@JackTheBestBoss Suggestions are cool. I look around and I have kind of a list of stuff I want to make, but yeah dude I'm totally open for suggestions any time because they always have the potential to be something I haven't come across yet
@linatie01 Dude... No. This is a game, man. All of these points are cool, people liking your things is cool, it's cool that the mods and devs are working to make this a friendly community, as well as an intuitive one. It's not cool that you think you're on a horse higher than anyone else.
No room exists for arrogant ego brains who care too much for digital approval from people they'll never meet here.
Yes, this is a great x wing. But your approach to assimilation dissuades me from downloading or up voting it. Come on man, we can all be constructive and encouraging people on this site. I don't want to be your moral compass, let alone direct your life, but please don't be like this. Just have fun with the game, and appreciate that people think you've got something awesome! I'm not trying to cut you down, just trying to stop something that'll probably get worse.
I definitely look forward to what you build in the future, especially if you're amicable to everyone. Have a nice day.
@FasterThanLight Also, you could set the engine input to Pitch. That way, W is throttle and S is brake/reverse. You gain much more precise control of the vehicle that way
@jonahmz Haha yeah. After all the parts started bogging my pc down I just said "good enough". But don't worry, what I'm making right now turns really well and has some pretty advanced suspension I'm fooling around with.
@DragonAerotech By ignorance I don't exactly mean nationwide education in schools, more as the fact that so many Americans are blissfully unaware of the horrors that have happened in the past, happening currently, and unaware that we do not live in a free country and one that is rapidly becoming a police state. The more "civilized" we are, the more the light fades from our eyes as the earth is ravaged forevermore while we deny our true impact.
@Anshrew America's government is run by terrorists. American citizens are "protected" by terrorists. Terrorists decide what laws are passed here, terrorists decide what goes on TV, terrorists control the media and it's terrorist agenda, educational systems are monitored by terrorists, everything you buy is advertised to you by a terrorist, and you're probably a bit of a terrorist yourself for buying into the corporate America. Terrorism is killing or using fear as a means to get what you want. There have been terrorists in America WAY longer that there have been in the middle east. Ever hear of the War on Drugs? Did you ever think about it? Did you ever think that it's a bit hypocritical that we make some harmless drugs illegal, yet alcohol is legal (which kills people all the time)? Why is it illegal to get high? Why are some drugs allowed? Why are they so harmful? Look it up, Nixon started the war on drugs as a way to cleanse his society of Hippies and black people. Tell me that's not terrorism. Sending someone to prison for life for not doing anything morally wrong is just as effective as killing them. We live Iin a backwards country that's fueled by Propaganda and ignorance, and when things need to get done, it's an immature power struggle between two groups of idiots who don't know how to compromise. It doesn't matter how the rest of the people are affected. Nobody in power cares about you. At all. Why would they? You don't make any money for them. They would kill you if it meant more cash. These people are terrorists, and these people exist.
@USA2001 Temporary ban? Dude nobody here is trying to start a problem, I'm just interested in what everyone else has to say. I know you guys from the site, everyone here is cool and pretty chill. No need for differing opinions to cause static
@KnightOfAraluen Nah man I'm not looking to call you out on anything and I'm definitely not trying to start an argument. You already said it, opinions are opinions. No need for bad vibes here.
@KnightOfAraluen It's not as simple as that man. There isn't only one war going on in the world right now, and the one that we're involved in isn't 100% because of terrorism.
And yeah, war is unavoidable in these times. It's not because of terrorism. It's because we live in a world so interconnected by currency, and so motivated by personal wealth and greed. Instead of embracing each other in common brotherhood, everyone fights everyone else based on perception of importance.
@JacobHardy64 War is barbaric. That's it. All sides choose to not follow rules of their own choosing. Throw in the fact that every country, especially the US, is wildly corrupt. How is fighting and killing your fellow man not barbaric? It's disgusting. I'm not trying to start a debate here, but war is disgusting end of story.
Just a side note, I don't agree with/support the barbaric nature of the US army. I think war is pathetic and cruel. I'm just interested in the machines.
@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie I mean, not to start getting all philosophical, but life isn't a competition [in my opinion]. I think that its more about finding your passion, and doing it without harming your fellow man or destroying.
But whatevs, man. I just like building stuff sometimes.
@drdoom222 Alright, they're both uploaded
@JackTheBestBoss Suggestions are cool. I look around and I have kind of a list of stuff I want to make, but yeah dude I'm totally open for suggestions any time because they always have the potential to be something I haven't come across yet
I'll try to get to it brotha @JackTheBestBoss
So much yes.. This is excellent, brother.
@drdoom222 From the Kenworth?
@LightningTerror Its a Decepticon in disguise.
@linatie01 I understand. No reason to be angry here, though. Nobody needs to be. Just let go of it man and have fun
Oh... Missed that memo. I'm a decepticon. @UnknownNate
@linatie01 Dude... No. This is a game, man. All of these points are cool, people liking your things is cool, it's cool that the mods and devs are working to make this a friendly community, as well as an intuitive one. It's not cool that you think you're on a horse higher than anyone else.
No room exists for arrogant ego brains who care too much for digital approval from people they'll never meet here.
Yes, this is a great x wing. But your approach to assimilation dissuades me from downloading or up voting it. Come on man, we can all be constructive and encouraging people on this site. I don't want to be your moral compass, let alone direct your life, but please don't be like this. Just have fun with the game, and appreciate that people think you've got something awesome! I'm not trying to cut you down, just trying to stop something that'll probably get worse.
