@CoolPeach Umm....I forgot to upload to SimplePlanes Website....So the mobile friendly plane is stuck in my old phone time for backup...dont worry mobile users... I will redo it on PC ...My Phone broke and im stuck at the lower class phone but.....it does well for its age and some thingimabob
My phone was an average potato when it is totally hot or I am using Internet.When it is cold,I can run 400 parts with wings.The other ones,without wings have 500 parts.so thanks for making an potato friendly version
Yukikaze Nanoda!
@TheMachinist thanks anyway I'm gonna study how people build hulls for ships and do it by myself if I have the time
My phone can handle this beast somehow now
You could try to stop the game from unloading missiles and other weapons while underwater
Lol look at the part count
+3@CoolPeach Yay now im on laptop
@CoolPeach Umm....I forgot to upload to SimplePlanes Website....So the mobile friendly plane is stuck in my old phone time for backup...dont worry mobile users... I will redo it on PC ...My Phone broke and im stuck at the lower class phone but.....it does well for its age and some thingimabob
The way I made it was like this:Get some mobile friendly planes.Rip it off it's parts.Then replace the original parts with rip off parts. @CoolPeach
Haha I reduced the beast's part number to 459 it runs fine on my half-baked potato
I think the tail shape is incorrect It suppose to have bigger tail
@CoolPeach I think I created an fairly mobile friendly version of this...565 parts?
Like this
[Like this] (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/XTcVtk/Boeing-B-17G-351st-bomb-group-Heavy-Bomber)
Here it is https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/WsQa6y/B-17G-Queenie-mobile-friendly
@88blaroo Done It
Oops,I think I forgot to tag the creator so...... @Zandgard
@Zandgard would you care if I upload a mobile friendly version?
Ran it on android...only on designer so I wrecked some pieces so I made a fairly decent mobile friendly version
<https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/167706/How-to-link-texts> just experimenting
or it is because the primary wing of the plane is used.down makes more lift so you go up down make more drag so you go down.I hope thats correct.
the devils part count number "666" look at it its cool. :)
+1My phone was an average potato when it is totally hot or I am using Internet.When it is cold,I can run 400 parts with wings.The other ones,without wings have 500 parts.so thanks for making an potato friendly version
@FighterCrafter14 Wow a car in water.Nice
I Have other prebuilt planes so I wont take long time to create a plane.And sorry its pretty ugly