@Mustang51 Yes thank you for that, it is hard getting it further since the aircrafts nose would dip more making level flight harder, but yes I will take not of that.
I would suggest working on weight and wing mass as it feels the plane is way to heavy. (Me163 is a glider, this one doesn’t like to glide.) Great job and good job converting rockets into that little space I couldn’t figure out how to make the rocket engine into a fuselage without everything exploding.
Leetle gorls
+2You get some chocolate and some lobster and some eggs and some pie
+1@Mustang51 Thanks man I appreciate it, I just got the idea from a 1950s Russian bomber and kinda built off that with my own stuff.
+1Wings are slightly off but not enough to really matter. Great job man!
@FutuCompany Im just jokeing i like the plane
Ur mum
Nice, lots of g's
Thanks @MellowiRey
Flying his gives me a form of anxiety that doesn't exist
@WSindustries damn, was really hoping I’d get rick rolled
@fredrichpinalba me too
@Trainzo Thank you I’ll take note of that
@Mustang51 thank you man, I always see cool stuff on here and no one upvoting them happy too
@Trainzo thank you man I appreciate it 👍
@Mustang51 Well thank you lad, it does mean a lot.
@Mustang51 Okay man, mind if I use discord?
@Mustang51 Yes thank you for that, it is hard getting it further since the aircrafts nose would dip more making level flight harder, but yes I will take not of that.
@Mustang51 Thanks man, appreciate it, I hope to work on planes more in depth in future designs
@Mustang51 Thank you so much it means a lot! Never had someone react to my build so it’s a boost to my morale mate.
I’d upvote, pretty cool
@xplane10 am I too late?
We need this so bad, especially because the bombs in this game are very dangerous even whenever you think you are high enough
I would suggest working on weight and wing mass as it feels the plane is way to heavy. (Me163 is a glider, this one doesn’t like to glide.) Great job and good job converting rockets into that little space I couldn’t figure out how to make the rocket engine into a fuselage without everything exploding.
It’s all good on my part, I’m on max physics and everything, have you tried that?
Good job man, way better than my makeshift bomber lol.
Really cool, thanks for the advice