Squirrel: makes an aircraft carrier 5 times the size of the new beast
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Edit: I just learned the hard way that the so website removes a bunch of spaces that are placed consecutively; it’s supposed to be surprised pikachu
Buddies and Pals. Both Clinton and Trump did well. Clinton won the popular vote, and trump won the electoral votes. Neither of them sucked. But why is everyone talking about politics? This is a normal Jet. I actually have one. Nice job.
Bruh people who hate anime have never seen Fullmetal Alchemist, take your bias somewhere else. This is an amazing build, and it took a lot of talent to create, that's the bottom line, whether you love anime or hate it.
I had a heart attack for a second, because I don’t want to pay that much a month, especially when I know I personally would. Thanks for making some of my favorite games ever!
Wait should I remove the upvote to keep it at order 66, or keep it to help get to 69... very hard choice here D: I don’t wanna remove it because it’s just so good
My oh my. Well since I know you and your builds by QingyuZhou, it’s going to be a transition. But, I didn’t know that was your real name, I thought it was just a cool username (cool name btw). For security’s sake, I like new name.
Remember when the planes were simple
+8Congratulations on your job at NASA based on your access to a computer capable of making this
+7Something female in literally any sense of the word is posted on this website:
The comments: ThAtS iNnApProPrIaTe!
+7Time for a crusade
+6I’m sorry but what the hell kinda sorcery is this
+5This made a huge comeback, it used to only have 500 upvotes
+5You’re a wizard dude
We are still screaming, right?
+4If Porsche went into the aircraft industry
+4Nein! I can’t download it because mobile doesn’t have tracks 2!
+4Nachtjäger = German Groove it makes you want to stay up all nacht and tanzen
+4Its quite maneuverable for it’s size - in other words, It’s got the moves like jäger
+4Jundroo: makes U.S.S. beast way bigger
Squirrel: makes an aircraft carrier 5 times the size of the new beast
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Edit: I just learned the hard way that the so website removes a bunch of spaces that are placed consecutively; it’s supposed to be surprised pikachu
Buddies and Pals. Both Clinton and Trump did well. Clinton won the popular vote, and trump won the electoral votes. Neither of them sucked. But why is everyone talking about politics? This is a normal Jet. I actually have one. Nice job.
+4The craptor
+3Top Gun: "hiiiiighwaaaay toooo theeee dangeeer zoneeeee!"
Top Gun Maverick: "We don't even know if that piece of junk can fly."
+3Bruh people who hate anime have never seen Fullmetal Alchemist, take your bias somewhere else. This is an amazing build, and it took a lot of talent to create, that's the bottom line, whether you love anime or hate it.
+3The Milano
The Cooler Milano:
+3Somebody must be having fun playing Star Wars Squadrons
+3I had a heart attack for a second, because I don’t want to pay that much a month, especially when I know I personally would. Thanks for making some of my favorite games ever!
+3Is it bad that I wanted and got Battlefield 1 for Christmas this year
+3Absolutely wack my dood and very intuitive as well
+3Wait should I remove the upvote to keep it at order 66, or keep it to help get to 69... very hard choice here D: I don’t wanna remove it because it’s just so good
+3This is what you get when an A-10 takes steroids
+3Awesome! I am going to make my own plane like this, but it will be a bomber that you can shoot down.
+3No one is going to make an airplane on a destroyer...
[insert surprised pikachu meme]
Yeah, I bet it will look very pretty by the end (or maybe a hodgepodge of random cool looking ornaments) but only time will tell... @Gameboi14
+3Woagh das a big plain
+3Star Trek builds are always super cool, nice work!
+2I've never seen Gundam but between this and Ian Yashima's version I'm gonna watch it, they are both so different and well made, amazing work!
+2Awesome build and forgive me for asking but is that Tomcat in the background a map piece, or a build lol (and link/builder if it's the latter?)
+2This is an awesome livery
+2Bro this thing looks like it was built by Gru
+2Cool chopper but the Cobra already has the designation AH-1 lol, unless it’s intentional and I’m the goober
+2Beautifully stated, I’m glad this was said.
+2You are a hero I have been waiting for an updated c-47 since 65 years ago when the dinosaurs were tragically taken from us
+2Coca Cola espuma
+2Why thank you! You might like this one too. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Lcii1s/Airbus-A300-600ST-Beluga @Planecrafter1622
+2ICBMs were invented during the Cold War
People in World War One:
+2“The enemy is being reinforced with a dreadnought”
+2I destroyed a B-17 with this, and it gives a whole new meaning to the “Agricultural Revolution”
+2My oh my. Well since I know you and your builds by QingyuZhou, it’s going to be a transition. But, I didn’t know that was your real name, I thought it was just a cool username (cool name btw). For security’s sake, I like new name.
+2So this is what happens when you watch too much anime
+2Hey have you seen the one where 100 of these try to take down a Maus
+2That star destroyer’s disabled!
+2After you take away the bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise, what have you got?
+2Wdym download and undo
Nvm, I’m on mobile, would love to try it... have an upvote anyway, it looks really cool!