@Farewellntchii depends, I’ll probably put together a better one, I haven’t really done propeller aircraft before this one so I want more practice, I was putting it together as a proof of concept and to see if it fulfilled the rules of the challenge.
@AWESOMENESS360 best part is that the YF-23 was faster, you don’t need to dogfight if you can blaze through the enemy formation at Mach 2 and are stealthy enough to avoid enemy fire until you’re out of their range
@Defalt1 LieutenantSOT (I think it was him, might have been someone else) was silver when he made his first challenge…. Guess what…. It worked out great for him
I’d love if you’d enter this into my mobile friendly tank challenge
 was silver when he made his first challenge…. Guess what…. It worked out great for him
@Defalt1 A lot of the best challenges come from silver players that get turned into platinum by their challenge… just something to keep in mind…
@V can you curate this?
Is it ok if I enter my Marlikha into this challenge?
Now looks like I need to make a flag for the Jedevan Republic
Cross of Mannerheim! Addicted to the war game, Never-ending Flame, Victory Reclaimed.
Man, now I want someone to host an MP session with this map and make a tank battle video
@offiry I’m on a 3 year old iPad and I only start struggling after going over 1800 parts in a plane
@Brayden1981 it’s the jingo
I would just like to clarify—TBA means that no one has claimed it. You guys can claim an island for your faction in the RP.
@Sewander currently not, I don’t have discord but I’m working with a friend to maybe get it set up
@ArtemHUN it’s fine, I threw your stuff in a translator and of course you can join the Jedevan Republic
@ArtemHUN I am sorry dude, I don’t speak Russian.
@xNotDumb you gonna make a socialist republic?
Looks like this thing is based off eternal storm from infinite Lagrange?
This is an excellent copy of the good old Chimi, I just got it in IL and I love this copy
@LeaveUsAlone *rounds, not wheels
Change the gun to armor-piercing wheels instead of explosive. Then we’ll talk
@397blin just has to be under 1200 parts, that’s about the cutoff for mobile devices, I’m running it right now on my 2-3 year old iPad
I’d love if you’d enter this into my mobile friendly tank challenge
![the challenge](https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/azMk18/Mobile-friendly-Tank-challenge]