37.0k UnstableOrbit Comments

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 7.9 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 no bamboozles = its not a joke or sarcasm.

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 7.9 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 @vonhubert No bamboozles.

  • SW Destroyer Hull 7.9 years ago

    @vonhubert Nope, its going to be a standalone game now.

  • Did anyone order some SimpleWarships NAVAL GUNS??? 7.9 years ago

    @vonhubert @MechWARRIOR57 Oh its going somewhere..... AS A STANDALONE GAME!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    @AudioDud3 You don't have to be so sorry, its just that it gets tiring hearing the same begging for mobile multiplayer every single day for months on end, and sometimes I snap.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    @AudioDud3 Well, I've got news for you, Mr Optimism. You think theres always a way? You are right, there is indeed a way in this case. HOWEVER, you are welcome to find that way for yourself, BECAUSE WE AIN'T GONNA. It took us nearly a year to get this thing right, and the only way we see around the android build problem is an entire start-from-scratch rewrite of our mod around a new server client that we'd have to license. That is a significant chunk of time that we will lose from our lives, time we will never get back, for uncertain and possibly no gain. Add to that the licensing costs for a client that can work across PC and Android, and the costs of testing devices, and it starts to become less a mod and more a black hole that sucks in money and effort and spits out naught but frustration in return. Patreon won't nearly cover those kinds of costs, and last I checked, you couldn't donate TIME via Patreon or any other service either.
    You need to learn that sometimes, the problem isn't necessarily FINDING a solution so much as it is IMPLEMENTING said solution. The sooner you learn that, the better.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    @AudioDud3 Are you serious right now? Did you not read the entire first half of my post? Even if we had the money, it still wouldn't be possible, which you would know if you had bothered to read and actually comprehend the post in its entirety.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    @AudioDud3 Its not that we don't care, its that IT CAN'T HAPPEN! We tried it on a lark and it turns out the mod won't even build on android as Tnet isnt supported on it. Nor do we feel like shelling out thousands of dollars OF OUR OWN MONEY to get multiple android devices powerful enough to run it for testing purposes.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 7.9 years ago

    @JustFly 5.3, because that is the only one supported properly.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.0 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Yeah, I've been on hiatus from SP modding, and even then, it is super hard for me to keep building on this. Its so many segments that even in it's limited state, it still takes an hour and a half to compile it into a useable .spmod file, and I need to compile it twice sometimes(glitch with unity exporter) to get it to work. And if I find a bug, then I have to fix the bug and spend another 1.5 or 3 hours just to test it again and see if its fixed. If it isn't fixed, or if I find another bug, gotta repeat the whole cycle all over again. It's gotten a bit out of hand and I am not quite sure what can be done to fix it other than a complete redo of the whole entire project from scratch to use fewer but much larger segments, and I am really not up for modelling and building everything from scratch again at this point.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @indobastian Are you seriously too lazy/mentally incapacitated to read the comments? There are thousands of comments on that topic, and the responses to all of them are NO.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @Creeperslayerz HOW 'BOUT NO?

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @UmbyTheZombeonYT Nope, shape issue can't be fixed. We would have to replicate the shape issue in order to fix it, and the shape issue has never come up for us when we test as far as I can remember. Until it happens to us and we can replicate it, it is unlikely we can fix it.

    Also the mod cockpit is just a side effect of using modded parts. Its a client side thing, which we can't really fix without mod syncing, which to be honest, is alot of trouble and is very far down on the priority list.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @HellFireKoder oh yeah that too. We should probably actually get moving on that.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp one has been simmering on the backburner for awhile now, a small update that would improve missile sync to the point of making combat feasible. It just hasn't happened yet for..... reasons. Mostly laziness, a lack of free time, and other projects.

  • CNJ Blue Comet 8.0 years ago

    I'm born and bred Jersey, and the CNJ is my favorite railroad. JERSEY REPRESENT!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @MetalHead666 Search through the forums. And trust me, it ain't fake.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.0 years ago

    @MetalHead666 Are you for real right now?

  • POSTED: Designer Help Needed! Bounty Within! 8.0 years ago

    @Cadin Declined the contributor invite. If sharing mod tips was criteria for being a contributor, then anyone who ever posted a mod tutorial or gave advice to someone could be considered a contributor on the projects of everyone who used their wisdom. Therefore on a matter of principle(standing on the shoulders of giants), I do not consider myself a contributor. Thank you anyway.

  • POSTED: Designer Help Needed! Bounty Within! 8.0 years ago

    @Cadin Camera does not need to be a child of the gameobject, nor does directionallight. In fact, they shouldn't even be exported with the rest of the mod. The game already has its own camera and lighting.

  • POSTED: Designer Help Needed! Bounty Within! 8.0 years ago

    Designer plugin? I'm not sure but have you tried parenting all mod objects/scripts to a root gameobject and then putting the plugin on the root? If I am remembering correctly, that's what you need to do for at least a few of the plugins in the modtools.

  • Caught the Huge Bomb Brokes the Server & I know the Owner of it(It Contains User's Hate Speech) 8.1 years ago

    @DeathStalker627 "that bomb almost broke my graphics card"
    The fail is strong with this one....

