780 TexJohnston Comments

  • RAF Stingray S3 7.2 years ago

    Looks sort of like a slightly smaller, navalized TSR-2. Nice one!

  • Cessna 172 Slavic Watercraft [Cheeki Breeki Airline School Training Program ] 7.6 years ago

    Beautiful sea-air craft, however one must ask:

    Is it squat-compatible? Are there gopnik copilots available by request?

  • A-7 Corsair 7.2 years ago

    Great first replica! Stylistically pretty similar to much of the stuff I've done.

  • B-19L 7.3 years ago

    Wow! An excellent Canberra-sized medium jet bomber. It's funny that my first medium bomber design was also called the B-19, but was seriously inferior to this one!

  • Aeronaut GAM-501 7.3 years ago

    WOAH! This is amazing. One of the most realistic future aircraft I've seen on SP.

  • Scrap-Yard Challenge! 7.3 years ago

    What we have here is half the population of the Mojave desert. Decrepit DC-9/MD-80s awaiting their final meeting with the forklift of death. Nice one, and I'm looking forward to the "flashback" finished product.

  • MiG-21 Fishbed Polska 7.3 years ago

    One word: WOW! Probably the best MiG of any kind I've seen on SP. Incredibly detailed cockpit, excellent features, a great "generic" exterior implementing some of the more notable features of most variants of the Fishbed. You, my good sir, have earned a follow.

  • XJ-44 ''Otter'' 7.3 years ago

    Reminds me of the one-off turboprop version of the Gloster Meteor, but way faster and way more maneuverable.

  • Dornier Do 228 7.4 years ago

    A great STOL transport, and a great job recreating it!

  • DFGT SEAL Mk2 7.4 years ago

    Reminds me of a heavily modified A-3 Skywarrior.

  • GR. 1 7.4 years ago

    Like an Eindecker but better. Great work!

  • Do you feel sad to see United 747s retire? Is it because their fleet was overbooked? 7.4 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Only reason the 737s haven't been taken out of service is because they fit well into the current airline industry. Extreme passenger numbers are giving way to cheap seats on smaller, more efficient aircraft. Flying isn't a luxury anymore like it was when the 747 debuted. It's a necessity that sadly many people wish to avoid. I'd give anything to get to go back in time for a first-class Pan Am 747 flight from New York to London in circa-1970, but that type of service just isn't financially feasible for American carriers.

  • What should I name this? 7.4 years ago

    I vote choice C. Orion was a mythical hunter. Wyvern is too Welsh to be threatening, and Alpha's just a Greek letter.

  • Do you feel sad to see United 747s retire? Is it because their fleet was overbooked? 7.4 years ago

    I'm not sad because I'm not surprised. The 747 is one of the best airliners ever designed, but in 2019, it turns 50. For an airliner, that's far too old. The way of the airline world has changed a lot since 1969. Efficiency now reigns supreme, and the Queen of the Skies has to be deposed from her throne to make way for the next generation of greats.

    The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen.

  • Fairey Spearfish (25k Special) 7.4 years ago

    Excellent! Those late/post-war torpedo bombers are strangely fascinating. Old technology in a period where missiles were just about to supersede torpedoes.

  • McCallister 434 7.4 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot It's intended as a takeoff/in-flight booster engine to make it considerably faster. Even with full horsepower, the 4 piston engines aren't enough to keep it above what is comparitively a walking speed. Time between Wright and Yeager is considerably shorter thanks to the new engine.

  • Collins Aerodyne 7.4 years ago

    Completely unflyable, but it looks cool. 10/10 would flip over on the runway again.

  • Jet fighter, actually works 7.4 years ago

    I'm gonna agree with Farmlad on this one. Nice job!

  • VF-1 Khamsin 7.4 years ago

    @apfel33 Honestly, I have no clue. Every other fling wing I've tried ended with terrible stability issues. I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that the fuselage is very minimal, so it doesn't catch too much wind to knock it off course. The extension of the wings to the back may have helped in some way, too.

  • B. B. 1 (Bomber Bottom [wing] 1) 7.4 years ago

    Nice one! Seems like the kind of thing that might have come along had World War One lasted a few years more.

  • D-11 SD 7.4 years ago

    Beautiful! Now we just need an M-21 to launch it from.

  • XF-4000 7.4 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Yeah, not the best air/space craft if you're not a fan of spinning like a disco ball on steroids.

