38.8k UltraLight Comments

  • Home Built Light Aircraft 4.2 years ago

    @5Ewok mostly I do lol

  • Fiat CR.78 Fuciliere 4.2 years ago

    Wow this is... breathtaking! watch me be fourth of 80

  • Flyin' 4.2 years ago

    I am buying an MD-11. Wait.. I dont have the money
    I am buying tickets on Lufthansa

  • My actual face reveal. Thanks for everything guys! 4.2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure this is a rickroll....
    school google accounts and restricted mode saves the day

  • 20th Century Fox Intro on SP!!! 4.2 years ago

    Lightbulb: for the spotlights, you should have used the big jet engines and set their power to 0% and their exhaust scale to a lot(like 500). Then set their inputs to ceil(VTOL) or something

  • Su30 4.2 years ago

    Well if you do crazy scary oscillations then it cobras...

  • Vought F6U-1 Pirate 4.3 years ago

    @NormalPioneer well, I use hard corners. Then I use the default increments in fine tuner to get it somewhat close, then I use budding increments of 0.008 to get it really close and 0.001 to be exact. That should be a pretty common method, when Asteroid does paneling he probably uses this(maybe he'll let us know). And usually you can copy coordinates for 1-2 axis
    Also, for round paneling, use circular corners. The less angle each segment changes by, the smoother. But also more part- and time-consuming.

  • Uncontrollable 4.3 years ago

    @PhantomAviator well I wouldnt be trusting roblox for your advanced aircraft physics. SP either. But like @DerpTheSoyacfartala said, fighters attempt to bring the CoM and CoL together in order to make the aircraft unstable. And like @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook said, "they have better controls" which is pretty much true.
    Fighter jets have really smart computers on board, which keep the plane's forces perfectly in balance until the forces need to be unbalanced, which takes place very quickly--which is very important in combat.
    But for this DC-3, other airliners, and pretty much all GA aircraft, you want to be mostly stable so that the planes are easy to fly. But there is a problem of overstability which causes undermanevuerabilty and if you can read that whole word(I barely can lol) it means that the plane basically cant change direction very fast.(a big portion why airliners are low-wing)


  • powered unlimited rotation 4.3 years ago

    Put the input to sum(Throttle) using XML(overload)

  • biplane challenge 4.3 years ago

    @Cassius NGL your 600 pts. Your entries will be trash, if any. Sorry bro

  • Complete Autoland 1.6 years ago

    @axelthomasradke haha that’s a very in depth question

  • Complete Autoland 1.6 years ago

    @axelthomasradke muy tiempo y trabajo. Perdon, mi hablar de español no es bueno 😂

  • Complete Autoland 1.6 years ago

    @axelthomasradke y qué es la pregunta?

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @Mustang51 yeah I would do custom gear but I didn’t want to ruin the default wasp look. Can’t control default gear with ft, I put that in the desc

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @zwen ok thanks. Another way I think would be even better than that is the pitchangle plus the angle of attack, I’ve been experimenting with that and it is very good at holding a specific altitude or descent angle.

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover haha I thought about making it park. Still the wheel brakes get in the way, that’s a super cool idea though, definitely possible

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @CorporalWojak @POTETOZ yep, I used the old wasp. You can’t automate the default gear and I didn’t want to ruin the design by making custom ones.

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @WaterFlavouredSpitfires haha good idea! I might!

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @KingOfTypos yeah, unfortunately my device that I build on is pretty weak. I had some projects that had autopilots and interiors, but they didn’t work gain much traction.

  • Complete Autoland 1.7 years ago

    @UssrLENIN I spend a lot of time on stage 7, the landing was very difficult. The best way to guarantee a touchdown is to aim for around 1-2 meters per second descend rate — I could make it buttery but with 50% success rate

  • 26 part swivel nozzle 1.8 years ago

    @funkydome thanks

  • Aerial Tow Experiment 1.9 years ago

    @therandomplaneguyofficial thanks

  • General Electric ES44C4 1.9 years ago

    @ShirakamiShimada ik it’s crazy, turns out to be drifting in sp all this time you just need small wheels and big mass

