Beautifull Mi24 . Great build .
Nice Bear .
Very great plane . I love V Bombers .
Nice build .
Nice plane.
NIce build .
@LeoolPilot , thanks .
Nice build.
Nice Hunter.
Very nice build.
Very nice Albatros .
@Gabriel747 ,Too bad you can't modify the noise in Simple Plane to hear the characteristic ROAARRRR .
@Gabriel747 , I also have a weakness for the Antonov 22 .
Nice plane .
@Gabriel747 , You made your beautiful plane .
@Gabriel747 , I looked in your profile, I couldn't find it .
Ultra simple but ultra beautifull .
Nice build and original plane. It's another plane in front of you on the third screen. It looks Antonov.
Great replica .
Very nice P40 .
Very original plane. Great build.
Nice replica.
Very nice build
Nice Mig.
Simple but beautifull . Great build .
Original plane , nice build .
It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
@Bryan5 , thanks for your upvote .
Nice MIg 21 .
Very nice replica.
@LunarEclipseSP , I didn't look at all the details. Very very nice construction with so few parts. Once again, my congratulations and my respect for your work .
@HanakoSan , thanks for your upvote .
@Soupra , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
@Superliner350 , thanks for your upvote .
Beautifull Mi24 . Great build .
+1Nice Bear .
+2Very great plane . I love V Bombers .
+1Nice build .
Nice plane.
+1NIce build .
@LeoolPilot , thanks .
Nice plane.
Nice build.
Nice Hunter.
Very nice build.
+1Nice plane.
+1Nice build.
+1Very nice Albatros .
@Gabriel747 ,Too bad you can't modify the noise in Simple Plane to hear the characteristic ROAARRRR .
+1@Gabriel747 , I also have a weakness for the Antonov 22 .
+1Nice plane .
+1Nice build .
+1@Gabriel747 , You made your beautiful plane .
+1@Gabriel747 , I looked in your profile, I couldn't find it .
Ultra simple but ultra beautifull .
+1Nice build and original plane. It's another plane in front of you on the third screen. It looks Antonov.
+1Nice plane .
+1Great replica .
Very nice P40 .
Very original plane. Great build.
Nice replica.
+1Very nice build
+1Nice Mig.
Nice plane.
+4Nice build .
+1Simple but beautifull . Great build .
Original plane , nice build .
+1It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
+1It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
It's a good start, keep it up. A vote of encouragement.
@Bryan5 , thanks for your upvote .
+1@Bryan5 , thanks for your upvote .
+1@Bryan5 , thanks for your upvote .
+1Nice MIg 21 .
Nice plane.
+2Very nice replica.
+1@LunarEclipseSP , I didn't look at all the details. Very very nice construction with so few parts. Once again, my congratulations and my respect for your work .
+1Nice build .
+1Nice build .
+3@HanakoSan , thanks for your upvote .
+1@Soupra , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
+1@Superliner350 , thanks for your upvote .