6,470 Typhlosion130 Comments

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @Moofie16 the emergency brakes and detacher rockets wouldn't be allowed any how. the AI that will be controling your vehicle only uses simpel controls. he will throttle up your engine. and use roll to try to turn it. nothing else.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation you got 13 days. i mean. nothing hard. its harder to make a good looking vehicle that functions on a basic player levle than it is one for this :P

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 which is why I said I don't advice randmoly entering something. The AI is kinda specific in how it handles. you have to build to the AI's liking. it will not compensate for what ever you build. this includes specifically turning the turn rate and grip of tires on your vheicle so that the AI can drive it good. its a lot more work than you think.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 no you can use brakes. its just the AI that is going to be racing these things. doesn't. when this race starts you are not controling your vehicle. the AI is.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 well thats the name of the race track :)

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 you need something that can scream through akwrd bumpy terrain with ease.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 brakes do not affect it. AI doesn't use brakes.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 which in order to do I have to downgrade from 3 shock system to a 2 shock system. which I can do but its not prefered.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 also you are not going to be able to hit 250 on this cource and be reliable. too many bumps. and such.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 that is after I optimized it. I re worked the suspension. lowering hte part count. its down to 155 from 181 initally here. I have nothing left to really remove or change in its current form. (of ourse if you check the ones I've uploaded they've gone through tons of changes). I mean I don't need help I already got an entry in that does amazing. I just want to see if I can get thsi hulking monster in.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    man I am frustratingly close from getting my Geoterrain cralwer under the part limit... 5 parts over... hmm... well I got 13 days.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @gameboy95953 go top top right. hit stuff. hit tournaments. look at the end date.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @ViperGB AI will use pitch or thorttle for engine power. and roll for steering. I'd suggest just go throttle and roll as I"m not sure how the pitch works entirly yet. I just now that it kinda does work.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation I've already made a vehicle that fits the specifications. that can do 130 with 99.9% reliability. the other 1% depends on my opponentes vehicle.
    just keep thsi in mind. keep the body as simple as possible. becuase you're going to use up that part count on your suspensoin.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation your upload 3 days ago says different

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @XxcreedexX well yea no mods m8

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @BaconAircraft I'm pretty sure it follows the same rules as planes. which is explained in the tournament guide.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @Icarus he's talking about the AI

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 they use throttle. roll. and pitch. so you can have your engien and such set to throttle or pitch. but you have to have your turning on roll.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    Since i'm entering early on here may as well set the bar early
    finish time of 1:30 with 100% reliabliity. it may flip once in a while but it is garunteed to not break when it does so.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    To be honest I never tought of part count until now :P

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison allright thanks.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes you know what. it shouldn't take me long to get a deisgn I can enter. if you want I can help you out majorly. minor tweaks. tuning. suspension building help. that kind of thing.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison the maximum I have on any of my given vehicles is 181. and 141 of those parts are for suspension. I can down size to the 140 range but I think I'm going to be hard pressed to get a good vehicle for this under 100

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes yes off road. but if you don't have access to this race (whcih every one should its on the island with wright air port) I don't advice you just put osmething in randomly. you really need to test how the AI handles your vehicle.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison well still need to design a new vehicle. every thing i have is over 100 parts. (most of them in the suspension)

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison oh yay thanks :D

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    I can't enter any of my off road vehicles...

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    Oh crap I can't enter my geoterrain crawler... its to long D:

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago


  • P-71 The Eagle 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 Your thoughts? btw. I didn't mention this but I made it able to handle the speed by making both engines only have 2 propellers. which makes it faster than a 6 propeller single engine but not too fast.

  • Indy Racer 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 just click on my name. its the most recent upload. you'll see how I made it able to handle once you see it.

  • Indy Racer 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 well I just made one that does 41 seconds. it has a nudged secondary engine but thats it really.

  • Indy Racer 8.5 years ago

    48 seconds? well then looks Like I got some improvements to make.

  • Bandit Run 8.5 years ago

    Tournament tomorrow hype :D

  • Baja Truck IV(Rally Challenge) 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 well the suspension at its base design isn't that good at handling hard jumps. you built this as a rally car. and the 2 racing tracks we have in game. are a lot more extreme than a rally car (or truck I should say) can handle. the travel space is just too short. and way to easy to bottom out. The truck handles fine. really. it has a few kinks but its fine. it just isn't at its core design able to do these intense jumps and such. Traction change to make it handle much better. but you won't be able to get it to do those tracks. what you need to prepare for those is something with a lot more travel. a much wider wheel base. and some re-enforced suspension.

  • Baja Truck IV(Rally Challenge) 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 Back wheels. manual traction control. 150% on both. front wheels. manual traction control. 50% forwards. 100% sideways. as for AI control. well the suspension doesn't have enough travel and is too soft for the current races. and your wings for "flight stability" do more harm than good. you could use a bit of vertical wings if you can get them on the center of mass or close but thats about it. and if you want AI to control it good try a 20 degrees turning angle for AI.

    It is fairly good. it just doesn't have the suspension to handle the actuall race tracks.

  • Minicar 8.5 years ago

    @DogeMaster14 I've made one but I can't upload it just at this moment... too many planes uploaded in a day. I"ve been making a lot latly :P

  • Geoterrain crawler MK13 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 mention me on that baja truck you were talking about I could tell you the specific issue there.

  • Shock sub assembly units 8.5 years ago

    @Dabomb37 yea

  • uss aviation 8.5 years ago

    Suspension doesn't properly work. when building it. you have ot make sure you put hinge rotators on one side of your shocks. facing horizontally so it can actually move properly.

  • Maraurder Mk.I 8.5 years ago

    You'd probably do better if you used car engines not jet engines.

  • Why is the suspension rock solid 8.5 years ago

    Not enough hinge rotators plus they may be disabled. you need to set them to 90 degrees movment 0 speed.
    the part you're missing here is that you need a hinge rotator on one (or both) sides of the shocks. Just place it on the wheel axel and put the shock on top (you may need to lower the axel)

  • Geoterrain crawler MK13 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 also large designs like this are just more stable. making it that much easier for AI.

  • Geoterrain crawler MK13 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 Well that is simply becuase I specifically tuned it for AI control. which is all in the wheel grip turn angle. and design.
    For starters a lower turning angle like 25 degrees is best.
    as for grip. all wheels should use manual traction. rear wheels should be maxed out (so that they act like an anchor to keep your vehicle stable) while your front wheels have lower traction. vehicle dependant really. but this is so that the AI does not over steer.

  • Dessert walker 8.5 years ago

    @Dabomb37 sure. I won't be able to upload it for a while. (I've been sort of stuck at my cap of planes uploaded for a few days. just keep making a lot of things ya know? :P)

  • Dessert walker 8.5 years ago

    now thats more like what I was talking aobut. a bit akward but I have yet to see a truly good walker in this game. nice I like it. (plus it is pretty good at walking)

  • dunebuggy v.3 8.5 years ago

    It looks cool but it sucks. wheel base is too narrow. center of mass is too high. severly unstable. the jet engines certianly don't help with that. and it just sucks.

  • Monster Car !!! 8.5 years ago

    Why did you use rotators to make the wheels turn? there's a thing called "turning angle" in the same exact menu that you used to make the wheels off road.

  • Update v1.5 8.5 years ago

    @Mcllulen Maywar is not on mobile. however every thing else is.