1,710 XEX01Calibarn Comments

  • Airborne Tactical Pencil 2.1 years ago

    "I once saw him kill three men in a bar... with a pencil. With a f*ing pencil"

    The pencil:

  • GR-MS 01 Pawn 2.3 years ago

    Me after seeing this: Oh wow, a mobile suit. Too bad it looks like it has so many parts, there's no way my potato phone can run this thing

    sees the part count


  • SR-73 Starfire 3.2 years ago

    This is based on the illustration of AirForces Monthly Special Stealth about the supposed American hypersonic aircraft that crashed upon takeoff at Boscombe Down in Britain on the night of September 1994



  • SR-73 Starfire 3.2 years ago

    @MEHMEDOVICxINDUSTRIES feel free to add changes in this aircraft and then reupload this with better photos

  • Mig-21bis "Fishbed" -Diviner- 1.9 years ago

    How did you make that custom emblem on the tail?

  • Lockheed Martin Darkstar (with radar, revamped cockpit) 2.1 years ago

    @WinsWings @Mattflat101

  • The Door 2.1 years ago

    Bell, open the door

  • Darkstar (UPDATED) 2.7 years ago


  • ME-Project NO.1 3.2 years ago

    This looks good bro, thanks

    I'm also modifying one of your jets as a hypersonic spy aircraft and I'm wrapping it up for publication in a few days

    Happy New Year btw

  • ME-SB-57 ''Eagle 6'' 3.2 years ago

    Hi, can you change the afterburner nozzle of this jet to the one similarly used by the Northrop YF-23?