@spefyjerbf Yah, I was just going to give you tips anywa.
For every object, add an LOD componen. If you're unsure how to use these, maybe look at some tutorials online. You should set the first LOD to the object I(it will take a long time to do this if you have hindreds of objects, but it's worth the wait).
For making trees easier to run, go to standard assets>terrain(?) >speed tree(select the prefab for whichever tree you use in-game) then adjust the LOD scales so that it reads-"99,98,97,10". That will make for easier rendering of trees.
Also, (this only applies to massive terrain parts) set the pixel error to 10/20, that will make the FPS increase by about 100%.
That's all I can remember at the moment, but if I come up with anything, I'll try to sing out, and let you know.
Sweet as?
@spefyjerbf Hey, do you still have the project for this? Because you could potentially change the playability of this so that the FPS increases by about 200%.
I found some sneaky features when trying to make my maps easy to run.
Do you want some tips?
@DemonSniper8 Because it's all terrain object. The SP map is the same. It's only when you drive on stuff like bridges or other 3d mobels that it acts like a road.
@EliteArsenals24 I'm kidding, it's using an external program called Reshade.me.
It is still gameplay, it basically just adds extra post processing filters to it, e.g. bloom, lens flare, god rays and other neato features.
@Hawkeye156 oh ho ho, you're gonna be surprised by my next project. The only spoilers I'm gonna release for the moment are, it's huge, it's sandy, and it's extremely detailed. ;)
I made a similar concept too, except there are no wings on the aircraft. It was made solely out of fuselage and an engine. It works, but there are a few problems.
I know this'll sound kinda weird, but my pet sheep of 12 years died about 2 weeks ago. She was 4,1/2 years younger than me.
I'd lived with her most of my life!
Anyway, sorry for your loss mate.
I feel that your builds should have more upvotes :/
+1What a load of ship
+1Back from the dead
@TomyStayer01 The overload mod
@FastDan Yeah, I had a talk with Andrew and he changed it, my old one is now DuckMintoldprofile:)
+1Lol, is there a part you haven't used?
Wow, this is really good
Where did you get that nice texture on the 17th picture?
t e x t
@Spikerya reeeee.............
It would probably be best to remove this post, it will only start drama.
Lol, why is your tank track stuff here? XD
+1Is it magic?
+3@spefyjerbf Awesome, but keep in mind, it will take a long time to make every part LOD'd. So perhaps use a few, but also re-use some prefabs. :D
@spefyjerbf Yah, I was just going to give you tips anywa.
For every object, add an LOD componen. If you're unsure how to use these, maybe look at some tutorials online. You should set the first LOD to the object I(it will take a long time to do this if you have hindreds of objects, but it's worth the wait).
For making trees easier to run, go to standard assets>terrain(?) >speed tree(select the prefab for whichever tree you use in-game) then adjust the LOD scales so that it reads-"99,98,97,10". That will make for easier rendering of trees.
+4Also, (this only applies to massive terrain parts) set the pixel error to 10/20, that will make the FPS increase by about 100%.
That's all I can remember at the moment, but if I come up with anything, I'll try to sing out, and let you know.
Sweet as?
This is still perhaps, the most played map on my PC and Android!
@spefyjerbf Hey, do you still have the project for this? Because you could potentially change the playability of this so that the FPS increases by about 200%.
+1I found some sneaky features when trying to make my maps easy to run.
Do you want some tips?
@jamesPLANESii oof, do it!
This is still the most fantastic build I've ever seen on this site!
You should try building some more NZ stuff!
Awesome, but needs better screenshots ;)
Looks neat, but needs some gear
Welcome to my life... :)
Sneaky, someone is using easy roads... ;)
+1@DemonSniper8 Ree, I don't know how to change it 😅
@marcox43 Don't change it in Unity, change it on the SP website
@DemonSniper8 Because it's all terrain object. The SP map is the same. It's only when you drive on stuff like bridges or other 3d mobels that it acts like a road.
@StallFlight If I find out how I will. But I can't code and there isn't much online
@jamesPLANESii I might release it privately
@DPSAircraftManufacturer no
@marcox43 Edit the downloads
@Hawkeye156 I have 2 near releasable soon
This is really cool
@Spikerya ree
+1Ask someone to set the input to "error" or "akfkvjrbeksagk"
That'll cancel it.
By the way people, I have an update for this and another few maps ready for uploading. You may have to wait about 4-6 days though :)
+1@EliteArsenals24 I'm kidding, it's using an external program called Reshade.me.
It is still gameplay, it basically just adds extra post processing filters to it, e.g. bloom, lens flare, god rays and other neato features.
@EliteArsenals24 It's actual gameplay ;)
@TruttleBlock173 No
@TehDuck We were once many in number...
+1@jamesPLANESii Lol, all my subjects have externals that are done all years long, so I have no exams.
Oh, are you on study leave next week, or do you guys do it different?
Tiggity 'T' my dude
See ya later mate
@Hawkeye156 oh ho ho, you're gonna be surprised by my next project. The only spoilers I'm gonna release for the moment are, it's huge, it's sandy, and it's extremely detailed. ;)
I made a similar concept too, except there are no wings on the aircraft. It was made solely out of fuselage and an engine. It works, but there are a few problems.
@BaconRoll I see what you did there ;)
I know this'll sound kinda weird, but my pet sheep of 12 years died about 2 weeks ago. She was 4,1/2 years younger than me.
I'd lived with her most of my life!
Anyway, sorry for your loss mate.