524 TheKillerHawk21 Comments

  • TKH Stuntstar B 9.2 years ago

    Good alteration

  • Ohka with launching station 9.2 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken okha is a place in Russia

  • Ohka with launching station 9.2 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken no it's not look https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yokosuka_MXY7_Ohka

  • Stunt plane 9.2 years ago

    This plane looks wicked. The pitch is a bit rough but it's manageable.

  • TKH Stuntstar 9.2 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 why, why don't think that. I have like 80 planes on my account right now. What makes you think you can't have possibly downloaded that.

  • TKH Stuntstar 9.2 years ago

    This thing does really really fast flips. I don't think a human would be capable of flying this. The amount of g's you would experience. Wow that is really cool tho.

  • simple stuntplane 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ OMG champ because this is a monoplane your challenge is biplane. Please don't complain every time someone enters my challenge

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    @Viper28 yah and I saw your plane you should post it to my challenge

  • Arcadia P-10 9.2 years ago

    This thing flys so well, I like it a lot. You should put this in my challenge.

  • Stunt biplane challenge 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ never mind we got it settled

  • Dolphin 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego yah like I said this was my first model I was just experimenting with the whole up and down, which your model struggled with It seemed like

  • Stunt biplane challenge 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ wow just wow

  • Stunt Plane Challenge Entry 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego I will do that

  • Stunt Plane Challenge Entry 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego thank you LordofLego that is precisely what happened

  • Stunt Plane Challenge Entry 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ also don't assume that if something is similar to what you have created because it is extremely rude. I say once someone posted a plane that looked almost identical to something a had made. I haven't posted it so it couldn't have been "stolen" so I didn't care.

  • Stunt Plane Challenge Entry 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ mate your challenge is different and I didn't steal it. Also if anyone puts in a biplane I can redirect them to try BIPLANE challenge

  • Stunt Plane Challenge Entry 9.2 years ago

    This is a nice stunt plane I really like its looks as well. Way to start of this challenge.

  • Dolphin 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego check it out

  • Submarine 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego I just uploaded my first version of the dolphin.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    When I say nothing popped up I mean no recebt challenges that I could have accidentally "copied@

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    @Viper28 I am telling the truth dude, I almost never check new planes. And even searched challenges to see if there was one like this. Nothing popped up.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    @Nickasaurusrex I actually think it would be cool if someone recreated the c-130 blue Angels, or have a line of jets that can fly in formation.

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego that is a good idea I have a first copy I can post it now if you want to take a look at it. See if you can give me more suggestions.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    @Nickasaurusrex you can make a big stunt plane. Like the blue angels c-130 it was just a suggestion.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.2 years ago

    @Th3Champ what I never saw it. I was going to do an ornithocopter challenge but a wanted to do this for a long time. Sorry

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego will it mess up your vtol system if I mirror the aircraft?

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego don't steal my idea. I'm starting soon

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego ahh yah I totally read the tutorial correctly, yah that makes it better. Also when I was playing with it i have an idea. I think I'm going to redesign the did to look like a dolphin because with the book it can really jump out of he water and even fly in the air.

  • Submarine 9.2 years ago

    In a sence its not making the sub a submersible it's really just adding more stuff to the top to make the main frame go deeper into the water Lol

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    This thing flys though the water now. I really like it. The only thing is it doesn't look as good anymore. I originally made the sub to be realistic looking. But this is a great version too.

  • Submarine 2 9.2 years ago

    I do like this addition good job.

  • Submarine 9.2 years ago

    @LordOfLego My plane is powered by vtol isn't it?

  • P996 Lazer (GTA5) 9.2 years ago

    @BaconAndEggs96 the body of the plane is a bit you know skinny and i think you could do something better with the landing gear.

  • P996 Lazer (GTA5) 9.2 years ago

    I hope you continue to improve the design of this jet

  • P996 Lazer (GTA5) 9.2 years ago

    I feel like there could be a bit more detail here and there, but it is a good base ground for this project.

  • CedCo Cf39A Thunderbird 9.2 years ago

    This thing looks wicked. I love it. I'm sure it will fly well too.

  • C-17 globmaster?? Project???? 9.2 years ago

    This looks amazing. It flys well too.

  • Enderdragon 9.2 years ago

    Yah this is a great model I like the detail in the body and its spiky tail. I think the mouth is a bit accessible though. I thought the minecraft version had a closed mouth most of the time.

  • Enderdragon moving wings 9.2 years ago

    I didn't have enough points to rate then. I really like it and I will now.@Hypnochicken

  • Enderdragon moving wings 9.2 years ago

    Walrus check out my updated version even better

  • JUDGING COMMENCED. 9.2 years ago

    I'm in created something just realized I had to say so

  • Enderdragon moving wings 9.2 years ago

    Oh forgot to mention in my description that when you change action buttons make sure to reset the vtol to the middle after you inactivated the current one. Otherwise it could break and fall out of the sky.

  • Business Class XH-47 9.2 years ago

    Yah I forgot I still had it in that same cockpit so I took the cockpit out saved the build thing and now my future updates will not enter the challenge. @Hypnoticchicken

  • Futuristic interceptor 9.2 years ago

    Iv been working on fixing the pitch and so far it's just spun out of control I think I will redo the wings and try to change the cog and com so it's is more stable