1,911 Tribaldragon1 Comments

  • XFA-27 3.2 years ago

    I hope the VR update makes you guys realize how awful it would actually be to fly these things, I got instantly motion sick trying this thing.

  • Do you know da wae 7.1 years ago

    Oh my god @JayDay60

  • XFA-27 3.1 years ago

    The roll rate on this is sickening tbh, maybe it's just because of the weird positioning of the stick , but it's really hard to control.

  • VHI F-10B Eagle Archon 3.2 years ago

    Genuinely the nicest flying VR plane that I've tried yet! Super smooth.

  • Dogfight Challenge [closed] 7.1 years ago

    @diegoavion84 I was worried for a sec, would be very annoyed if I had to face guys who made their planes repair themselves. Absolutely ruins the realism.

    Also, are you splitting up jets and props?

  • Rusty Mike 7.1 years ago

    Reminds me vaguely of the IL-2.

  • X-02 Wyvern 3.2 years ago

    See, this sort of ridiculous maneuverability, I can tolerate, way better to fly in VR than your XFA-27, good work!

  • Lockheed CL-1201 3.6 years ago

    @ledownloader123 alright then download that one and stop whining at me you loser.

  • Convair Kingfish 4.1 years ago

    Sidenote, put trim control on the innermost wings and turn them off on the stabilisers.

  • Lockheed CL-1201 4.1 years ago

    @ledownloader123 The CL-1201 didn't exist, smart guy.

  • Dauntless machine armor MK2 6.7 years ago

    Even in death, I still serve!

  • D-27 Schmetterling 6.8 years ago

    @yaktakalaky oh, I don’t speak German, I just know the word for butterfly. And krankenwagen.

  • D-27 Schmetterling 6.8 years ago


  • Panther III MBT 6.8 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot thanks! Built it after seeing all the tanks that have gotten popular but not being able to download them on mobile. A replica of an SU-100, IIRC gave me the idea for making the cannon a rocket pod instead of a bomb cannon.

  • Warhammer- EX Vulture 6.9 years ago

    Work worthy of the God-Emperor’s highest praise!

  • VTOL A-10 Thunderbolt III "Blizzard" 6.9 years ago

    It seems like the wings are too small to support the plane.

  • WarCloud Model Two 7.0 years ago

    Beautiful plane, but too slow for most WWII warbirds. That being said, flies well!

  • TL-X 7.0 years ago

    Looks like the union of a Cromwell and a Walker Bulldog

  • Ba 733D Uber Blitzadler 7.0 years ago

    @Stingray Hear hear! Although the last few updates have made it a lot better, but still, no XML does make it hard.

  • Ba 733D Uber Blitzadler 7.0 years ago

    @Stingray Thanks! This one’s older brothers haven’t gotten as much attention, and I’d love to see this one get 20+ upvotes.

  • Ba 733D Uber Blitzadler 7.0 years ago

    Can we get umlaut support? I need my planes to have metal German names!

  • K 27 Thunder II 7.1 years ago

    @mjdfx150529 Oh no, it flies perfectly well, it just has an absurdly high turn rate. I personally like it more mellow, which is why I mentioned that. It was a compliment!

  • K 27 Thunder II 7.1 years ago

    Flies more like a flying saucer than a jet, but I like the look. Of course it lags my phone so I won’t fly it much. Good job!

  • Do 346 Wirbelwind 7.1 years ago

    @Mostly I didn’t, not well versed in SPAAs.

  • Bf 293 Wanderfalke (Gray) 7.1 years ago

    Thanks for spotlighting the Wanderfalke @TheGuyYouMightKnow!

  • Bf 293 Wanderfalke 7.1 years ago

    @ThePrototype Changed the design but didn’t want multiple versions up

  • Dogfight Challenge [closed] 7.1 years ago

    @diegoavion84 In that case, a second entry.

  • Dogfight Challenge [closed] 7.1 years ago

    @diegoavion84 are you going to have a separate category for propeller airplanes and jet airplanes? Otherwise the propeller planes will be more agile and jets will be faster.

  • Do you know da wae 7.1 years ago

    Can someone make a Tide Pod?

  • Dogfight Challenge [closed] 7.1 years ago

    @diegoavion84 so does my plane really have to face these hacked planes? How is that supposed to work?

  • Rolls-Royce Pendragon 8.4 years ago

    FYI: 1752 mph is about Mach 2.2, about Mach .7 faster than the Excalibur.

  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago

    @NovaTopaz sorry for flipping out on the chat before, I joined the Discord one.

  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago

    @Oicraftian there is the minor fact that this is a Bf. 109 and not the Bf-51, just based off of it. Don't bother trying to reply, you're blocked.

  • Big Foot 8.5 years ago

    Have you thought of doing a War Rig replica?

  • MAD MAX GIGAHORSE 8.5 years ago


  • Panzerkampfwagen VII Löwe Super Heavy Tank 9.1 years ago

    Der Löwe ist der beste panzer!

  • Focke-Wulf Fw-190 9.2 years ago

    @maverickvii if you want guns to shoot through the prop, you have to mount them extremely close, then you'll have no problem!

  • DoMe-3824u Madman's Messercorsairstang (V2) 9.2 years ago

    @Planeswinger here's a present for getting me to Silver

  • DoMe-3824u Madman's Messercorsairstang (Guns) 9.2 years ago

    @Planeswinger @NovaTopaz

  • DoMe-3824u Madman's Messercorsairstang (V2) 9.2 years ago

    @Planeswinger uh, 9 planes stapled together. Nothing to see here, folks.

  • DoMe-3824u Madman's Messercorsairstang (V2) 9.2 years ago

    @Samwise naturally

  • DoMe-3824u Madman's Messercorsairstang (V2) 9.2 years ago

    @Samwise "Doctor, I think something's wrong with me!"

    "What is it?"

    shows picture

    doctor removes sunglasses

    ...my god.

  • #SmokeKills 9.2 years ago

    @Dstroyer101 there's such a thing as an anti-smoking champagne?

  • DoMe-3824u Messercorsairstang (The One-Plane Squadron) 9.2 years ago

    Really hope this doesn't get popular before I finish my upgrade.

  • DoMe-3824u Messercorsairstang (The One-Plane Squadron) 9.2 years ago

    @Samwise Nice to see a hobbit complimenting my plane. You'd think after all that stuff in the Lonely Mountain they'd be terrified of giant, flying things!

  • Flyable ES-335 9.2 years ago

    I have a Strat, a Les Paul, and an acoustic which is sort of cheap. I'm looking to get a 335 or some other semi-hollow for the next one.

  • Flyable ES-335 9.2 years ago

    @Skua I actually built another flying guitar earlier than this one. Nowhere near as nice looking!

  • Flyable ES-335 9.2 years ago

    @TheLatentImage As does it have mine! Make a '59 Les Paul and you'll make me giddy!

  • 24 Hours of Le Mans Challenge 9.3 years ago

    @NovaTopaz Sure, just make sure your plane/boat/car is maneuverable enough for a course.