0 Theincoherentuserx Comments

  • Tutorial to get inside the ice base 14 days ago

    Has anyone tried the method where:
    1) you'd first have to make your way up the backside of the mountain of where the base is.
    2) crawl all the way to the edge of the base (as far as you can before you could trigger the defenses)
    3) Set an temporary save point there.
    4) build an vehicle that's long-necked in a way that extends over the edge.
    5) Through trial and error, repeat steps 4 to 7
    6) drive forward until your vehicle triggers the defenses (if it doesn't trigger, then you're safe).
    7) Reverse direction of travel, and if you had triggered the defenses on step 6, hopefully, the explosion from the missiles of the AA guns near the edges will send your primary cockpit inside the base. If otherwise, then may as well incorporate detachability to the neck of your vehicle.
    8) After succeeding, restart there if need be. Drive all along the runway in both directions (within the base) if you didn't get the autosaving checkpoint.
    *May need some quick reflexes on creating