@laSoul And fun, but I'm afraid, I might take out some of the fun for others... There have been several cases of ppl saying I would win anyways before I even uploaded or instantly on my submissions...
@laSoul YAAAY ^^
lately, i've been thinking, that maybe I should not take part in challenges anymore. Within the last months, I have won every single one I participated in.
What are the odds? I am almost finished with almost the exact same type of ship! ^^
Well mine has already like 650 parts, but that is because I modelled the cannons
@Shampooshark I also spent years on finding out everything about tallships, but I focussed more on the late 17th Century and the early and middle 18th. That also explains my first steps in this game ^^
@Shampooshark What d'ya mean? I just looked at your profile. HOW ARE YOU NOT EVEN SILVER YET?!? I sooo need to follow you! ^^
You are good, just a little more practice and your ships might look as good (or better than) mine.
I looked at his profile the other day and realized, that he had NOT uploaded within the last 8 hours, so I knew something was not as usual. Personally, I also thought, that he didn't deserve half of his upvotes, but I didn't really care, becaue upvotes are actually pretty much worthless. They show, that you appreciate something, but you can't buy a sh** of them (wich is really really good!).
@CaesiciusPlanes Google-Übersetzer schlägt zurück?
Wie auch immer, ich hab im Moment leider nicht die nötige Zeit für ein Colaboratives Projekt, zumal ich bereits seit einiger Zeit mit einem beschäftigt bin. Tut mir Leid, vielleicht zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt.
@birdsofsteel danke, hat ne ganze Weile gedauert dass es gut schwimmt, weil es ja auch gut untergehen muss ^^
Bei der challenge isses so, dass ich zu viel noch aufm Plan hatte und mich im WWI einfach nicht auskenne
@laSoul If you say so... At least, I know, that points are worthless anyways.
@laSoul And fun, but I'm afraid, I might take out some of the fun for others... There have been several cases of ppl saying I would win anyways before I even uploaded or instantly on my submissions...
@laSoul YAAAY ^^
lately, i've been thinking, that maybe I should not take part in challenges anymore. Within the last months, I have won every single one I participated in.
@Shampooshark well with 27 parts for every one of the 16 cannons, it is a bit late for that ^^
What are the odds? I am almost finished with almost the exact same type of ship! ^^
Well mine has already like 650 parts, but that is because I modelled the cannons
@Shampooshark I also spent years on finding out everything about tallships, but I focussed more on the late 17th Century and the early and middle 18th. That also explains my first steps in this game ^^
@Booster456 thanks
@Devilsfish kannste ruhig machen
@Shampooshark What d'ya mean? I just looked at your profile. HOW ARE YOU NOT EVEN SILVER YET?!? I sooo need to follow you! ^^
You are good, just a little more practice and your ships might look as good (or better than) mine.
I don't even want to know, how a description like this would look for the flying dutchman... respect on that wonderful airplane ^^
Had to be said, m8
@Stijnvdlinde everyone can fly in this game ^^
I looked at his profile the other day and realized, that he had NOT uploaded within the last 8 hours, so I knew something was not as usual. Personally, I also thought, that he didn't deserve half of his upvotes, but I didn't really care, becaue upvotes are actually pretty much worthless. They show, that you appreciate something, but you can't buy a sh** of them (wich is really really good!).
@Areonautics3 lol xD
@Areonautics3 I can't. Youtube germany doesn't allow me to
@KCferrari thank you
@veke6 thanks
@bjac0 thanks ^^
@CaesiciusPlanes Google-Übersetzer schlägt zurück?
Wie auch immer, ich hab im Moment leider nicht die nötige Zeit für ein Colaboratives Projekt, zumal ich bereits seit einiger Zeit mit einem beschäftigt bin. Tut mir Leid, vielleicht zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt.
@Jeff0108 Youtube kennt mich von Simple Planes ^^
@CaesiciusPlanes Danke ^^
@birdsofsteel was solls... Danke!
@Johndfg thanks
@birdsofsteel normalerweise guck ich sie auch spätestens 15:30 uhr, aber wir hatten Besuch
@birdsofsteel in diesem Moment gucke ich die neue Challenge-Folge. Den Rest des Wochenendes werde ich aber wohl nix bauen können...
@birdsofsteel Ich bin häufig online, aber nur, wenn ich nicht am zocken bin :P
Really, really well done. Looks absolutely beautiful ^^
@UmbyTheZombeonYT that is not actually unusual with the performance on ships of this size... sadly. Thanks ^^
@UmbyTheZombeonYT that is not actually unusual with the performance on ships of this size... sadly. Thanks ^^
@birdsofsteel danke, hat ne ganze Weile gedauert dass es gut schwimmt, weil es ja auch gut untergehen muss ^^
Bei der challenge isses so, dass ich zu viel noch aufm Plan hatte und mich im WWI einfach nicht auskenne
That is one quality aircraft ^^
Nice details on the rudder
@Irobert55 Is ja gut! Ich habs doch schon geändert! Mein Gehirn war grad am käsen, als ich das geschrieben hab ^^
@Rohan @fearlesslemon Thank you! ^^
@Seeras Ich HABE aber die Parameter gleichmäßig gemoddet. Oder meinst du, gleichmäßig zu den Parametern des Triebwerks?
Would be pretty sad, if someone was so desperate for points, that they take part in their own challenges.
Mich rettet auch nur noch mein Ventilator ^^
@Seeras gute frage... Ich weiss selbs nicht, was ich eigentlich schreibe
@Irobert55 Ich nehm das krank sein als Kompliment ^^
Ich sende sowieso (fast) alles an ihn. Ich uploade je eh nur 1-2 mal in der Woche.
@TheLatentImage Thanks ^^
@ForeverPie Only one. I already had the hull from the VASA and just changed it to reduce the parts... Thank you ^^
@Irobert55 besonders nach der Folge heute ^^
@Irobert55 keine Sorge, ich baue einen Raumkreuzer nach eigenem Design
Nachdem es mit der Dutchman so gut ging, Schiebe ich deine Challenge einfach mal ein. Mal sehen, ob was gescheites dabei herauskommt ^^
@Devilsfish Danke ^^
@KnightOfAraluen Thank you!!!
I absolutely love those movies ^^
@MasterManufacturingCo too late now, but thanks, next time I'll know
@JMicah4 That worked. Great map, but some parts are a bit too large
@AeroEngineering thanks
@JMicah4 still the same error
@Himynameiswalrus thank you
Wait how do I install it on steam? When I click on the link, It sais error :(