  • Caught the Huge Bomb Brokes the Server & I know the Owner of it(It Contains User's Hate Speech) 8.1 years ago

    @Testin123 Arguing with the people who made multiplayer over how they intend to interpret rules may not be the wisest decision.

  • Caught the Huge Bomb Brokes the Server & I know the Owner of it(It Contains User's Hate Speech) 8.1 years ago

    @EliteIndustries1 @FlipposMC @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Testin123 @DeathStalker627 @Toscio56 @HellFireKoder
    Ok, so this is a complex issue. Our official position as the multiplayer developers is as follows:
    With regards to hate speech and weapons, modded or otherwise, we leave it to the server owners to create, interpret, and enforce their own rules on those subjects. We will not be using the global ban list to ban players for actions on a single server. HOWEVER, if a user is known to be especially toxic and becomes a chronic problem across multiple servers, that can trigger us to get involved up to and including a global ban for said user.
    That being said, there is also the issue of possibly breaking servers. In the terms and conditions one accepts when downloading the mod, it is forbidden to use the multiplayer mod to perpetrate any illegal activities. Willful destruction of property is considered illegal in most jurisdictions, and is therefore forbidden in the terms and conditions. While it requires some incredible mental gymnastics, using weapons or builds designed to crash a server could theoretically cause property damage, so by extension, actions undertaken with the intent of crashing and destroying servers will not be tolerated. In this case, however, it does not look like the intent was to break the server, nor does it look like the server actually went down. We the developers of multiplayer will take no action in this regard due to these circumstances, but we expect that this will not become a chronic problem, or an investigation will be launched. This is our stance on the issue, and we consider this matter closed.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.1 years ago

    @goboygo1 Glad you're enjoying my signature personality. Now get the hell outta my sight :D

  • Fallout 4 Chryslus Corvega ''Atomic V8'' Police Cruiser 8.1 years ago

    @JonTKocz Be sure to give that gratitude to Cedy113 as well, as this was a collab project between the two of us(he also has the civillian variant on his profile, we both uploaded a different variation to split the credit).

  • iOS can technically support mods. 8.1 years ago

    @ReischetzFokke Pretty much.

  • Ha ha ha. 8.1 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 aww cool, night!

  • Ha ha ha. 8.1 years ago

    Since elite blocked me for calling him out on the flaws in his arguments, I couldn't respond to you on the emo post: Good night, thanks for the fight, it was a fun one! And dont worry about being mean, sometimes its the only way to get the point across, and I didn't feel you were mean at all! Take care now.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.1 years ago

    @FireAtWill1945 Yes and yes.

    @Karan Maybe grow a few brain cells and you will be able to understand what NO means.

  • Fallout 4 Chryslus Corvega ''Atomic V8'' Civillian Sedan 8.2 years ago

    @ReindeerNevve To make cars work with the interstate, read the interstate's instructions! Also a custom tires mod is not in the cards.

  • Trainer Jet Re-mastered "Ccike" 8.2 years ago

    You know, this is actually a really good idea. You've inspired me to rebuild my trainer jet as well with the new parts. Take my updoot and spotlite.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @nfsplatinum N. O. You people asking thousands of times is not going to change the situation. I'm not going out and dropping large sums of money on android devices just to test a port for a mod that probably wont even work on those devices!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    @Leonelarminrocks7 You have no right to get mad over it. You are asking us to drop hundreds or thousands of dollars on android devices for a port that probably won't even work.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    @Leonelarminrocks7 No.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @Leonelarminrocks7 No.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS .......... download button right under the images.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @TheoptimisticsEHD Look, I know china doesn't let you use google. In fact, I know china blocks most download sites entirely, and the only one I know of that works is baidu.com. And I will NEVER sign up for baidu, nor will I EVER upload anything to it, or even visit it without being behind some serious protection, due to baidu being a malware-infested rats nest under constant surveillance by the chinese government. For that reason, I will not be using any other chinese upload sites either.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    @geekr We aren't shelling out money just to test the mod on android devices, most of which wouldnt be able to run it even IF the mod worked on them at all. If you want it on android that badly, feel free to buy devices and send them to us. Also, neither of us really wish to risk exploding our faces or hands by using a note7.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    @JMicah4 It would be rather unwise to remove the timeout. It benefits the other players on the server by removing frozen players, whose planes can quickly become navigational hazards and distracting false targets in fights.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @TheoptimisticsEHD I don't understand.... are you asking for a mirror or what.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @Fireflash0329 IF. Not when.

  • KMS Graf Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier (Ver.1936) 8.2 years ago

    Nice model but you forgot the onboard railway system for moving the planes around.... >.<

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.2 years ago

    @TheBroadside Read the instructions genius, they tell you what to do about the road bumps.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.3 years ago

    @Jd3n11 For the 34,786th time:
    N. O.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.4 years ago

    @Smach3 Your version of the game is outdated. Update it.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.4 years ago

    @BattleVenomGamer No.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.4 years ago

    @legendary666 No.

  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 8.4 years ago

    @goutboy411 There are already island trails between some islands, and I'm not doing more at this time.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.4 years ago

    @HKAerodynamics Your answer can be found in the comments. I do not feel like repeating myself for the thousandth time.