  • Big Aircraft by JM 7.5 years ago

    The big thing is streamlining. Work on the part placement a little so it fits better, and maybe give the wings a little more sweep. Podded jet engines are always an option if you can't get speed any other way.

    Trust me on this one; I just made a turboprop cargo plane larger and heavier than this with a cruising speed of nearly mach 1.

  • HENTAI 01 7.5 years ago

    Might wanna rethink that name...

  • Bored 7.6 years ago

    Like if you put a turboprop on an F4F Wildcat

  • The Monstrosity 7.6 years ago

    I'm both terrified and enamored.

  • Daimler Benz DB Jager 7.6 years ago

    Almost like a 190 D9 had a wild night with both a Heinkel Lerche and a Do-335! Great job!

  • DMC-12 DeLorean (BTTF 2) 7.7 years ago

    "Marty! You've gotta come back with me!"
    "Back to the future!"

    Excellent DeLorean. Both Doc Brown and John Z. DeLorean would be proud!

  • Douglas A-1E Skyraider 7.7 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap I've put your suggestions to use, as well as added a few realism updates, and it seems to be almost completely fixed, with no detriment to the performance. It's now uploaded as a Korea-era AD-5. Here's a link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Xo6519/Douglas-AD-5-Skyraider

  • Douglas A-1E Skyraider 7.7 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap I tried to fix the stability problems by playing around with the wings and control surfaces, but no luck. I think she just needs a precise touch with mouse control rather than keyboard.

  • Thomas the JET ENGINE 7.7 years ago

    He looks horrified. So am I. I love it!

  • Bh-03 Floatplane 7.7 years ago

    Reminds me of an old German Dornier with the push-pull configuration. Nice plane!

  • Douglas A-1E Skyraider 7.7 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Sorry about the errant tag; my plane to test your sparklers wound up being a dead ringer for a Skyraider, so I turned it into one.

  • KS-1 7.7 years ago

    By the way, mind if I mod it a bit to make it more realistic? It'll still be a successor, so you'll get credit.

  • KS-1 7.7 years ago

    The Kennel! Classic missile, basically a little MiG-15 sans cockpit. Great job!

  • Horten Gotha 229 (best I can do) 7.7 years ago

    That's irony. I just finished designing a (fictional) 3x1000 bomber similar to the 229. Great job, by the way!

  • North American RA-5C Vigilante 7.7 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Thanks! I dunno about this being more realistic in appearance, but the other one has bomb bay doors and wing hardpoints, neither of which existed on Vigilantes. So, mine just basically doesn't have any features that the real one didn't have. If I were better at SP, I'd have a detachable tailcone and a "bomb train" as on the real ones.

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.7 years ago

    So soon after I add my RA-5C, you come out with an astronomically better Vigilante. Great Job!

  • vietnam war Challenge! [read-description-and forum] closed 7.7 years ago

    I've entered my RA-5C. Surprisingly the only copy of that plane anywhere on SP.

  • F-105D Thunderchief 7.7 years ago

    Prettiest Thud I've seen. Actually, probably the only one on here. Great to see an under-appreciated Vietnam legend get some appreciation!

  • Large jet bomber. 7.7 years ago

    Suggestion: It might take off a little easier if you extended the wings a bit at the "armpit" of the sweep. Like, make it perpendicular to the fuselage. That will provide more lift without removing the advantage of wing sweep.

  • B-62 Megafortress 7.7 years ago

    If an X-24 lifting body research plane were a massive bomber...

  • private drug transporter 7.7 years ago

    Get rid of the old engine nacelles if you want it to go a bit faster. And use the mirror buttons next time. That way your engines will be in line.

  • E-5B 7.7 years ago

    @Franticmatty Thanks!

  • J-8II 7.8 years ago

    Very well done! I'd like to see a J8I version with the MiG-21 type intake some day!

  • F-99 (Valcarie) 7.8 years ago

    Looks a lot like a retro-futuristic design, possibly a 50's Mach-2 concept fighter. Cool!

  • Buccaneer 7.8 years ago

    Beautiful Bucc! Just stretch 'er out a little and you'll be there!

  • Cavad Ca-11 7.8 years ago

    Yep. The interwar French seemed to love terrible aerodynamics. Farman had a series of extremely ugly bombers in the '30s that literally had just a flat plate as their nose.

  • F-44D 8.0 years ago

    @mixy123 I had actually planned on building an SU-25, and got sort of far along when I decided instead to build an F-4 Phantom analogue to replace my earlier F-43 series.