210 TheEliteYT

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joined 8.2 years ago

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Hello, I am someone who likes to customize aircraft and add them to fictional companies or squadrons, don't expect me to make any planes, because if I do try too, it will probably be trash.

Please, don't call me "TheEliteYT" Call me: Mr. Sunset, Elite, or if your one of "special" friends COM N. Wolf ( Short for Commander Neil Wolf )

I am the owner of...

Sunset Airlines

WarDog divisions

{/|} UPDATE {/|}

One of our aircraft had a lack of votes, it is now taken down.

Multiple new Militarized aircraft are coming to the company, a special announcement will be put out on the Steam group. The Sunset's E-17-X Angelica is now in testing. Over 50 models of this aircraft are being built.

Thank you!

~ Sunset Airlines AKA Mr.Sunset
Let Stars Guide You