I definitely look forward to what you build in the future, especially if you're amicable to everyone. Have a nice day.
@FasterThanLight Also, you could set the engine input to Pitch. That way, W is throttle and S is brake/reverse. You gain much more precise control of the vehicle that way
Congrats on the feature! Great to see new users making cool creations.
@EternalDarkness Shouldn't be a problem when the iPhone 256s comes out. Thanks man, much appreciated.
This is so cool
Really dig this, my favorite part is the red cockpit. I know its just a color, but its a nice touch.
@Bughaks Thanks!
Nice! Was gonna attempt this a week ago, decided to do the decepticon instead. Glad somebody made an epic warthog!
@MoterKade Thanks! Glad you dig it. Of course now that I've uploaded it I start noticing the errors, hate it when that happens. Whatevs
@MoterKade Dayum. Well, it definitely paid off
I can't even decide what my favorite part is....seriously well done is an understatement. How long did this take, man?
If only... But it does have a hidden rocket turret! @Aerobako
@BillyBobBang380 The "share aircraft" button in the menu, same one you go to of you're saving your aircraft
Gonna download this as soon as I'm out of work... Looks absolutely phenomenal, you nailed it
@aseder Thanks!
@GAWP Yep, worth it. It was a lot of fun to make. Easily the most test runs I've ever done on a single project, tuning the shocks took forever
@Destroyerz117 yeah it was an accident I didn't bother to correct haha
@BillyBobBang380 It's in the engine settings. And you get points by other people up voting your creations
@TheOhioOne Just watch a YouTube video. You pretty much just follow a few islands off of the original island.
@Gameboygh1 Mucho Gracias
@FLETCHER Glad you like it!
@jamesPLANESii Thanks man! It was really fun to make, almost as enjoyable as the suspension.
@jonahmz Haha yeah. After all the parts started bogging my pc down I just said "good enough". But don't worry, what I'm making right now turns really well and has some pretty advanced suspension I'm fooling around with.
@DragonAerotech Do you listen to Tool? I feel like you do.
If you don't, you should. You'd dig it.
@DragonAerotech By ignorance I don't exactly mean nationwide education in schools, more as the fact that so many Americans are blissfully unaware of the horrors that have happened in the past, happening currently, and unaware that we do not live in a free country and one that is rapidly becoming a police state. The more "civilized" we are, the more the light fades from our eyes as the earth is ravaged forevermore while we deny our true impact.
@Anshrew America's government is run by terrorists. American citizens are "protected" by terrorists. Terrorists decide what laws are passed here, terrorists decide what goes on TV, terrorists control the media and it's terrorist agenda, educational systems are monitored by terrorists, everything you buy is advertised to you by a terrorist, and you're probably a bit of a terrorist yourself for buying into the corporate America. Terrorism is killing or using fear as a means to get what you want. There have been terrorists in America WAY longer that there have been in the middle east. Ever hear of the War on Drugs? Did you ever think about it? Did you ever think that it's a bit hypocritical that we make some harmless drugs illegal, yet alcohol is legal (which kills people all the time)? Why is it illegal to get high? Why are some drugs allowed? Why are they so harmful? Look it up, Nixon started the war on drugs as a way to cleanse his society of Hippies and black people. Tell me that's not terrorism. Sending someone to prison for life for not doing anything morally wrong is just as effective as killing them. We live Iin a backwards country that's fueled by Propaganda and ignorance, and when things need to get done, it's an immature power struggle between two groups of idiots who don't know how to compromise. It doesn't matter how the rest of the people are affected. Nobody in power cares about you. At all. Why would they? You don't make any money for them. They would kill you if it meant more cash. These people are terrorists, and these people exist.
@DragonAerotech Damn. Really well said man.
@InternationalAircraftCompany "The point" of the game is completely irrelevant
@USA2001 Temporary ban? Dude nobody here is trying to start a problem, I'm just interested in what everyone else has to say. I know you guys from the site, everyone here is cool and pretty chill. No need for differing opinions to cause static
@USA2001 So?
@USA2001 Do you only care about Americans?
@KnightOfAraluen Nah man I'm not looking to call you out on anything and I'm definitely not trying to start an argument. You already said it, opinions are opinions. No need for bad vibes here.
@KnightOfAraluen It's not as simple as that man. There isn't only one war going on in the world right now, and the one that we're involved in isn't 100% because of terrorism.
And yeah, war is unavoidable in these times. It's not because of terrorism. It's because we live in a world so interconnected by currency, and so motivated by personal wealth and greed. Instead of embracing each other in common brotherhood, everyone fights everyone else based on perception of importance.
@JacobHardy64 War is barbaric. That's it. All sides choose to not follow rules of their own choosing. Throw in the fact that every country, especially the US, is wildly corrupt. How is fighting and killing your fellow man not barbaric? It's disgusting. I'm not trying to start a debate here, but war is disgusting end of story.
Just a side note, I don't agree with/support the barbaric nature of the US army. I think war is pathetic and cruel. I'm just interested in the machines.
@TehDuck Yep. It doesn't handle great.
@Planefun Thanks man
@PikeovlevPlanes Well that's just your opinion, man
@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie I mean, not to start getting all philosophical, but life isn't a competition [in my opinion]. I think that its more about finding your passion, and doing it without harming your fellow man or destroying.
But whatevs, man. I just like building stuff sometimes.
Opinions cannot really be used to find a true answer to that.. Not everything is a competition. @TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie
Excellent! I can tell the cockpit took a while to figure out, you made it work though
I'll add that to my list, maybe even make it next! @AceOfSpade