My countries'border village was attacked by Myanmar Air Force few years ago...
Wish Myanmar can become a country which is peaceful,united,no junta and NO TELECOM FRAUD
the airliner was been used by Choson Minhang in a time,but they didn't have material to maintain the plane so that the YS11 was been sent to China to fix(mainland got some data from taiwan)
Cherish peace and oppose war. I hope the Ukrainian people can get rid of the suffering of the war as soon as possible, and I also hope the Chinese compatriots in Ukraine can go home safely.
@combinetheelite NO,Lavi's and J-10's aerodynamic configuration is not similar.
One canards are close range coupling, and the other is medium range coupling.
The J-10 performs air superiority missions, which are different from Lavi's main use for attack
@Cosmopolitan We have never seen China bully other countries. I have only seen the aircraft carrier formation of a certain country break into our island and reef territorial waters from time to time, while a nearby "innocent country" is full of ambitions for China and Korea. The country that sent the aircraft carrier formation to invade China not only want to force us what to do, but also does everything to restrict our company from doing business with them
The country with a large number of aircraft carriers, under the banner of "freedom and democracy" and "peace and security", has launched wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Cuba, Nicaragua, Yugoslavia and other places, and is now doing everything possible to plunge Ukraine and Russia into the flames of war
@Jaspy190 just shut your stupid mouth up,i repeat.
It is not allowed to discuss politics in the community. If you are hostile to others, you can vent your anger in another place. Don't be mad here like a rabid dog
My countries'border village was attacked by Myanmar Air Force few years ago...
+5Wish Myanmar can become a country which is peaceful,united,no junta and NO TELECOM FRAUD
Love from mainland
+3Moskva:Cruiser to Submarine()
+3yeah you are right,we also have copy Raptor,copy Virginia,copy Nimitz,copy Abrams and your parents,in case of false replacement😅
@kimbluefan america again... please stop😅😜
+3Could I use this pigeon to convey the desire for peace?
+3the airliner was been used by Choson Minhang in a time,but they didn't have material to maintain the plane so that the YS11 was been sent to China to fix(mainland got some data from taiwan)
从不相信 神仙皇帝
Happy PLA Day🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Y-8 have 4 engines...
+2Happy National Day 🇸🇬
+2Love From 🇨🇳
@Rework yeah,I don't think China will use such stupid methods hhhhhhh
+2@Jaspy190 Tibet is an integral part of China.
+2@Jaspy190 shut your stupid mouth up
+2Heisei Reisen🇯🇵
+2飞 天 茅 台
+2Cherish peace and oppose war. I hope the Ukrainian people can get rid of the suffering of the war as soon as possible, and I also hope the Chinese compatriots in Ukraine can go home safely.
The world's largest freighter was destroyed......
Goodbye, Mriya,Мой дорогий Орл.
+2@YOUKYOSEI 您这种人也挺有趣的,外国人在某大佬的59底下扯什么六四天安门的时候可没人告诉他们别扯政治啊 他们说那些话的时候意识到这是游戏社区了?
+2把IDF活生生整成I don't fly不是他自己前期摔的太多的锅?都跟F-104 飞豹这样的棺材齐名了 而且一个二代半飞机以前大陆羡慕那是自己能力不足 现在呢?
+1Za Stalinaaaaaaaaah
+1@combinetheelite NO,Lavi's and J-10's aerodynamic configuration is not similar.
+1One canards are close range coupling, and the other is medium range coupling.
The J-10 performs air superiority missions, which are different from Lavi's main use for attack
+1A more convenient and powerful livery system:)
+1@AeroflotBilibili 正确的
+1@AeroflotBilibili 虽然但是,非要说谐音梗的话 闪电航空这个名会更霸气且更符合实际些
+1@AeroflotBilibili 虽说谐音梗有些尬就是了()
+1@AeroflotBilibili SDA嘛()
+1@Deandash Fly,you fools!(By Ding Yi)
+1@SyntheticL 坐标西安,十三朝古都的底蕴是真足()
+1beautiful viper
+1@Kassap yeah,because of somebody who just want to discuss poltics not aircraft
+1@Verdugo barking what😅
+1just a weather balloon thx
+1dear,742 have no winglets...
+1@ta154154 no mig-17
+1@Cosmopolitan We have never seen China bully other countries. I have only seen the aircraft carrier formation of a certain country break into our island and reef territorial waters from time to time, while a nearby "innocent country" is full of ambitions for China and Korea. The country that sent the aircraft carrier formation to invade China not only want to force us what to do, but also does everything to restrict our company from doing business with them
+1The country with a large number of aircraft carriers, under the banner of "freedom and democracy" and "peace and security", has launched wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Cuba, Nicaragua, Yugoslavia and other places, and is now doing everything possible to plunge Ukraine and Russia into the flames of war
@Cosmopolitan 中国欺负他国我们没有见过,我只见到了某个国家的航母编队时不时地闯入我们的岛礁领海,而附近某个“无辜的国家”针对中国的军国主义思潮很是野心勃勃,那个派航母编队来侵犯中国的国家不仅对我们指手画脚,还千方百计地限制我们的公司与他们做生意
+1这个手上拥有大量航空母舰的国家还打着“自由民主”“和平安全”的旗号,在朝鲜 越南 中东 古巴 尼加拉瓜 南斯拉夫等地发动了战争,现在又在千方百计地让乌克兰和俄罗斯陷入战火之中
@WingDreamAllianceBonin az 是国人吗
+1@Jaspy190 just shut your stupid mouth up,i repeat.
+1It is not allowed to discuss politics in the community. If you are hostile to others, you can vent your anger in another place. Don't be mad here like a rabid dog