Hmm... like I said, not sure what the problem might be, the website usually works for me. Are you using google chrome? Safari tends to have problems, but that might not be it... check your account settings to make sure you didn’t accidentally flip a switch that turns of notifications or something...
That’s weird... not sure why that would be. If it becomes a problem, try restarting the website, and if it doesn’t work, ask a moderator... I have never had any problems with the website though, not sure what exactly you can do...
Go figure, I’m not skilled in making big things, but I’m rn working on a 2000+ part ww2 bomber, it’s not big per say, just... dense. All the parts are compact!
Lol, yeah, not as easy because you have to design an actual gun on a mount, eh... tools I find useful for this that are in vanilla are the nudge and rotate tools, look them up if you don’t already know about them...
Lol - Thanos (as Hel): you can’t defeat me
Iron man (as Thor): I know, but he can
Shaggy: Rises from Asgard palace Like, give me your Scooby Snacks or pay the price @TheXDimension32
I used google translate to write this, not sure how it may have changed the message, but I used words translate understands... - 别担心。我把它翻译成英文。我希望这可以正确翻译。感谢您支持我的构建!@dogdog
Ah, yes @dogdog
Lol @slayeralpha
That’s good.
Maybe, that’s probably likely.
Nice! You should try to make an F4F next!
hmm, im not really sure then.
Hmm... like I said, not sure what the problem might be, the website usually works for me. Are you using google chrome? Safari tends to have problems, but that might not be it... check your account settings to make sure you didn’t accidentally flip a switch that turns of notifications or something...
Cool looking
That’s weird... not sure why that would be. If it becomes a problem, try restarting the website, and if it doesn’t work, ask a moderator... I have never had any problems with the website though, not sure what exactly you can do...
Lol @JediWolf
it’s a real plane too but yes it’s in that movie @JaKyBoy
Go figure, I’m not skilled in making big things, but I’m rn working on a 2000+ part ww2 bomber, it’s not big per say, just... dense. All the parts are compact!
Lol that was 1.2 years ago but yes it sure as heck is a spoder @slayeralpha
Thx, I spent longer than I should have, because I didn’t realize the nudge tool existed :P @belugasub
Big oof @JediWolf
Yeah, those are going to come in handy for some of my newer builds too. @JediWolf
Woah, firepower+1000 lol @blackvultureaeroespace
Np, the b-29 and it’s sucessors are some of the coolest bombers in world history
Yeah, I bet it was the catapult, that is pretty cool. @slayeralpha
Lol, yeah, not as easy because you have to design an actual gun on a mount, eh... tools I find useful for this that are in vanilla are the nudge and rotate tools, look them up if you don’t already know about them...
Lol yeah that was a joke. Good luck @slayeralpha
Idk honestly it’s weird @BuiltBionixInd10
World War One is under appreciated sometimes. Nice work!
K @slayeralpha was that good? Dang it, I ruined it...
Thanks for the upvote, and yes you may. Go ham! @slayeralpha
I was wondering that too, despite the different color scheme @breitling
Thx! @shahram15
Ah, well, I apreciate the support nonetheless. Thank you for the upvote! @slayeralpha
Yeah. I getcha, just to have it work.
I’m not telling you what to do though, if you remove the image of a plane it could still be one hell of a truck ;) @Tank6376
It’s for a plane, because of the big image of a plane on the console, but I guess you could make it for a truck with some editing... @Tank6376
Awesomely made!
I like the cockpit design!
The wings buckle if an enemy plane hits it correctly! So cool!
This is the ‘Juul’ of sp
Lol - Thanos (as Hel): you can’t defeat me
Iron man (as Thor): I know, but he can
Shaggy: Rises from Asgard palace Like, give me your Scooby Snacks or pay the price @TheXDimension32
Noice 👌😭👌
I used google translate to write this, not sure how it may have changed the message, but I used words translate understands... - 别担心。我把它翻译成英文。我希望这可以正确翻译。感谢您支持我的构建!@dogdog
Thx! ... I think, I only speak English and some Spanish... @dogdog
Thx! @ThePilotDude
Thank you! @AceOfSpade
If you can, that would be awesome. Thanks! @toxicgamer88
Spyro wouldn’t be much of an aircraft though, would he ... @blueangelproduction