@F104Deathtrap Yeah okay you're obviously not mature enough.
An ''Adult'' as you said should be able to apologize, and treat others with some sort of decency. I Have no interest in arguing i just think that you could have more respect for others.
@xYoshiLP V6, But a V6 woulden't be sufficient enough for an engine of this era, I Also do have an V12 with full exhaust manifolds, It's like 400 parts.
@Zyvx Hah, Sadly it's far to slow, Perhaps sometime in the future in the event of SimplePlanes2.
Hey could i do like a Mod Review sort of, on Youtube?
This is an ornithopter though.
@Zyvx Well it is technical, Everything is powered by a single action. Every other rotor is free floating.
@Zyvx Haha! It takes a degree which i do not posses to work for Boston Dynamics.
@Zyvx Actually SpiritusRaptor made the takeoff mechanism, But the wings are all mine :D
This uh... Basically pointless spam.
@CjrLdy Oh, Never bothered with the modern Charger/Challenger, I Just remember the like 76 one from Bullit, Mmh Steve McQueen come back!
@Chancey21 Just a map, With a start point on top of the hill.
@Tully2001 Already disappointed.
This would be a Dodge challenger I think, well done!
Got damn hot!
@Aeroman77 Quite, Scary indeed.
@Aeroman77 Maybe, So far it's been eating the other tanks in the compound so i don't know how safe it would be to release it.
Thought this was a 3d Model haha! Good job!
Absolutely smashin!
You have my attention.
@Tank6376 Same way as you do recoil.
@WarHawk95 No.
@F104Deathtrap Yeah okay you're obviously not mature enough.
An ''Adult'' as you said should be able to apologize, and treat others with some sort of decency. I Have no interest in arguing i just think that you could have more respect for others.
@F104Deathtrap Not that, Your tone, what you're saying is unacceptable. Frankly quite rude.
@Jetliner101 Majority of the tanks, almost every single tank.
@temporaryaccount Did you neglect those giant Water & Milk containers at the back?
@1gman4evr @UssInvincible @temporaryaccount Kettle inside... Shoots hardened tea bags so be careful with what you say.
@BaconEggs The fact that i fu... yo.. mo...
@WNP78 Muchos lagos.
Looks great! Good job with the creation and presentation.
@Chancey21 Oh no, better send me to jail.
@BogdanX Oh yeah, Colours can always be manipulated with ease.
@BogdanX I made it in two minutes for my tank, it's not really relevant with the part count for me.
@GhostHTX Lmao.
@GreatHenry You have greatly confused me.
@GreatHenry I Don't think that's an ''Ouch'' though.
@GreatHenry No i don't really watch TV at all.
@QingyuZhou Try shrug it of as best as i can, Preferably.
I Like it, And the movie was good too.
@xYoshiLP The engine, yeah.
@xYoshiLP Not the V12 no.
@xYoshiLP V6, But a V6 woulden't be sufficient enough for an engine of this era, I Also do have an V12 with full exhaust manifolds, It's like 400 parts.
@xYoshiLP A Lot is the engine, Those exhaust manifolds were incredibly time consuming to make, as well as the gauges.
@xYoshiLP A Lot is the engine, Those exhaust manifolds were incredibly time consuming to make, as well as the gauges.
@LuukPlanes Fictional, Based of the challenger I & II
@Chancey21 Pardon?
@Billythekidusa04 Can probably do both of them if you give me enough time, Got a lot of projects running at the moment so don't expect either to soon.
@DuckMintnewprofile I Might, Could probably get it done within a few days!
@Billythekidusa04 diamond dart 550
@Billythekidusa04 Yes, Not finished though.
@WNP78 To deceive your simple mind.