  • PID Balance Bike 2.0 years ago

    @MrCOPTY thank you

  • Autogyro 2.1 years ago

    @MrCOPTY ok, this was a while ago but I think I added pre-rotor on purpose

  • [CLOSED] Swing Wing Challenge 2.3 years ago

    I always liked swing wings because of how the wingtips look when the wings are out. They want the wingtip to be parallel to the flow when the wing is back, so when the wing is out the tip is at a 45 degree angle like a bird

  • Guess The Plane 2.4 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer @CanadianAircraftBuilder close da42. You can tell the type of plane by their naming scheme: first digit is seat number, second digit is powerplant related(0=single 2=twin).

    da20 = two seats one engine
    da40 = four seats one engine
    da62 = six seat twin

    So since I have two engines(as obvious by the pointy nose) and four seats, this is Diamond Aircraft DA42 Twinstar

    Very close though

  • Guess The Plane 2.4 years ago

    @OrdinaryTankBuilder *Superheavy

  • AI Turbo 700 2.4 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf funny, my dogfights always go quickly to the deck. I usually end up winning just because the AI flies underwater or into a mountain.

  • Office Supply X-Wing 2.4 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy haha yes

  • Office Supply X-Wing 2.4 years ago

    @Stanmich I think I was following like an Etsy post or sum lol so not my idea but thx

  • [CLOSED] Challenge of the Air Forces of the Primary School 2.4 years ago

    Nvm I'll give it wings anyway

  • [CLOSED] Challenge of the Air Forces of the Primary School 2.4 years ago

    Does it have to fly?

  • Ultra R7 Inspire 2.4 years ago

    @rexzion ha thanks yeah they were scary to make as well

  • Cool Dash 2.5 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder thx

  • Cool Dash 2.5 years ago

    @zwen oh thanks! I was really wanting to do that so I’ll fix it tonight. Just didn’t know how

  • Scout Miro 2.5 years ago

    Also we still can’t do differential braking besides with airbrakes—bummer since a lot of small aircraft have free castering nose wheels and can only steer on the ground with brakes!

  • Scout Miro 2.5 years ago

    Ok when I saw “parking brake that actually uses the wheel brake” I was really confused. So I tried to figure out how you did it by checking the wheel’s xml but then I realized the buttons input is just brake! Genius, I never would have thought of that.

    Unfortunately though, it’s not exactly perfect because it still slides a little—the engine power is stronger than the brakes and increasing the braketorque is obviously bad so pistons might still be better.

    They really need to let us use ft expressions for braking power but still nice idea, I’m definitely going to use that

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 2.5 years ago

    @X99STRIKER gracias

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 2.5 years ago

    @MrTrolling09 so unfortunate to hear

    I go on vacation in my dads '16 Tacoma

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 2.5 years ago

    @MrTrolling09 lucky!

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 2.5 years ago


  • Formation Autothrottle 2.5 years ago

    @pilotman10 yeah that one doesn’t even come close to working for me sorry

  • Formation Autothrottle 2.5 years ago

    @IMULAerospaceIndustries oh yeah

  • Formation Autothrottle 2.5 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo just an increasing pitch input as your AltitudeAgl decreases. It is very rudimentary and relies entirely on the perfection of the glideslope and autothrottle. Hopefully one day I can sit down and really make it work, coding to maintain a vertical speed which decreases until 0 as you touch down.

  • Formation Autothrottle 2.5 years ago

    @pilotman10 I tried that. The issue is that the data on target elevation and heading is vector based, so as you get closer it becomes more sensitive. So as you get closer, the oscillations get very bad and the autopilot loses stability altogether. Plus, the accuracy necessary to capture the drogue is insane. So I guess you're stuck with hand-flying for now.

  • Map of the United States 2.5 years ago

    Wow, you really nailed my state. Some people struggle with Colorado but this is a different story

    Make Grand County, CO now!

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 2.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii weight saving for shorter takeoff distance. Only implemented in the newer Gen 2 models

    Others may call it being too lazy and wanting to experiment with ft instead but you know

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 2.5 years ago

    @NARGII @Bryan5

  • ILS Auto Approach 2.5 years ago

    @AlexRol05 yeah idk how to hold current
