@CWhat016 do you got some progress yet? If not then try this frame it specialised for rally nd trophy trucks. You can see an example rally raid car in the gallery
@Hayhayjam664 hmm great idea! But im afraid you need to wait a lot because my oncoming projects for the week are:
Requested car
Something for the car challenge
A project with spikerya
News van
@BMilan nagyon helyes! Ez egy elég toleráns oldal, csak a lopkodósokat nem szeretik (érthető módon). Nekem elég sokszor meggyűlik a bajom az ilyenekkel mivel az autókat a legkönnyebb lelopni.
Can i ask how do you got this profile name? Because Pancelvonat (páncélvonat) means armored train in hungarian :D (well technically it's just armor train but don't makes big difference)
@Spikerya yes they are. Me too. I like the pre-2009 cars too. Unfortunatley i can't buy such classics like a Datsun or RX-7 because they are extreme rare in my country... Yup it's hard to be a classic japanese car fan in Hungary....
Cool stuff bro!
@CWhat016 do you got some progress yet? If not then try this frame it specialised for rally nd trophy trucks. You can see an example rally raid car in the gallery
@CWhat016 sounds good. I have some other requests now, but i can help for you
@CWhat016 sup man, welcome back :)
In Hungary we call it "Kispolski" which means Little Polski (and yes the 125 is the Big Polski :D)
@Jetpackturtle anyway never mind
@Jetpackturtle or not here
@Jetpackturtle oops wrong tag sorry
@XMarcoX Not exactly, you have the lead with 0.5 point. Congrats Bro!
Wow what a cool bike!
@Hayhayjam664 hmm great idea! But im afraid you need to wait a lot because my oncoming projects for the week are:
Requested car
Something for the car challenge
A project with spikerya
News van
@Muratyan thaks
Lol A tractor with Trabant chassis :D
Can i use it for a news van? :D
Wow. I don't really know what is this, but it's insane :D
@ThomasRoderick idk. The cheester sounds odd... But thanks :D
@QingyuZhou i've got a special one, if i get time to build it :D
@QingyuZhou maybe. I got some other projects now
@lewisxu0513 yeah i have some ideas for one, but it allways was a plan B.
"Wow"- Owen Wilson
@BMilan nagyon helyes! Ez egy elég toleráns oldal, csak a lopkodósokat nem szeretik (érthető módon). Nekem elég sokszor meggyűlik a bajom az ilyenekkel mivel az autókat a legkönnyebb lelopni.
@BMilan Értem. Végül is részben ez a játék lényege csak vannak akik nem igazán értik mi számít post lelopásnak és mi nem...
@Spikerya cool. I'm added this on my list
@Jdr9595 i sent you an e-mail. The title is SimplePlanes
@Jdr9595 i'm between two projects right now. So i have some time for that. And i love the idea. I'll solve the e-mail thing somehow.
That name gave itself :D
Látom te meg a tengeralattjárózásban vagy benne. Azzal én is próbálkoztam de nekem zsákutca lett :D
@BMilan végre egy honfitárs! Köszönöm! :D
@Jetpackturtle thanks!
@Supermini555 well i listened the Pacific Rift's soundtrack while building, so maybe that's why :D
@ThatAircraftCompany okay
@Spikerya right
@pancelvonat ohh okay. Thanks for the clear answer. I tought it's just a strange coincidence.
@ProcessedPlAnEs @legendary666 @Davisplanez thank you guys
@QuingyuZhou @Trully2001 thanks for the spotlights!
Can i ask how do you got this profile name? Because Pancelvonat (páncélvonat) means armored train in hungarian :D (well technically it's just armor train but don't makes big difference)
@JetFly i'll post it for you today
@Spikerya if you make a similar list, i will add the link :D
@jamesPLANESii trailers?
Das ist gut! :D
@BobDaBilder123 i don't know if you saw it but it's ready
@Spikerya it woul'd be great, but my parents barely allow me to go to another city for a day :D
@Spikerya yes they are. Me too. I like the pre-2009 cars too. Unfortunatley i can't buy such classics like a Datsun or RX-7 because they are extreme rare in my country... Yup it's hard to be a classic japanese car fan in Hungary....
@Spikerya ooooooh bad@ss! Another race car project?
@Spikerya okay got it
@BobDaBilder123 i'll try but i think it's not compatible with APC-s..
@Spikerya cool. Looks like a kind of boxer engine
@Iamsilverdahedgie okay i'll try
@Iamsilverdahedgie twice as long or twice as tall?
@Mattangi corrected. Thank you