@LegendaryPilot Sorry, Thank You for showing me out of this Internet Dan, I'm able to realize this, lurking into the internet only leads to sadness, I realize now. Thank you Friend.
So we hating people for disliking planes now?, Last time I checked all of you ain't even have any problem with ElvivKauam, Why you suddenly hate on him know? @klm747klm747 @Panzerwaifu69 @BreadLord77 @IceCraftGaming @TheCommentaryGuy @beenz @OrdinaryTankBuilder @Anastvats @Dathcha @Bobyo @5647367267 @ollielebananiaCFSP
@LegendaryPilot Sorry, Thank You for showing me out of this Internet Dan, I'm able to realize this, lurking into the internet only leads to sadness, I realize now. Thank you Friend.
@Pigeony Who said I would?
Bro, Three Inches? The UK was PACKING!
@Shippy456 Wassup Wassup Brother, what chu doin on this fine evening
Oh, they’re finally here
R.I.P Ababa Hassan
+1@TheCommentaryGuy And you didn't!
@TheCommentaryGuy W
@TheCommentaryGuy Proving my point 😎
@TheAceOwl It says 'Ace' but it has a REDACTED background
Honestly, @ElvivKauam , I think that you 100% can do better, and that they attempt to build a better planes then yours
So we hating people for disliking planes now?, Last time I checked all of you ain't even have any problem with ElvivKauam, Why you suddenly hate on him know? @klm747klm747 @Panzerwaifu69 @BreadLord77 @IceCraftGaming @TheCommentaryGuy @beenz @OrdinaryTankBuilder @Anastvats @Dathcha @Bobyo @5647367267 @ollielebananiaCFSP
+2@ElvivKauam W
@TheCommentaryGuy You just mad I'm living life
How old is her the age of consent in Japan😑🇯🇵 is 13yrs old ;)
+1@MrSilverWolf Proof?
@LegendaryPilot Goofy ahh 5 year old
Finna go out the corner wit da opps man @LegendaryPilot
@LegendaryPilot What is your end goal? What did you get out of replying to my now YEAR long comment. shut up and sit down little boy. ta ta for now
@Inuyasha8215 is not bye bye comrade,,,
@LegendaryPilot how am i being a tryhard
@LegendaryPilot lol cry about kid, you that one weird cousin at the reunion, Also you can't handle me, hold up, Ain't you Nathaniel B?
When you act tough you get handled @LegendaryPilot
Damn bro getting 0 points @LegendaryPilot
Man I cannot leave without saying sorry for the argument we had, It’s what the internet does to me. Peace. @Shippy456
Love with your brain and think with your heart!
I do not like you @asteroidbook345
Sometimes my homie daquavion hophood run the block on them goofy birds in the store
This bird been actin riggity roo
Goofy ahh Uncle Productions
Bro I know you a crip come with the bloods and you’ll won’t last @asteroidbook345
Pushing Dingle
Spike just kidding I’m pushing Dingle.@Shortnessmcgee
I’m not pushing p, I might push that bitch out into the street, I’m Pushing Dingle
thx @DRpotato
I understand the point you make, sorry for all of our SP Fanboy Rants. Best Wishes, @CDRxavier
+1But they sorry asses still gotta lose @asteroidbook345
+1Hahaha…. I’ve committed VARIOUS War Crimes in Iraq.
Where you belong huh?
+1I know I don’t know but make sure you give a little love
+1POV: you the creator
Love the Passion! Keep it going will ya!
+2I love your builds and the effort you put in, I was wondering if you’d give some tips back in return please?
Sorry that I haven’t checked in for a bit, busy y’know?
I see you are growing really nicely, and I love the effort!