Did you have a stroke?
@DRpotato I know i tried to fix it yet idk how
@DRpotato I know is a model of the peregrine falcon
This was what V2 was for.
pin pin pin pin pin pin
@DRpotato @210100 I need it to be more maneuverable
Bruh there's a 787 near it
@MrSir Maybe you could make landing gear?
Well you have a catapult connecter but no landing so...
@MrSir IYeah i engrish
Bruh can you make a fixed version
I wish i could upvote
@BRRRT oh sorry my little brother pays this game too i thought he built this sorry
@ToxyPilot wdym?
WDYM @Bobbiey
First Try without looking at @Bobbiey Comment
@BoxGlow LOL 69 Upvotes🤪
Trans Rights?
@HellouUnt no u
Nice fictional plane
So it’s a drone or...
Hey I’m gonna fav this
This Stinks
Legit love this plane
@SpandrelVikhrs Okay let me tell you, that was a popular thing in royalty
Hey what is with the water am I missing something
@Werboithescientist Jerusalem is better also IDC
Haha 69.6k points hahaha
@Uchanka Mega big pp
Sonic Ram?
@CDRxavier Little Sheldon Moment
@Chaka Yeah, 12 inches deep in your MOM
@FoxTrotOne sorry thats my mistake, the bird one
@FoxTrotOne bird should be world
@FoxTrotOne It's "If you want save the bird back from the brink, go to lighthouse, you can see the future there."
Womenslayer69 puts his soul into his aircraft.
Boxed like a fish. Nemo's in my box: Me during mulitplayer
@ssenmodnar If that's the case, this war will never end.
"INTRO Very simple, easy to fly plane. Can be spawned as an AI target or just to fly around with. But yeah, it does suck."- By You
It kinda seems like this aircraft has a... certain male body part. owo
@BRRRT There's just so many... im sorry i submitted it early
@Hedero Ahh
@DuceAnchovy no like the proflie pic
How do you pronounce your name??
Did you have a stroke?
@DRpotato I know i tried to fix it yet idk how
@DRpotato I know is a model of the peregrine falcon
This was what V2 was for.
+1pin pin pin pin pin pin
+1@DRpotato @210100 I need it to be more maneuverable
Did you have a stroke?
Bruh there's a 787 near it
+3@MrSir Maybe you could make landing gear?
Well you have a catapult connecter but no landing so...
@MrSir IYeah i engrish
Bruh can you make a fixed version
+1I wish i could upvote
@BRRRT oh sorry my little brother pays this game too i thought he built this sorry
@ToxyPilot wdym?
WDYM @Bobbiey
First Try without looking at @Bobbiey Comment
@BoxGlow LOL 69 Upvotes🤪
Trans Rights?
@HellouUnt no u
Nice fictional plane
So it’s a drone or...
Hey I’m gonna fav this
This Stinks
+1Legit love this plane
@SpandrelVikhrs Okay let me tell you, that was a popular thing in royalty
Hey what is with the water am I missing something
@Werboithescientist Jerusalem is better also IDC
Haha 69.6k points hahaha
+1@Uchanka Mega big pp
+1Sonic Ram?
@CDRxavier Little Sheldon Moment
@Chaka Yeah, 12 inches deep in your MOM
+1@FoxTrotOne sorry thats my mistake, the bird one
@FoxTrotOne bird should be world
@FoxTrotOne It's "If you want save the bird back from the brink, go to lighthouse, you can see the future there."
Womenslayer69 puts his soul into his aircraft.
+1Boxed like a fish. Nemo's in my box: Me during mulitplayer
@ssenmodnar If that's the case, this war will never end.
Very simple, easy to fly plane. Can be spawned as an AI target or just to fly around with. But yeah, it does suck."- By You
It kinda seems like this aircraft has a... certain male body part. owo
@BRRRT There's just so many... im sorry i submitted it early
@Hedero Ahh
@DuceAnchovy no like the proflie pic
How do you pronounce your name??