@General360 probably, but you wouldn't be able to see it. Tis version was built incorrectly (there was a missunderstanding with the engineer) and it is even smaller on the inside, so you can't go in and check :P
@BirdOfSteel Ich hätte übrigens gerne noch länger in der Beschreibung gefachsimpelt, wenn ich wüsste, was Klampnägel, Taljenblöcke etc auf englisch heißen...
@BirdOfSteel Allein an den Schilden habe ich heute den ganzen Tag gesessen... Insgesamt arbeite ich seit Mittwoch dran. Musst dabei aber auch bedenken, dass ich Ferien habe und damit den ganzen Tag frei ^^
I get like a billion spotlights every hour and it is a realt pain to work through them all with that bleeding upvote cooldown. It takes absolute decades
Not really ancient, is it? xP
Jk i don't know much about carriers... I will probably attempt building a Viking Dragonboat plank by plank next up, so I am gonna be buisy for a while ^^
@Emu1 Oh my bad xD
Just realized that you were referring to the tag... that was stupid of me.
To earn extra Money, the Titanic had three cargo holds in the bow below the G-Deck to carry a bit of cargo aswell as a royal mail office.
What I always do when I build something that you have to keep at 50% throttle or so is, I set the max input on all engines to 0.5 instead of 1. that does exactly that but you don't have to worry.
@Loris When did I ever say that? I'd like you to link me to the post where I said that. If you don't, I'll report this as spam without naming the source.
@DanteLopez Jeez stop screaming! It will explode most likely when you spawn it once, but if you just press the respawn button, it should work. At least it always did when I tried it. Also pleeeease calm down a little bit when you write comments.
@drdoom222 lol xD
@AmazingAidan Thank you ^^
@MoopSealix no problem xD
@MoopSealix ships of the line snd early 20th century steamers are always nice. Try building one of them
@TMach5 Thanks!
@dovahdesigns thank you!
@CaesiciusPlanes thank you. If it was possible, it wouldn't just be a TV show, would it? ^^
@FearlessFabEngineering thanks
@General360 probably, but you wouldn't be able to see it. Tis version was built incorrectly (there was a missunderstanding with the engineer) and it is even smaller on the inside, so you can't go in and check :P
@Devilsfish Danke ^^
Wann bist denn du gold geworden? herzlichen Glückwunsch!
@ancientshipbuilder ok. I'll see, what I can do...
@ancientshipbuilder Is it a replica? If so, of what? I need to take a look myself...
@ancientshipbuilder If you tell me, what details you want, I can give it a try
@ancientshipbuilder what exactly do you need?
@MoopSealix You make a gravatar account here and then upload an image, set it as your gravatar and enable gravatar on your SP account.
@MoopSealix Black pearl is not possible. not enough pictures to build after...
USS Nashville is on my list though
@BirdOfSteel Klampnägel funktionieren, wie normale Klampen. Man belegt daran Seile. Taljenblöcke sind einfach nur die Blöcke von Flaschenzügen.
@BirdOfSteel Ich hätte übrigens gerne noch länger in der Beschreibung gefachsimpelt, wenn ich wüsste, was Klampnägel, Taljenblöcke etc auf englisch heißen...
@BirdOfSteel Deine erste Frage hab ich in meiner Biographie in den FAQ beantwortet xD
@BirdOfSteel Allein an den Schilden habe ich heute den ganzen Tag gesessen... Insgesamt arbeite ich seit Mittwoch dran. Musst dabei aber auch bedenken, dass ich Ferien habe und damit den ganzen Tag frei ^^
@Teus Thank you very much!
@SteadfastContracting Most of the parts are in the shields (about 400), in the stevens (150 each) and the sail mechanisms (400)
@jamesPLANESii he is higher in points than me
@Treadmill103 thanks! Not surprising though...
@jamesPLANESii You can only spotlight lower users...
@Johndfg it works marvellously, I even found a way to fix the speedboat behaviour of the bow coming out of the water ^^
@Johndfg only one?
Are you serious?
@Mueller99 Ich musste mich entscheiden: bewegliches Großsegel oder Großschot...
Very nice ^^
@Emu1 I found out while trying to find every rooms position for the interior of my minecraft one ^^
If you want my advice: Make it more colorful! Some green or sand camo could really add a lot to this!
I get like a billion spotlights every hour and it is a realt pain to work through them all with that bleeding upvote cooldown. It takes absolute decades
Looks great!
close, but not first :P
Not really ancient, is it? xP
Jk i don't know much about carriers... I will probably attempt building a Viking Dragonboat plank by plank next up, so I am gonna be buisy for a while ^^
@Cedy117 @Seeras @Skua
You have had your chance. @RocketLL @TheLatentImage @MediocrePlanes Please judge, weather this is a copy or not
nicer shit kann ich da nur sagen ^^
@Emu1 Oh my bad xD
Just realized that you were referring to the tag... that was stupid of me.
To earn extra Money, the Titanic had three cargo holds in the bow below the G-Deck to carry a bit of cargo aswell as a royal mail office.
@laSoul That rarely ever happenes. It was tha same with my Starfighter. It was absolutely perfect first try ^^
@helikiwi thank you ^^
What I always do when I build something that you have to keep at 50% throttle or so is, I set the max input on all engines to 0.5 instead of 1. that does exactly that but you don't have to worry.
The old one flew insanely well. It was the only plane I ever tried that could start inside the volcano crater.
@ancientshipbuilder why?
@Loris When did I ever say that? I'd like you to link me to the post where I said that. If you don't, I'll report this as spam without naming the source.
@realluochen9999 xD
@DanteLopez Jeez stop screaming! It will explode most likely when you spawn it once, but if you just press the respawn button, it should work. At least it always did when I tried it. Also pleeeease calm down a little bit when you write comments.
@ancientshipbuilder That name actually does sound familiar... Didn't really know you all too well.