210 TheEliteYT Comments

  • Sunset's E-17-X Angelica 7.3 years ago

    Discord is free, do you have a mic?

  • Sunset's E-17-X Angelica 7.3 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Hello, can you give me some information my friend?
    If you feel comfortable with me asking, do you have discord and steam? If so, what is you discord and steam username/tags. If dont feel comfortable saying it here, E-mail me, my E-mail is: mr.doge@att.net ( cringe, I know. ). Thanks friend!

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.4 years ago

    @QingyuZhou My friend I would like to ask if you have any sort Steam account I could friend you on, is this possible? If so, please give me your account name, I will friend you and add you into the Steam group if you'd like.

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.4 years ago

    @QingyuZhou I remember you, yes. I've gotten quite bored with Simpleplanes, however, I might change this "civilian" company into a militaristic company, Civilian planes are getting boring, and with the air war, there is much to do, so your 777, might just become a radar aircraft.

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.5 years ago

    I haven't been working lately. But I will now @QingyuZhou

  • Emirates Boeing 777-300 7.5 years ago

    @QingyuZhou She looks beautiful! Well done.

  • Emirates Boeing 777-300 7.5 years ago

    I will check her out! I'll probably remove or set reverse thrust to breaks.

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.5 years ago

    @QingyuZhou YES! A 777, I'll check that out ASAP.

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.5 years ago

    Ahhh, thanks my friend.

  • Sunset's Starliner 7.5 years ago

    READ DESC please!

  • Boeing 707-320B Pan Am 7.7 years ago

    @PaderiegeZ I know the attach there, just make the front of the fuselage a little longer in the future.

  • Boeing 707-320B Pan Am 7.7 years ago

    Either that or make the engines a bit smaller :P

    a bit big, eh?

  • Boeing 707-320B Pan Am 7.7 years ago

    Great plane my friend, but heres a tip for you, in the future make the fuselage larger so it looks more natural with the wings
    trust me it will help alot, the plane looks stubby and fat with a short fuselage and big wings, try to expand the upper part of the fuselage a bit in the future alrighty?

  • Tu-154 7.7 years ago

    Unfortantantly I wont add the plane, there are some areas on the aircraft that are worrying, and if the plane crashes yearly, we will not be adding plane at all, for the safety of our passengers.

  • Boeing 777-9X updated 7.7 years ago

    I was looking for a 777, but I need one that is basic, and doesn't have in Aviation Grouped mechanics to work on. Our planes for our company needn't be complicated.

  • Tu-154 7.7 years ago

    Wouldn't that be a littttlle worrying if I were going to transport our passengers to their destinations?

  • Sunset's 737 - MAX Airliner 7.7 years ago

    Now that I know how to do SOME things on the building side of the game, I should be able to tweak aircraft a lot better.

  • Sunset's 737 - MAX Airliner 7.7 years ago

    Ahhhh, wonderful, I will!

  • Sunset's 737 - MAX Airliner 7.7 years ago

    Don't think there is anything different?

    Certain tweaks and designs have been added!

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Check out the official plane!

    Link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/FBR6EP/Sunsets-737-MAX-Airliner

  • Boeing747-8F 7.7 years ago

    Could I use this Aircraft in my company on here? Very nice aircraft, I'd like to use it as sort of a dream lifter for the aircraft we make for the company . . . Is that okay?

  • Sunset's 737 - MAX Airliner 7.7 years ago

    We have taken down the voting system, we will now focus on amount of downloads!

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Well, Last night I finished tweaking the official plane, thinking I might have a little time to test fly it in the morning and see if it is officially good to go, but I wake up and see that the plane is at 76 downloads! I need to put the official plane out!

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    @QingyuZhou By the way my friend, I'm not a new player at all! I've had this game for about half a year now, Just my other planes don't get too much love. That's why I look like a noob! ~ Mr.Sunset

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    @SlowJet You're right it isn't mine, I got it from him, but our company makes slight tweaks to plane, that is why I want people to test fly it, so THEY can get the feel of it, but, due to this confusion I'm scratching the voting system. It will now take a certain amount of downloads to reach the official plane, apologizes for the confusion friends. ~ Mr Sunset

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    By the way everyone if this gets to 75 downloads, I'll release the official version.

    I have already test flown it so, I think it is safe.

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Ahhh, thanks m8.

