Is Still working?
Everything is gone……Nothing can stop this happened 一切都离开了,没有什么可以阻止这一切发生了
Perhaps the most reductive one.
The concept is similar to one that Lockheed introduced in the 1980s.
Impressive plane. On the other hand, if you don't press Autopilot hold , the nose of the plane will continue to sink. It is recommended to change the center of gravity.
I'm looking forward to the Vickers Super VC-10. I love it.
Finally !
You Back!
I like it:)
It's rare to see a plane like this on this site.I like it :)
@Biasunrussian How do you Know that
@T57HEAVY That impossible
I like it
Is Still working?
+5Everything is gone……Nothing can stop this happened
Perhaps the most reductive one.
+1The concept is similar to one that Lockheed introduced in the 1980s.
+1Impressive plane. On the other hand, if you don't press Autopilot hold , the nose of the plane will continue to sink. It is recommended to change the center of gravity.
+1I'm looking forward to the Vickers Super VC-10. I love it.
+1Finally !
+1You Back!
I like it:)
It's rare to see a plane like this on this site.I like it :)
@Biasunrussian How do you Know that
@T57HEAVY That impossible
I like it