钉上,拿鼠标把图片往下面输入栏一拖就有链接了。。。
@pingxiangsmzy ![ 图片的名称 ](图片的链接)
Great livery😄
@BaconAircraft Thanks
@BaconAircraft @realSavageMan
Can I use the slides on it for my ARJ21? I will give credit if it is OK. Thx
@pingxiangsmzy 好吧
@pingxiangsmzy 来探究一下欧姆定律😁😁
Can you find out the relationship between current and voltage of R1(the fixed value resistance) by changing the resistance of R2?
Can you work out the resistance value of R1, the voltage of the battery pack and the resistance changing range of R2? How did you make it ? Share your answer in your comment!
@SKDS 涂装可以
@PaperPlaneHasDream ...
@PaperPlaneHasDream 什么房
@SKDS 是的。修改后的版本
@Horsepower AG600
@RUSKIETANKI 2640766112
@RUSKIETANKI 这个是用pitch控制前进,roll控制转向的,这个是用throttle前进yaw转向的,但是不能后退
i have a c919 with interior , custom landing gear and doors but it has 1707 parts…