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Bad votes = 0 Bud'

    How it flies is the true test, not how it looks.
    Now you go get some juice, don't bother about voting on my planes, and have a good rest of your day.

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago


    The point isn't to be just "Shiny", it is to fly, this is the look for the company, and your job is to fly the plane and test it to see if it is good enough for the company, not to criticize our paint scheme.

    I don't like to be angry at people, so how about you tell me how it flys, instead of how it looks, okay?

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Please leave Positive on Negative Comments on this aircraft, this will help this aircraft, to become official, the vote process is pretty much only a community test flight. Enough positive flights, the more the plane becomes more likely to become non-experimental, Negative votes cause the plane to not become official, therefore keeping it experimental until problems or complaints are fixed. ~ Sunset Airlines Company.

    P.S: The plane will be taken down if it surpasses the bad votes counter.

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    There we go, problem has been solved. Enjoy the flight folks!

  • 737 MAX Vote [ LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE. ] 7.7 years ago

    Something is wrong with the Description part, full description will come as soon as it stops showing errors, Apologizes.

    ~ Mr.Sunset

  • Sunset's Boeing 737-700 7.8 years ago

    @QingyuZhou HOLY GOD! Could I make that for Sunset Airlines!?!

  • Sunset's Boeing 737-700 7.8 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Yes I will my friend!

  • Sunset's MD-DC-10 7.8 years ago

    @IDontMakePlanes Thank YOU, for making this plane official my friend!

  • Little Bugger Zombie Apocalypse Version 2.0 7.8 years ago

    Due to your efforts, here is the Official MD Dc-10 Sunset!

  • Little Bugger Zombie Apocalypse Version 2.0 7.8 years ago

    @IDontMakePlanes Repay you with the first model of the plane, as soon as it comes out. Do you get it now?

  • Little Bugger Zombie Apocalypse Version 2.0 7.8 years ago

    @IDontMakePlanes Thank you so much for making the plane official, we will repay you with the MD-DC 10 official plane, as soon as it is released! We would also like to give a special thanks to you once the plane is officially released! Thanks a lot friend!


  • Little Bugger Zombie Apocalypse Version 2.0 7.8 years ago

    Hey there friend, I'm Mr.Sunset, the owner of Sunset Airlines, I saw you spotlighted my 737-700, I'd like to thank you so very much, please check out the unofficial MD DC-10 Sunset Airlines, the aircraft needs 1 more good vote to become an official Sunset Airlines plane. I am so very excited to announce the official arrival of the MD DC-10 for Sunset Airlines. Yet it is up to YOU! Yes, YOU, and your followers, friends, etc... To test flight the plane, leave feed back ( positive or negative comments ), to make the unofficial DC-10, official. I'd like to thank you again for your magnificent actions of helping Sunset Airlines strive for the stars. Sincerely, your friend...

    ~ Mr. Sunset

  • F-14 Tomcat WARDOG 8.1 years ago

    o @AdrianFlyingAce

  • F-14 Tomcat WARDOG 8.1 years ago

    @AdrianFlyingAce Hey pal, do you take requests?

  • F-14 Tomcat WarDog [UPDATE] 8.1 years ago

    Oh! yes, this is just a different squad with the same name.@Venenospooderlover21

  • ADFX-02 Morgan(pixy) 8.1 years ago

    Question could I make this plane for my own fictional squadron?

  • ADFX-02 Morgan(pixy) 8.1 years ago

    You sir.... -sniff - God bless you..


  • Northrop F-5E Tiger II WARDOG T 8.1 years ago

    O ok

  • Northrop F-5E Tiger II WARDOG T 8.1 years ago

    @Swiftsure Hey dude. Have you made any cool weapons lately?

  • F-14 Tomcat WarDog [UPDATE] 8.1 years ago

    @Venenospooderlover21 What do you mean why WarDog? Are you asking why its the squadron name?

  • F-14 Tomcat WarDog [UPDATE] 8.1 years ago

    @BaconEggs Green is my favorite color. Aswell as black and white.

  • F-14 Tomcat WarDog [UPDATE] 8.1 years ago

    @BaconEggs Its a custome skin. The green is meant to represent victory. This is my own fictional squadron.

  • F-14 Tomcat WARDOG 8.1 years ago

    I was gonna update a better version anyway, hey if I were to re upload 2 of the planes A-10 and C-17 that were removed, would I have to originally give credit and put in tags? or would it get removed again?