@Boeing727200F Notsu
@LunarEclipseSP can't even let Any plane escape from 'nun'
@LunarEclipseSP NUN
@ThomasRoderick you deer
"Reverse Psychology"
Isi kotaknya🤨
Cool, But the wings are too backward
Keren coeg
@TORSA boleh asal diberi Source atau credit
@NoOne123 entar ku cepetin dulu kapalnya
@NoOne123 wajar kapalnya lambat ukuran segitu
@NoOne123 mohon maaf bang jika ada kekurangan silakan beri tahu jadi saya bisa memperbaikinya:'(
@Darkspoul haha its a bomber try to see the instruction
@Panzerwaifu69 oh thanks im forgot about it i will fix it
Udah bagus bang coba liat destroyer versi gua wkwkwk
@Panzerwaifu69 Ohh Thanks:)
@BoredGuy belom bikin wkwkwk
@LAZERETCHED Yes i want remodel the Elang abu
Dah bagus bre
@INDOMIEGORENG28 Timdak ramah luwh
Bad news:i forgot this destroyer dont have misille
How cool,even i can make the detail like this
Yes it's weird I can't even see the propeller
So good
@LAZERETCHED Thank you for the comment
@ZeroWithSlashedO yes i already made a bomber with a fuselage
@Boeing727200F Notsu
@LunarEclipseSP can't even let Any plane escape from 'nun'
+1@LunarEclipseSP NUN
+1@ThomasRoderick you deer
"Reverse Psychology"
Isi kotaknya🤨
+1Cool, But the wings are too backward
Keren coeg
@TORSA boleh asal diberi Source atau credit
@NoOne123 entar ku cepetin dulu kapalnya
@NoOne123 wajar kapalnya lambat ukuran segitu
@NoOne123 mohon maaf bang jika ada kekurangan silakan beri tahu jadi saya bisa memperbaikinya:'(
@Darkspoul haha its a bomber try to see the instruction
+1@Panzerwaifu69 oh thanks im forgot about it i will fix it
+1Udah bagus bang coba liat destroyer versi gua wkwkwk
@Panzerwaifu69 Ohh Thanks:)
@BoredGuy belom bikin wkwkwk
@LAZERETCHED Yes i want remodel the Elang abu
Dah bagus bre
@INDOMIEGORENG28 Timdak ramah luwh
Bad news:i forgot this destroyer dont have misille
How cool,even i can make the detail like this
Yes it's weird I can't even see the propeller
So good
@LAZERETCHED Thank you for the comment
@ZeroWithSlashedO yes i already made a bomber with a fuselage