Great buid .
Great plane bro,
Nice build.
Nice plane .
Very great replica, great build.
Nice and original plane .
Very great replica.GREAT build.
Nice plane.
Very nice replica .
Very nice build.
@UseGooglePlay , thank for your upvote .
Very nice Build . Great Mig
Nice plane . On which map did you take your screens ?
@STALIN83, thank for your upvote bro.
Nice and original plane. Great build.
Great build .
@Rjenteissussy , thank for your comment .
@IQinventory , thank for your comment .
@Vikram123 , @inventory , @NormalCv580enjoyer , thanks for yours upvotes .
Great build . I love it .
@ouioui126 , thank for your upvote .
Nice build .
Very nice plane , Thank for the credit .
@ouioui126 , thank for your comment .
Very nice replica
Very nice B1
Nice plane , i love it .
Nice plane bro .
Very nice Hercule , great build .
Very nice upgrade . Great build .
better and better, pretty , very pretty Saber .
@STALIN83 , thnak for your upvote and your comment bro .
Nice replica, great screens.
Great Mig 21 , its my favorite plane .
Nice Mig , great build .
Very nice replica . Great build .
@Rjenteissussy , thank for have spotlighted my plane .
Very nice plane . Great build .
@Ownedpilot , @SuperSuperTheSylph , @Rjenteissussy , thanks for yours upvotes .
@IQinventory , thank for your upvote and your comment .
Good luck for the future build .
Very very nice replica . Great build bro . I love your plane .
It is a very difficult plane to make with complicated volumes . Great build bro .
Great buid .
+1Great plane bro,
+1Nice build.
+1Nice plane .
+1Very great replica, great build.
+1Nice and original plane .
+1Very great replica.GREAT build.
+1Nice plane.
+1Very nice replica .
+1Nice build.
+1Very nice build.
+1Nice plane.
+1@UseGooglePlay , thank for your upvote .
+1@UseGooglePlay , thank for your upvote .
+1Very nice Build . Great Mig
+1Nice plane . On which map did you take your screens ?
+1@STALIN83, thank for your upvote bro.
+1Nice and original plane. Great build.
+1Great build .
+1@Rjenteissussy , thank for your comment .
+1@IQinventory , thank for your comment .
+1@Vikram123 , @inventory , @NormalCv580enjoyer , thanks for yours upvotes .
+1Great build . I love it .
+1@ouioui126 , thank for your upvote .
+1Nice build .
+1Very nice plane , Thank for the credit .
+1@ouioui126 , thank for your comment .
+1Great build .
+1Very nice replica
+1Very nice B1
+1Nice build.
+1Nice plane , i love it .
+1Nice plane bro .
+1Very nice Hercule , great build .
+1Very nice upgrade . Great build .
+1Nice build .
+1better and better, pretty , very pretty Saber .
+1@STALIN83 , thnak for your upvote and your comment bro .
+1Nice replica, great screens.
+1Great Mig 21 , its my favorite plane .
+1Nice Mig , great build .
+1Nice build .
+1Very nice replica . Great build .
+1@Rjenteissussy , thank for have spotlighted my plane .
+1Very nice plane . Great build .
+1@Ownedpilot , @SuperSuperTheSylph , @Rjenteissussy , thanks for yours upvotes .
+1@IQinventory , thank for your upvote and your comment .
+1Good luck for the future build .
+1Very very nice replica . Great build bro . I love your plane .
+1It is a very difficult plane to make with complicated volumes . Great build bro .